I agree.
I’ve always recognized that I don’t have much skill at the game but I also had an inkling of a thought that I might have gotten a little better over the past 10 or so seasons. Between now and then, the UE set has seen some changes. Shadow has too. My top clear with Impale was 115 long before Aughild’s with somewhere between 1800 and 2100 paragon (can’t remember which) and I knew there were people with comparable paragon doing much better than that.
So 115 was my best clear ever and stayed that way for something like 9 month to year, 3 or 4 seasons.
I like UE better but for the longest time all I did was run speed (that weren’t really speeds at 5 to 6 min) 75 and 90 for gem ups and pushing to around 93 or 95. Then UE got another buff. Can’t remember when, but 100 was 1 and done and 105 to 106 was pushing.
Then we got Squirt’s, Captain Crimson’s, and I saw the thread about how gizzard and Squirt’s work together. Ran a 113 in Season in Season 18 with 1300 paragon, but I didn’t realize how much the buff had to do with that but on the other hand Squirt’s was also bugged, so it might have evened out.
So when Season ended and I had around 2300 paragon and took the build and pushed a 116, I was like “Well now we have some balance between UE and Shadow”.
Then this thread came along and I thought, “Maybe, I’m a little better than I thought.” I’m not sure how anyone else would do with build but I was only about 5 or 6 greater Rifts behind DiEoxidE, because he had cleared a 121 or 122 at around that same time, though he’s probably surpassed that by now.
But now, I’ve got a little more humility or at least realize that I was possibly overestimating my ability at the same time that I was underestimating it (I hope that makes sense).
What I’m saying is I thought I was bad at the game, but thought that I had also gotten a bit better, but nope. Or at least, not as much as I thought I did.