Who's not going to buy D4?

Except for Vault and Clan PVP stuff, all PVE content (unless I missed something out here) can be done solo in DI now.

You can fight the DI Raid Boss solo and the Raid Boss’s strength will scale with you…but yeah, unless you want the LC from the weekly raid boss, I guess you have to party for the sake of party despite you can solo it. :thinking:

and DI World Boss? people are literally soloing it, but then DI World Boss gave crappy rewards so not many people actually bothered with it.

already got it will play it for sure but it will be mostly solo play, if i want group contend i am better off in WoW.

Dragonflight was the last straw, I will never give Activision Blizzard’s anti-white, anti-male, anti-straight, anti-healthy/attractive social agenda another dime for anything ever again. Hard pass on D-4


Dear diary…


moar letturz

Why is there always this assumption that anyone critical of D4 is so un-worldly and so naive, that they must have ONLY ever played D3?

Like, oh, “somebody is delivering an opinion I disagree with, they must be comparing it to the only game they’ve ever opened on their computer, D3.”

Nah dawg, I’ve got news for you, we’ve played and experienced many more games.

I’m glad to see more folks taking the high road here and refusing to support this poor development.

I don’t know how Blizzard managed to royally mess this one up - they could have had a slam dunk with D4. Instead, it is a hodgepodge of :poop:.

For those in doubt of what I’m saying, the proof is in the pudding. Look at how many IMPORTANT jobs are vacant on the D4 dev team: (https ://careers. blizzard. com/global/en/search-results?keywords=Diablo%20IV&s=1) - absolutely disgraceful, pityful, shameful.


Eh? Yeah, because being built like a brick wall and/or being built like a twig with massive mammaries like the standard tend to be is either of those?

I’ll be waiting for a sale, at least.

There’s nothing particularly bad about the game I can point out, but neither did it impress me all that much and I got other stuff to play. D2R is more than sufficient to get my Diablo fix for the time being.

Everybody knows that being built like a twig with two bowling balls is peak women’s health and not even more unhealthy than whatever it is the anti-woke crowd is crying about.

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The Blizzard npc diversity tool gives a higher score for abnormal body type/ appearance. So unattractive or unhealthy is prioritized, call it what you will.


That tool was shown on Overwatch and I’ll have you know that Roadhog is a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus.

That is what peak performance looks like.

I call it BS.

It is BS. Blizzard’s games still have plenty of conventionally attractive people, and that’s assuming they’re even using the tool.

Which the tool itself is just a data analysis tool. Data by itself means very little.

Some people just see games having a bit more diversity and for some reason think it’s an attack on straight white dudes.


Waiting until early 2024 at least before possibly purchasing. Until that time the D4 forums shall provide epic comedy relief by observing millions of customers with zero impulse control and plenty of buyer’s remorse.


I just want a straight honest answer of what they spent 5+ years of dev time on. You’re telling me it took 5+ years to create a broken stripped down version of D3 that combines all of the bad aspects of D2 and D3? A small team of steam devs could probably make the same game in a few years with 1/100 the budget.


Valid point. I get knocked for this, but Wolcen (though not a perfect) is a great game. It’s got amazing graphics, feels like a true ARPG, and play smoother than D2 and just a tad below D3. And has true customization. I’ll be playing the lastest expansion after S28. And did mention that women in the game beautiful & men are manly.


Seriously doubt there will be enough power creep in the game for you to walk around naked at top difficulty and one shotting them from just walking past
If you need the altar of rites in D3 permanently to make the game playable by your standards D4 is nowhere near that

what is an abnormal body type and appearance?

Looks are also in the eye of the beholder

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Yeah, you know, nice try.

im not they are so greedy it’s insane

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Count me in.
20 characters

I find the PR and devs are living in the year 2003. Other companies offer much better bonuses. Launch day bonuses or bonuses based on how many ‘likes’ or interactions.

Blizzard must think we are stupid. We are going to rush and try hard to get some thing shiney for our horse’s butts.

Blizzard thought we couldn’t be more excited and can’t wait to buy the collectors edition. That way we can get some special candles, cloths, and a pin.

Blizzard think we will enjoy spending over a hundred dollars to make a character in their customization tool made for ugly people, and that we’d buy the extra options locked behind DLC. This is right after we’ve experienced better ones for free like in monster hunter, elden ring, and cyberpunk.

Blizzard think we will take on their new restricted itemization mechanics, and a story ignoring what was established in Diablo3.

Does this gamer still exist today? I can’t wait to see who it is.