With SOLO play the follower can use the flavor of time. What will you use on your toon as your amulet of choice? Hellfire?
yep, if you can get a usable one…
Depends on the build. For most it will be hellfire but for builds that are already using the EW set they will stay using that.
Probably Mara’s Kaleidoscope as I absolutely hate poison. It seems to be the most common form of elemental damage and there are several boards where everything just fills up with it. Or, it’ll just depend on whatever I have the better of. Once had a Hellfire that gave Unforgiving which, for the build, was awesome. (It is still in my non-season stash.)
Yep Hellfire for me . The Jeweler crafted my almost perfecto Primal Hellfire a week or so ago for my WW/Rend build . I am ready to go with wearing it and FoT on Enchantress . You’re welcome to check it out , I don’t hide my profile . If it weren’t a Hellfire , I would probably go with Squirts .
You guys have about a week to go before patch . Work on getting a decent HA , that extra passive along with follower is gonna be the way to go if you ask me . This is from non season point of view mind you .
A lot of people will experiment with Squirt’s Necklace I imagine, and see how well they can get it to work.
If you follow the Maxroll website you’ll find that they’re adding Squirt’s everywhere in speed builds. I doubt Squirt’s is viable for pushing at lower paragon though.
Hellfire seems favoured for pushing.
For more consistency, HFA will probably be better.
But I think most people trying for top spots will at least try Squirt’s.
100% damage, even up only half the time is still better than most 5th passives.
What are talking about? Squirts doesn’t have a place in any barb push builds. It will never be up because we are a melee class and would lose too much damage if we tried to utilize any of the shields used in speed builds. There is a difference between taking low damge and taking no damage. Ranged classes like DH it could possibly work but not barb.
Just tested my NS barb with hellfire. I can drop both 10% cdr rolls on my weapons once the enchantress update hits and keep wotb up on single target. That’s 2k in str and +10% dmg on both weapons gained.
Next test is to see if I can drop another 8% CDR from my gloves for 1k str once it’s live. Juicy update, this smol barb is gonna get biggly. Giggity
Interesting!!! I had a feeling dropping both 10% rolls was possible but never actually tested it. Thats good news. An extra 350 str over what I almost 4 keyed a 140 on PTR. Also my PTR follower was missing 2% elemental damage on top of that.
Well, we got an announcement on the Battlenet launcher that the downtime on EU servers is going to be 20:00-22:00 CEST on Tuesday night, which will apply Patch 2.7.0 which includes an Era leaderboard reset.
Tonight I sorted out an entire set of gear for my Enchantress, all ancients, all with 625 INT augments (because, why not, I’ve got loads of gems knocking around) and I got a Hellfire that’s vaguely okay (998 STR / 10% CHC / 97% CHD) out of 600+ crafts, so what I have to factor in is when exactly the servers are released to players (it may take less than the 2 hours down-time, it may over-run), and what level GR I go into as my first run once they’re up again to maximise my Rank before everyone else turns up with their big paragon and pushes me down a few hundred spots by Wednesday.
1 guy wore Squirts did festering dark berserkers and had a shield pylon.
He killed like 7 elites without condi, and cleared a 143 solo rend barb.
Is there a video of this clear?
I had the experience with Squirts in that when got shield pylon, Squires was at full stacks for duration of the shield. I didn’t know that was possible. But wait for that pylon is hardly worth the trade-off.
you have several pylons.
channeling is useful on crimsons + 40% damage
shield is useful on squirts +100% damage
Power is power
Speed is speed
HF is a joke.
You make a good point.
Hellfire is best in slot. If that makes it a joke then so be it. Squirts will be fine in levels players should be clearing fairly easily. An 11k players clearing 143 is not impressive. This is the clear that has been used as an example of why squirts is good. The reason squirts wont be good is the same reason clicking a power pylon on anything but a RG is worthless. It doesn’t kill anything!!! If it does you are not pushing high enough. Yes it might get you 3-4% in trash but double damage for 2 minutes is really only worth it on the rift guardian.
With perfect gear you will already be cutting it close on most RG’s as far as staying alive. Now you want to add in the fact they will deal double damage? Goodluck!!!
This season i am playing both ww rend and H90 so in the first case i prefer hellfire cause i cannot maintain squirts for long and i am not that good or have the patience to juke everything for 1 or 2 hours that i want to play… The hellfire is actually good on barb because there are a lot of useful passives. In the second case i am using the compass rose - traveler’s pledge and it fits the playstyle of the build perfectly, since you are always on the move trying to hunt elites and then you stay still to kill them.
someone with squirt cleared 145 13min ++ without condi. That guy definitely cheated!