Where are the DH players?

Can you point me to the post(s) where this was determined?

Give me a sec, it’ll take a moment to find them but I’ll edit them into this post with links.

This is the most prescient one I could find. The rest of them were ways to go about giving the set that 5X buff.

Edit #3:

We decided the easiest way to do that without giving the set a buff that would appear astronomical was to buff the 4 piece from: 60% to 300%

The set bonus would like this:

Before the buff: You take 60% less damage and deal 60% more damage for 8 seconds if enemies are not within 10 yards of you.

Buffed it would read: You take 60% less damage and deal 300% more damage for 8 seconds if enemies are not within 10 yards of you.

I never said One class to rule them all.

Cru and Barb both done 150 solo on PS4 this season…

I rely more on experience than false optimism.

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Was it non-season?

And since it was console, were their items edited?

If it was season, the season buff is really, really powerful.

If it was non season and their items were not edited, (I haven’t looked at he barbarian and crusader leaderboards) are they also doing that on PC and if they are, do they happen to be those 10,000 plus paragon players.

Look, I’m done with this thread. This DH has had enough. it seems far too many of you are too worried about being polite and begging Blizzard to fix things and being happy to accept whatever crappy scraps you’re given, than actually pushing and pushing hard for buffs and inclusion into the meta.

I’d like to have a chance to be in the 4 man meta as a DH based RGK or trash killer as I think many people would. But, it seems I’m wrong, so I’ll just keep my mouth and stop participating.

Good luck with DH buffs in the future.

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Look, again, no one’s arguing about not being in the meta, what we’re trying to discuss with you is how to get there.

But cool, if all you’re going to do is rant, then good luck. I’d appreciate it if you’d keep it out of this thread.

But, by all means, Start your own. It is completely within your right to vent.

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Hey man, just wanted to drop a note that if you are trying to load all of a 5x bonus into that 4 piece, it needs to go to +700% rather than +300%.

No buff: let ‘s say 100 damage
Current buff: +60%, so 160 damage.
You need 5x in relation to this 160.

160 * 5 = 800

So you need +700% : 100 + 700 = 800.

Season 19.

Seasons on consoles don’t allow edited items, not even via save wizard crap. However, apparently, paragon and lgems and mats can be edited now in season via save wizard. Homerjnick and myself reported this as an issue way back in s13 to Blizzard and they did SFA. Many players, including myself, have pushed for seasons on consoles to be online only as per the PC version of the game, and again, Blizzard does nothing. Hell, console players get even less love from Blizzard than DH players do lol!!!

I do strongly suspect that the lgems and augments are all fake via save wizard. But, I have no proof. Note: Blizzard hides paragon on the console LBs…why? I have no idea, there’s no sane reason to hide it.

Personally, I hate the s19 buff. I find it more of a hindrance to me personally - blocking me from seeing mobs cos of the seasonal theme animations, additional lag to the already laggy console platform version of the game…

That’s the problem then, dp.

The season buffs throw of the numbers. The buffs for the last two seasons have been huge.

If you want a comparison of where the class should be you should look at the non season boards on PC.

Console non season is open to shenanigans. PC’s aren’t.

I don’t think non season barbs or crusader’s are clearing 150 and when Crusader did that, earlier, Blizzard nerfed them.

And thank you Rage. I’ll adjust the OP accordingly.


LOL, I told you, Rage, I stink at math. Really thank you. With out your help, I’d be completely lost about what the class needs numbers wise.

I think that might have come out wrong. What I mean is, I’m grateful for the help you’ve volunteered. That’s awesome.

But I don’t want it to sound like I’m discounting the efforts of everyone else in the thread…


To everyone that’s contributed to this thread no matter how large or how small you believe your contribution to be, Thank You. And I hope each of you have felt the appreciation for your efforts that I’m trying to convey.

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what about

2pc - increase damage 6000% and 10,000% against elites/champs/bosses
6pc - increase damage on first hit by 100,000%

it seems to me (and i’m aware i could be way off base) that buffing the 2pc to 12,000 globally would be crazy

That was the same request I was answering. He had the same suggestion, 10,000 and 100,000 respectively, it mean.

But I’m no good at math. But to me that looks like only a 2X buff. If I’m reading all this math right, that would be between a 4 and 5 greater rift improvement.

If my going by that guys example, 120 is the average joes clear with Impale, then that would put them at 125 or there abouts. That’s short of the 130. But then again, paragon plays a role as well and I don’t know what kind of paragon he had when he made the suggestion. But if it is like mine, say around 2500, he’d get about 1 or 2 greater rift improvement if he was 5000 paragon.

So a guestimation of what the Shadow would need would be about a 2.5 or 3 times boost.

So the bonus would be something like 11,000 (or maybe a little higher 12 or 13) 2 piece and 125,000 to the six piece. But again that would just be a guess.

