Where are the DH players?

Some disagree with the generator package, it is a lot of items for a small boost.

Also, survival is crap when you trade Zoeys or Garwulf for Hunters Wrath, or Captain Crimson for Hunters Wrath or Depth Diggers. Maybe it could work with Wraps of Clarity at 75%?

But if they followed the guide exact, the player can make choices to be exceptionally powerful in group settings. The S2M4 is most intriguing to me because that set combo and skill is New Again.

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Yeah, there’s other ways to go about making that suite of items compelling other than going with what the legendary affixes already have, but I think us trying to rework the items completely complicates the conversation.

I like to keep things as simple as I can, so those arguments you made are really compelling to me.

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Moving other players ideas to the OP is a great way to handle this thread, little by little.


This is what the thread is all about. Bringing ideas and seeing what we can get a consensus on.

I want us all to have a voice in this (for lack of a better word) project we’re working on.


And about that Wraps of Clarity buff you mentioned…

I really think buffing Wraps of Clarity is a really good idea and but earlier in the thread, I also suggested buffing Elusive Ring.

There seems to be a consensus that our class needs a DR buff. I would definitely like Wraps of Clarity get a buff to say around 60 or 70%. But that would leave our builds that don’t use generators out in the cold.

So then I thought, well we could just buff Elusive Ring too to say 70% to give all our sets and build some kind of improved DR.

But I see one problem with that and that being that some builds can work both items into the build, possibly. Like I could see someone working both items into N6/M4 but I don’t know enough about the build to know if that would be viable damage wise, but if it is that build would suddenly be really, really tough, possibly tougher than it has a right to be.

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When speaking of DH not being able to be in the Meta and Blizz not going to rework the class from the ground up, I totally agree that it seems unlikely.

However, let’s not forget that Blizz is working on a new DH set, maybe that set will bring us into the Meta.

And if not, we will get something new to try out again, and possible new hybrid builds etc.

At this stage most DH players are used to going their own way anyways.


Anytime you think up a new build you do analysis on other possibilities involving existing items. Is it unreasonable to think that some of those thoughts could be implemented before the new build without taking away the awe from it?

No I’m just saying I am not giving up just yet even if it does not look promising.
Could be a new RGK or whatever for all I know, most likely it won’t though.

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I was trying to imply that I think Blizzard is perfectly ready to release some minor DH changes if they were so inclined before the following season DH build is finally shown. Perhaps showing some movement this way will convince players that the upcoming build will be that more desirable. :wink:

Necro is also very deserving of attention too. If Blizzard drops the ball without stimulating interest in both DH and necro builds before the s21 thats a mistake IMHO.

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Yes indeed they should be ready to release something for DH players since they already acknowledged we need buffs. There has been many great suggestions in this thread already :slight_smile:

It is not going to happen for 2.6.8 and season 20.

Probably not, but it should.

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2.6.5 added rapid-fire item changes outside the PTR.

It was better without them.

Life experience has taught me that polite people finish last. For a successful campaign for DH, we need multiple builds in the 4 man meta, and we need to be hitting GR140 solo @ p5000. Anything else is a cop out.

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Oh really, is that so?

I’m beginning to think you’re troll, but I’ll refrain from that.

A successful campaign is getting us some much needed attention. A successful campaign is getting more builds that are fun to play. A successful campaign is a lot of things.

Maybe getting into the meta would be one of them, but it isn’t the only thing that will make this thread a success. The game is not all about the almighty META.

But seeing as how you want this “meta inclusion” to be the end all be all of the thread, how 'bout you come up with one build, just one (much less the four you apparently want) that should or can be in the meta. Tell us which one it should be and perhaps some of our more math inclined DH’s can come up with the numbers to make that build fill whatever role you imagine this build being.

If my suspicions that one build would be too overpowered are incorrect, then I’ll relent and we’ll certainly include any way to make that build into the role you imagine us being in the meta.

Get other folks to help you.

This thread is about bringing ideas and seeing what we can come up with, not a thread to rant about not being in the meta, but to tell the devs HOW we would like to be in the meta.


Here, I’ll start…

It’s been mentioned that Impale can be in meta as a RGK. Makes sense since it was designed to be an elite killer from the very beginning. I’m pretty sure the devs themselves imagined that if would be in the meta it would be the most likely build to get us there.

It needs a buff, probably the smallest one of any of our builds to be able to clear 130 at 5000 paragon, so a larger buff would certainly take us past that. How large of a buff are talking here? The devs set a parameter at 130 at 5000 paragon, but just for argument’s sake, let’s say this thing about being able to solo 140 at 5000 paragon would be more appropriate for this build so that will be our starting point, just for argument’s sake.

How large of a buff would that necessitate? How much improved DR would also have to be included?

I’m very interested to see the numbers.

seeing a thread with so many posts and active dh players is nice. Kind of makes me sad that necro doesnt really have a community like that though. Barely anybody likes the class.

I’ve played necro some, really enjoyed that build Fluffy came up with for Blood Nova back during the season of LoN.

It was meant for T16 speeds but I modified it a bit to play in Greater Rifts, not top of the leaderboards stuff, but it was fun. I think it’s still in my profile using LoD. Nope. The character is there, Olena, but I experimented with Army of the Dead before logging out the last time I played her.

But anyway, no doubt the necromancer needs help since most of its builds seem gimmicky to me. I hope you guys get the help you need.

I guess that I am more of an optimist. At the end of the day, you have to be able to look yourself in the mirror and consider your personal ethics. Crusaders and monks both received buffs without polarizing the forum. Necromancers, wizards, and crusaders realized that nerfs were appropriate for game balance to maximize fun for all classes and were relatively accepting when these nerfs were implemented.

If one build was able to get into the meta, I would consider that a success.

Too strong. The only class that can really approach those numbers is crusaders in patch 2.6.7. Crusaders needed to be nerfed. The developers agreed (twice in fact). The “Only buff, never nerf” is nonsense.

Fun is about balance and more options. It is not about one class to rule them all.


So far my max with Impaler is 120 solo and 140 in group of 4 as RGK. It definitely needs a buff, and to make a difference I think they should increase at least the 2-piece bonus to 10,000% and the 6 -piece to 100,000%.

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Agreed, Micro.

But let’s humor him for a bit. I mean, it’s unlikely to ever come to fruition, but if he’s going to rant about not being in the meta instead of bringing ideas that are more realistic than “all our builds should be able to clear 140 solo! And that’s that!”

Then, I’ll take the time to show him how unrealistic that is.


How much paragon do you have?

My tops is 117 with UE/Gizzard/Squirt’s build. My top with Impale was 115 but it was before they added Aughild’s to the build so I have no idea what it can do now.

Edit #2:

We determined that UE needed a 5X buff to clear a 130 at 5000 paragon. So I’m very interested to see what kind of buff Shadow needs. I’m terrible at math.

But you’re saying the six piece needs a 33% buff and two piece needs a 67% buff to them alone. That’s seems lighter than what would be necessary. But maybe I’m looking at it wrong and am totally off base, but that only looks to me like a 2X buff. I could be way off.

Edit #4:

The same buff would be to leave the six piece alone and raise the 2 piece to 12,000% or to leave the 2 piece alone and raise the six piece to 150,000%.