What's the NEW amulet

You realize 145 for 11k barbs is not difficult right? It might be a mild fish for some decent map but far from the max. There is already a 150 clear on the world leaderboards.

Heā€™s just fishing for bitesā€¦

He did the same thing in the DH forumsā€¦

Donā€™t feed him.

I think heā€™s just trying to be funny. It made me grin, especially the:

but he said he only had shield and power. no condi BF with grotesques.

And whats your point? 145 is easy for an 11k barb. Pylons are a non issue.

After 30 Hellfire Ammy rolls best so far between affixes and passive is:

18 physical damage
100 CHD
10 CHC

Weapon Master (lol)

At least ot replaces my STR, CHD, CHC Squirtā€™s. :sweat_smile:

I got a 10/100 hellfire with unforgiven (doink).

Been trying a really good endless walk set and its not terrible.