Judging builds around 5k is kinda silly as most people don’t take non season very serious. You can get 5k in season but you’re going to be doing metas the entire season and it’s ok for some but I like to do other things too. A high average of try hard season is probably around 3k which like you said puts impale around 120-122 without the season buff =it takes lots of keys without the pandemonium buff

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Agreed, but isn’t my parameter. Blizzard said that’s the parameter they’re using, so that’s what I have to work with.

Lowering it down to maybe around 2500 would be more appropriate in my estimation too but the variable between what low paragon and high paragon people do with set would be too wide, I think, according to Blizzard.

Why did DH have to be stuck with only one source of damage?
Why can’t it utilize two?
Look at the Rykers game video, the fighter with crossbow was using a sentry, chakram, and arrow/knife.
Change the sets like some suggest for shadow to throw both chakram and impale. Make something a bit more useful as Manticore offer multiplier damage increase with cluster arrow.

I want things changed so you don’t rely on just one thing. Have things that work from close up to demons as well as ranged.

I’d like that too. Something that would totally make that possible, working more skills into builds is if we didn’t have to have Dawn in every build.

No Dawn, we could other things in the cube like Karlie’s, Sword of Ill Will, Kridershot, Augustine’s, Spines. Or maybe Fortress Ballista for more defense. That would allow us to use some our other fun skills.

Then if they improved the multipliers on some of items, we’d definitely see new builds.


That’s a worthy subject to discuss as well…

How do we make it so Dawn is not mandatory in every build?

I think the easiest (but maybe not coding wise) is lower the cooldown for Vengeance from 90 to around 30 seconds, making Dawn completely unnecessary at all. I suggest this, because Blizzard has balanced our class around Full Uptime on Vengeance.

But what are some other things they could do to improve the situation.

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The Dawn/Vengeance issue pretty much mandates they evaluate the entire class. You’ll probably never see a 30s base CD because that would just trigger all the other classes who’d want their “ultimate” forms similarly adjusted.

So, yeah, it means they’d have to greatly improve generators in both resource production and damage output. Hatred spenders likely need cost reductions all around, with some needing some damage buffs of their own. Making our weapons more in-line with other two-handers like I brought up before should also be on the table, with crossbows needing the biggest help of all. We’ll probably never see the passive damage reduction like other classes, but a variant akin to 10-20% if mobs aren’t within 5 yards may gain some traction.

Personally, I’m not content with the “baby steps” approach, myself, and just throwing our hands up saying drastic overhauls won’t happen because D3 is in the hands of the Classic team now is just a self-fulfilling prophecy of mediocrity. If severe changes are required, then that is what is required. If it means needing 2 patches instead of 1, so be it. Chasing the meta may be nice for expedient paragon gains and higher gem levels than solo, but we also need to be mindful that people are for more inclined to play solo or in non-optimal/low-man party formations. Changes that don’t benefit these sorts of players may as well not exist.

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I’ve been saying that from the beginning, Saidosha. In a perfect world, they would rework the class from the ground up. Not only because of what you mentioned but because our class doesn’t fit into what the game has become.

We have to play melee style with a ranged class to get the most out of our ranged abilities. How does that even make sense?

And even though we have to play in melee style, we don’t get the natural 30% damage reduction melee classes get so we’ll always have lower clears because we can’t take as much damage.

I’d like to argue that it has to be done. “FIX OUR DAMN CLASS!” would be plastered on Billboards right out side Blizzard’s Headquarters. It’s not that I don’t want that, but that I feel that would be a waist of time. Arguing for some improvement is better than arguing for no improvement at all and that’s what that would basically boil down to.

But again, I’m with you. I’d like a class re-work from the ground up. But I think that would take more than a couple of patches, they’d basically be making a DLC like the Necromancer. And the Necromancer took a bit longer than 6 months to come along with and it still doesn’t work right.


I did the GR 120 solo in non-seasonal with about 3000 paragon. In seasonal with about 1800 paragon I did a 116 solo and a 140 in group of 4 (as mentioned above).

Thanks, Altair.

So it would be about a 2.5 times improvement that the set needs. Someone else will have to come along and check my math, but 10,000/100,000 is a little light, but not by much. 11,000 or 12,000/125,000 respectively would be a guess but I think it’s closer to the kind of buff Shadow needs.


It could even need a larger buff than that. UE needs a 5X buff to be able to clear a 130. I know Impale is better but I’m not sure if it’s twice as good. My numbers could be way off as well.

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How so? it is a 2x damage / 5GRs buff? It is inline with N6 buff at 141x.

S2 can easily be combined with CC3 and Aughild at the same time. Together @ 12000% these net a 236x bonus to all, 306x to elites, roughly half the power of UE6.

This is not game breaking for Chakram or Impale, and it becomes an alternative to N6 FoK which carries a 264x multiplier with CC3 and Mantle of channeling.

If there ever is a day when we see S2M4, S2@ 12000% will give an advantage to the Chakram hybrid. And that is okay since only one build succeeds on this set.