Where are the DH players?

Working FoK into Shadow, even if the set was 12,000 wouldn’t get FoK where it needs to be.

I’ve an experiment going with LoD and FoK build. With a bonus of around 9750% it struggles at around GR90. I’m no theory crafter though.

But a 12,000% over 9750% doesn’t seem like it would be much of an improvement, but then again, adding in the crafted sets to Shadow and going with FoK could make more of a difference than I’m guessing.

I could clear GR130 with a 2x buff to MS and 4700 paragon.

Kosstheboss already cleared GR128 at 4800 paragon, he’s very good, he is the +2-4 for player skill that gets factored in.

You are asking for 10GRs with a 5x buff. This would make me clear GR135-136 and Koss GR138-139. It would make an equally skilled Koss at 10k paragon clear GR145ish.

This would be comparable to AoV and Rend. Most people will just play it instead of anything else.

Ask for 10GRs, but expect 5-6GRs

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S2 easily did GR115+ on PTR tested by TQDrago. They still have to buff LGF. He was using Shi Mizu with little CHC rolls.

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I am not near Pc so I can’t check. What build did he use? More details? S2 in combination with?

S2 can easily be combined with CC3 and Aughild at the same time.

Did he use this?

Since you don’t reply as usual I connected to home PC remotely to check this and I did not find his clear on LBs. Are you speaking about current PTR?

Okay, dmkt.

That makes sense. It would help if Blizzard would clear up what they mean by that 130 with 5000 paragon statement.

I mean, if they mean for the most skilled players to clear under those parameters, that’s fine. With my skill level, I’d probably only clear a 125, maybe if I’m extremely lucky and pick up a bit of skill between now and 5000 paragon, 127 tops.

It would also help if they clarified whether if they want one build from every class to do that, or all the sets.

I’ve a feeling it may be just one. And that one for us will probably be whatever our new set will be. lol

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145 how? No way. His 128 + 10GR would be 138. And + 5K Paragons is no where near +7GR.

It is better to have 1 good build than 10 trash builds.

I agree.

I’ve always recognized that I don’t have much skill at the game but I also had an inkling of a thought that I might have gotten a little better over the past 10 or so seasons. Between now and then, the UE set has seen some changes. Shadow has too. My top clear with Impale was 115 long before Aughild’s with somewhere between 1800 and 2100 paragon (can’t remember which) and I knew there were people with comparable paragon doing much better than that.

So 115 was my best clear ever and stayed that way for something like 9 month to year, 3 or 4 seasons.

I like UE better but for the longest time all I did was run speed (that weren’t really speeds at 5 to 6 min) 75 and 90 for gem ups and pushing to around 93 or 95. Then UE got another buff. Can’t remember when, but 100 was 1 and done and 105 to 106 was pushing.

Then we got Squirt’s, Captain Crimson’s, and I saw the thread about how gizzard and Squirt’s work together. Ran a 113 in Season in Season 18 with 1300 paragon, but I didn’t realize how much the buff had to do with that but on the other hand Squirt’s was also bugged, so it might have evened out.

So when Season ended and I had around 2300 paragon and took the build and pushed a 116, I was like “Well now we have some balance between UE and Shadow”.

Then this thread came along and I thought, “Maybe, I’m a little better than I thought.” I’m not sure how anyone else would do with build but I was only about 5 or 6 greater Rifts behind DiEoxidE, because he had cleared a 121 or 122 at around that same time, though he’s probably surpassed that by now.

But now, I’ve got a little more humility or at least realize that I was possibly overestimating my ability at the same time that I was underestimating it (I hope that makes sense).

What I’m saying is I thought I was bad at the game, but thought that I had also gotten a bit better, but nope. Or at least, not as much as I thought I did.

I was rank 36 in EU or so (don’t remember exactly) on solo DH LBs first era. Did not use
any shady machanics. First era when most people played.

I like playing FPS games and RPG games. I used to play Battlefield 2 on really high level (national team) like 14 years ago. Played Battlefield 3 on ESL Versus and was ranked in top 5 solo que. I really suck in FPS games now, compared to what I used to be.

