Oh really, is that so?
I’m beginning to think you’re troll, but I’ll refrain from that.
A successful campaign is getting us some much needed attention. A successful campaign is getting more builds that are fun to play. A successful campaign is a lot of things.
Maybe getting into the meta would be one of them, but it isn’t the only thing that will make this thread a success. The game is not all about the almighty META.
But seeing as how you want this “meta inclusion” to be the end all be all of the thread, how 'bout you come up with one build, just one (much less the four you apparently want) that should or can be in the meta. Tell us which one it should be and perhaps some of our more math inclined DH’s can come up with the numbers to make that build fill whatever role you imagine this build being.
If my suspicions that one build would be too overpowered are incorrect, then I’ll relent and we’ll certainly include any way to make that build into the role you imagine us being in the meta.
Get other folks to help you.
This thread is about bringing ideas and seeing what we can come up with, not a thread to rant about not being in the meta, but to tell the devs HOW we would like to be in the meta.
Here, I’ll start…
It’s been mentioned that Impale can be in meta as a RGK. Makes sense since it was designed to be an elite killer from the very beginning. I’m pretty sure the devs themselves imagined that if would be in the meta it would be the most likely build to get us there.
It needs a buff, probably the smallest one of any of our builds to be able to clear 130 at 5000 paragon, so a larger buff would certainly take us past that. How large of a buff are talking here? The devs set a parameter at 130 at 5000 paragon, but just for argument’s sake, let’s say this thing about being able to solo 140 at 5000 paragon would be more appropriate for this build so that will be our starting point, just for argument’s sake.
How large of a buff would that necessitate? How much improved DR would also have to be included?
I’m very interested to see the numbers.