When is S28 starting?

Excited to read the s28 ptr patch notes once they arrive :slight_smile:

by my calculations S27 will end jan 14th and S28 will begin on 26

We didn’t even had patch notes yet. And after that comes PTR, 2 weeks minimum. Then another 2 till final patch notes with a one(or two?) week notice.

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Records shown in since s16 PTR lead time is 29-46 days until next season. If PTR announces TMR, that is 4 weeks away unless they rushed things. Lets not pressure Blizzard for a “final” season before D4 launches. Take a break to play other games like POE in the mean time if really burnt out.

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well i said that because im expecting S28 to be a final season for alot of players since we are going for D4 so i think it must be like a final update

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Considering the end date of the holiday event, you can probably assume early February as the earliest season start date. That means you still have a month or more of waiting time.


Im waiting for ptr patch notes next week or pezradar post, maybe s28 will be the final season.

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There is still plenty of time between now and June (right, D4 releases in June?) to have 3 more seasons and end on Season 30 which they should.

Today or next week. In two weeks it feels allready a little bit late. But I won’t have much time anyway in the next 4 months.

Still think it will be 2/5->2/10 end/start on S27/28. They (probably) will not mess with Darkening of Tristram event by splitting season and holiday event.

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In history was precedent of long time without patch. Probably that this time it will again.

i really like that blizzard disclose the start and end date of a season so i can plan if i should or shouldn’t start playing a season if i’m too late.

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at least another month…the Holiday event goes until Feb 5th I and I highly doubt they’ll release a new season with this event going on. So my guess is Feb 10th or later

When is S28 starting? Never

There will be a S28, we just don’t know the details yet. We should start to see something next week, but right now the focus is on D4.

S 28

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We have now been told by the CM that the next PTR will start ‘‘toward the tail end of January’’. We also know that the PTR lead time (time between PTR start and new season start) for the last 10 seasons has been most often between 34 days and 43 days). So if the PTR starts say on Thursday 26 January, season 28 should start either on Friday 3 March or Friday 10 March.


PTR going up this Thursday.

That would be nice, but I think the following week is more likely :wink:


Blizzard saying we can expect the ptr towards the “tail end” of January makes it far more likely for the ptr to launch on the 26th (last thursday of the month) of this month as opposed to the 19th (upcoming thursday).

That said, it’s possible we may get the patch notes some time this upcoming week.