What’s left of that guy is insanely stubborn and dedicated person. That kind of personality worked well in Diablo 3 grind fest. When I felt I am losing skill I started playing RPG games for fun. Blizzard community is older than most of other gaming communities.

I hope D4 will be more skill based so new kids can dominate. David Kim was good choice for that.


I’m actually, 44 years old. Maybe you assumed I was younger, or I completely misread your post.

But yeah, I don’t play many video games. I wouldn’t go to the extent of calling myself a “gamer” but I always loved the Diablo series. Started playing Diablo 1 on PlayStation, bought after a friend showed me how to play and I liked it enough that I bought one for myself and played it religiously. Everyday after work, there I was sitting in front of the TV playing that game.

Got Diablo 2 around the time LoD came out and played that after I got myself a computer around '99 or so. Played it quite a bit but never tried for the Ladder or stuff like that, just messing around but I loved it regardless.

I was late to the party on Diablo 3 getting it just a little before 2.0 and the RoS about 1 or 2 months after it came out.

Now this game…this game I play a lot comparatively speaking, but I also have tons more free time. But that’s my gaming career in a nutshell.


I am not native English speaker so it easy to misread me.

I did not think you are young. I think I am old. What ever I do in D3 should not be a big deal. But skill in this game does not matter that much.

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Got it. Sorry about that.

Sometimes, when I type, words are in my head but they never make it to the screen. So, it appears like I’m not a native speaker either. More than half my posts, I could go back and edit them with all the words I missed would add two or more lines to the post. lol

Well you opened up with some info from your background/personal life so I wanted to participate in that also.

What I like about FPS games is: you don’t need to grind to be good. You come online, take first gun, deal some head shots, win and log off. It is 95% about skill.

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An older PTR, when they updated S2 to 6000%, no Crimson or Aughild.

I built it with Aughild and CC3 (no shi mizu) and I’m able to keep above timer on GR110.

TQ says it can do GR115+


Many people ask me why only Demon Hunter?

Lets see what I like in my personal life outside of my friends and family.

I see things as only black or only white there is no gray area for me… I am obsessed with something and want to know everything about it or I don’t care about at all and don’t even know basic things about it. So I really like it or I am not interested in it. I am also guy who thinks everything can be fixed. I don’t like to change what I am… and for me what I am is what I am doing for most of my time. I dated my wife for 8 years. There was and there is and there can’t be anyone else for me.

So you can imagine there are only fee “things” that I really like. Things that I am willing to invest my time/life into.

Music - The Prodigy - Leader Keith Flint committed suicide last year. They are done. Part of me died with him.
Sports - Lakers - Kobe Bryant - He was killed in helicopter crash one moth ago. Part of me died with him.
Gaming - I play few games always only one at a time. Diablo 3 for most part last 7 years.
Computer things - My job is IT related.

So you can tell that my “world” is falling apart.

I bought Wolcen yesterday turned it on and I could not play more than 1 hour. It is not about Wolcen. It is about me. I am scared of disappointment.

It is about the fact Blizzard killed my will to play games. I find myself asking about some things in Diablo 3, some kind of things I used to be eager to check for myself 2-3 years ago. I want to care about Diablo 3 but I can’t anymore. One really has to be crazy and idiot (how I called my self when I asked for ban from forums) to not give up after everything Blizzard did not do with Demon Hunter class.

I was going to spend 7000 more hours on Diablo 3 and I would still do. I really wanted to see Blizzard be successful and I still do. Disappointment after disappointment.

I called them names… I guess only “something” you really like/liked can bring this kind of emotions out of you.

I did spend money on Wolcen and if it sucked I would not care one bit and would forget about it after 10 days. I just don’t want to let Diablo/Blizzard die for me.

Things listed above defined who I am. This are the things “I did” for more than half of my life.


I know exactly how you feel.

For me it’s about family above everything else. But I loved Dungeons and Dragons. Diablo, the St. Louis Cardinals, and my wife. (Of course not in that order lol)

But about 10 years ago I lost my Mom, my other Mom, and my Dad in the span of about 6 months. 2 to complications from kidney failure (diabetes) and my other Mom to a stroke.

