Who's not going to buy D4?

Naw more like ten % D2 ninety % Diablo 3/World of Warcrap copy paste

I’m sure I’ll get it eventually. I enjoyed it enough, but I never felt close to addicted in any test period. I’m on a budget and can’t really justify the price. The extra $20 for four days early access is also a massive demotivation.

I think the odds of a sale by xmas are pretty decent considering how they’ve behaved lately with WOW and D2R. Especially considering they want more bodies that may be willing to regularly get battle passes if they get hooked.

Sometimes the diversity movement has been blatantly craptastic. Cleopatra was Macedonian not African. However people are getting a bit too touchy about the topic. If you want to see diversity done honestly see Hidden Figures. It’s a great movie. As for games I can’t think of one off hand that was hurt by diversity.


Sometimes sure, but it often turns into some people just upset about non-white people in general and acting like there is some kind of agenda against straight white dudes.

Which is exactly what happened in this thread.

I would also argue technically nothing is really hurt by diversity itself. Things are hurt by people in charge thinking that a nice message is a substitute for a good product, and that’s a concept that pre-dates all this woke vs anti-woke stuff.

Suits are always gonna look for a shortcut to easy money that doesn’t involve them putting in the time and effort needed to actually make good products, and that mentality is what hurts things.


Actually, a lot of people pre-ordered D4. So i guess Blizzard knew what they are doing. :laughing:


mmm… I hear what you saying… gotta wonder though, question that matters, are they anti gluten free too?

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You make it sound like they took a decade to even approach any approximation of balance between classes, let alone builds. Oh, wait…

As for OP’s question…no, I won’t be buying it. Even if I were the kind of guy to do such a thing, and it were possible, I wouldn’t even play a cracked copy of it. After the shady behavior we’ve seen out of Hacktivision/Blizzard, I refuse to do anything that would have even the slightest positive impact on them.

If they change, my opinion will change with it. I won’t hold my breath.

I will buy D4 not earlier than the beginning of the first season and even then on a new account

Sticking to my guns on not buying anything Blizzard until Kotick is gone and the marked signs of leadership changes within. Some of us haven’t forgot about the assaults and harassment on top of their response to that going public being to try to bottle it and shill union busting propaganda.

From the video game perspective, nothing about D4 has impressed me and, if anything, has turned me off with their embracing of “modern gaming monetization” which is just the usual code word for stripping features to sell back to the player. Yes, cosmetics included. D2 had its time for me and was far from perfect. PoE never grabbed me as its so-called “spiritual successor” and seeing the devs trying to clone that to some degree just made me sad. D3 had its own flaws, too, but of the three titles, it’ll be the one I prefer to play if I had to. Respecting the players time is, frankly, one of the fundamental aspects of a game I look for these days and you don’t achieve that with costly respecs, mandatory trading, or deliberately making it so some people will never find certain loot due to rarity. Level 20 may not be enough to really flesh out builds, but from feedback I’ve read of others I’m more inclined to trust than PR spin, outlook isn’t good.

Basically, I expect this first year to see a lot of sweeping patch cycles as honest reviews hit, numbers drop, and Blizz relearns the lesson you can’t prioritize the vocal hardcore minorities who will design your game into the ground if you let them.


Vocal hardcore minority’s thread:

To me with the stuff they put in the dungeons for the classes makes it seem like there trying to force us to do the dungeons just to get the classes better optimized.

Won’t buy. Mostly because I was not impressed by any of the class skill sets presented so far. None of them feel weighty, punchy with crisp sound engineering, or flashy as do the skills in D2/D3. I was so disappointed by how muted frozen orb looks , for example. I want to feel like I’m hurling an orb of death, not some puny ball of icicles.

Also, really hate how they kept the resource system of d3, which is my least favorite part of the game. If anything has been made apparent in d3, it’s that almost no one likes alternating between generators and spenders. Hence one offensive skill per build, usually.


Diablo IV is going to be a bad, soulless game and it’s going to make this bad, soulless company a ton of money.


Ah, yes, the token gatekeeping rhetoric and cheering for PvP gank squads. Peak gaming.


Hey, kids need something fun to do when school gets out…

I have no intention to buy Diablo 4. I did not like the decisions they made with Diablo 3 and their power jumps nor the online only, and Diablo 4 looks like it’s gone further down the same paths.

Grim Dawn and Titan Quest are where I get my ARPG doses now. Those that want Diablo 4 and enjoy it, good for you, I’m glad you found a game you like.

But to me, Diablo just doesn’t feel the same anymore.


Now there’s to be forced PvP on top of everything else? I will change my vote. Now I’m not buying it twice. Impossible? Maybe. But that’s how I feel about that.

Who is D4 for. I don’t understand the trailer’s music. Blizzard went out of their way to make it a violent game with age restrictions and shun their original fanbase. Having two repelling forces trying to make the same game and you end up with something strange.

I can answer that. They made it for the same reason they made D:I. They made it for wallets, not for people; nevermind players.

Until I see otherwise out of this company, I will repeat this phrase to anyone who’ll listen (and most that won’t): “Blizzard used to make games. Now they just make money.”


A surprise. Shows us making money isn’t hard. Attach a respected label and you will start speaking wallet language. You can put any music on it that you like. You can make the game ugly. You can take out features from previous titles. Simplify the design and dream up any DLC idea. Make sure to wave something iconic in front of the wallets. Those Diablo Horns look great to remind them it is Diablo so they are going to buy it.