Everything turned upside down for me after that. I never lost my love of the St. Louis Cardinals because that was my Dad’s favorite team too, so when I watch them, I feel just a little closer to him.

But I couldn’t play Dungeons and Dragons anymore. My creativity died with my parents. I stopped playing Diablo 2 altogether and that’s why it took so long to buy Diablo 3. The enjoyment just wasn’t there anymore and it took a long time for it to come back.

Things turn around. And I hope they do for you sooner rather than later.

Sometimes, even when things are falling apart, there’s good things too. Try to find something you’re grateful for everyday, that’s how I keep going. That old saying, “Count your Blessings”, yeah it has some religious undertones but really all it is saying is “You lost something. But there are other things.”

I hope you find those “other things.”


OOPS, well we’ve gone way off-topic. It was my fault so don’t fault yourself. Let’s get this thread back to improving the Demon Hunter. That way we can improve the class we both love.


Just wanna chime in on this thread, and say thanks to @Idolis for generating a thoughtful discussion on our class and keeping the momentum going in the right direction. :+1:

In relation to buffs, I’m seeing a lot of players quoting “Blizz wants to balance GR clears @ 130 with 5000P” so therefore they would refuse to buff a particular set beyond that target range. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the Balance blog clear in stating that Blizz wants to balance the entire CLASS at those levels? ie. there will always be stronger and weaker builds intra class that will average out to ~130GR @ 5000P?

We see this quite clearly with Sader and Barb, they have a dominating build (AoV and WWRend) that are above that level but many other builds that are below. If DH had a set buffed (or perhaps the new set will be OP), this could result in our class reaching the desired balance level that Blizz has in mind, no?

My point being, I don’t think we should simply ignore any suggestions that would put a given set above the threshold “because balance”. This is something that Blizz will have to work out with their own metrics after the fact, assuming a PTR cycle that allows players to test the new power level(s).


Yeah, it’s a bit unclear what they mean by that “130 at 5000 paragon” statement.

It could definitely be just one set gets that level or above it and the rest pretty much stay the same as they are.

If it’s the new set, then this thread is pretty much waisted as far as trying to get all our sets to 130 at 5000 paragon or there abouts.

But there’s other things in this thread that make this thread worthwhile. Trying to bring attention to things that hurt the class that have also been high lighted is a good thing.

I think we should keep trying to get all the sets to 130 at 5000 paragon other wise most of the thread would be a speculation thread about the new set.

I’m not disagreeing with you, it’s completely okay to discuss builds getting past 130 on account of player skill or any other factor.

I was pretty bummed out that dh got no love this season. At least necromancer got the season theme to be completely op. Dh has a 130 build but it’s not very fun imo (rapid fire) it’s pretty silly that another class can do 120+ in garbage gear, no augs, etc and 120 is our limit with godly gear, 130 augs in 12 slots and 2k paragon on impale… they could have increased numbers on survival/dps (elusive ring, karleis, gunes, increase numbers on sets etc. If the mechanics of the new dh set is anything like the new sets for wd, wiz, barb I don’t expect much…


I’m a bit more optimistic about season 21. But this coming season, for me it be just getting to Guardian in the journey and then back to non season. I might repeat the journey on the other two regions, but I’m still debating with myself about that.

I agree, nothing about season 20 seems the least bit compelling for the DH, that’s why I might roll a Necromancer to complete the journey. I’ve played it before so it wouldn’t a foreign experience but I do like DH more, so I might roll that and just say “To hell with it.”

We’re trying to address the biggest reason why season 20 is a problem for us though and that being that we can’t use it at all. Some classes can at least experiment with it a bit, but the Dawn issue hampers us the most.

The same for me, season journey with DH and then off season again.
I was thinking I would try and level gems with the WW Barb I created this season.
It’s sad though that I have to use another class to level gems on 114+ levels both faster and easier.

I managed to clear 114 with my UE build, but going higher for me needs fishing.
Therefore I will level gems as high as possible with WW Barb and use them on my UE.

Highest I have ever cleared was 117 with cold N6M4 on the season of grandeur.
Was hoping to crush that record when DH finally gets buffed.

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