What's Blizz's stance on streamers who verbally abuse members of this community?

I have been on the Diablo forums since late 2010 or early 2011 and I can confirm, that sometimes the lvl of nonsense when it comes to certain posts and replies can get you to come up with all kinds of names.

However, is it really a verbal abuse if you don’t say it directly to someone?
I would argue, that it isn’t.

If you post on a forum, I don’t believe there is this expectation, that no one can comment on what you posted.

So far I believe this person did nothing wrong.

Did he order his viewers to go on the forum and abuse the report function and/or harass people? Because if that is the case, then to me that would be a different thing entirely.

That’s a disgusting way of saying it. Basically suggesting, that Blizzard should try and pressure the content creator into not saying what he thinks, and do it quietly… as in in an underhanded manner.

Unless he ordered his viewers to abuse the report function and/or harass posters, he should not be held responsible in any way for sharing his views on someone’s posts and replies.


Unfortunately - He not only opened the Diablo forum in front of his viewers at 52:24 he named someone. He also did the very thing he was upset about.

Basically he should have just complained to Blizzard or done any form of correct channel complaint. The problem is he used Blizzard Forums, and the name and the game in his own feed. If he named nobody and showed no names all well and good, but he failed to do that. It looks like a reciprocation of the personal attacks he felt he received. It is difficult to see it any other way.


EDIT: He did a different and lesser version of the whole Hong Kong furore.
Used Blizzard in a video to vent his anger at the posters.
I was being nice. A lot of people would not be.

Keep it where it belongs -on the forums in this case.
That is a quiet word. There is no free speech restriction, that is YOUR interpretation.


Nah I agree with the streamer. Just reading how they were talking about a video game forum made me cringe. Obvious elitism.


Yes it is easy to insult somebody when the person has no means of self defense. I find it quite cowardly and not in line with personal integrity of a person.

No matter right or wrong, people must be able to face criticism with understanding. No one is perfect and there is always something to learn even from a trash collector. In the end, issue is not about punishment but respect.

Forum comments can get harsh occasionally as everybody is from a different background. However, good connections can always form with right attitude. All our barb brothers fight among thrmselves but at the end of the day, they know to accept their faults.

Things like this happens, we should learn from these experiences and become better men in general.



He did nothing wrong. He was publicaly responding to public forum posts. Nothing he showed was meant to be private. Just because you aren’t happy with the response doesn’t mean he did anything wrong.


So what? I see zero problem with him showing some post and the name (not even the whole battle tag) on his stream.

Unless he ordered his viewers to harass or mass report, I see nothing wrong.

Could this be considered naming and shaming? Yes. But it’s not on Blizzard’s platform.

I personally wouldn’t care if someone showed my posts on another platform. Isn’t the entire point of the forums for discussing the game?

The only thing I find rather lame, is that this person cares about balance in Diablo3, when:
1. The game alienated so many of the real Diablo players, that even if you are the best at D3, there are probably people that would be much better than you, if the game was made in a way, so that it’s appealing to actual Diablo players…
2. Greater Rifts are quasi-competition, too much randomness and Paragon render the whole thing meaningless…
3. Rampant cheating made many people quit playing actively long time ago. The first big ban waves on this game were in 2016, since then the issue still remains, so who cares?

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You are assuming I am unhappy with his response. I am not.
By all means, defend oneself, but do it appropriately.
It was inappropriate.
This is where he should have done it, on the thread where he felt attacked, not attacking others where they cannot defend themselves.
There is a word for that.


That is not a violation of the Twitch rules. Further, if you post on the Diablo forums, your battletag is available for anyone to see. You made that decision when posting. Just naming someone while talking on Twitch is not against any rules anywhere.

If he made violent threats that would be an issue for Twitch and Law Enforcement. If he encouraged people to misuse the forum report functions then that would be an issue for the Blizzard forum mods because it involved Blizzard’s forum platform.

The only place he can’t name and shame so to speak, is by posting here.

Not even remotely the same. Blizzard was not hosting his Twtich Stream nor was he representing Blizzard during the stream. Even so, you are wrong to think naming someone on a Twitch stream would get him in trouble with Blizzard.

Blizzard’s house Blizzard’s rules. Twitch’s House, Twitch’s rules. Unless he has a contract with Blizz for how he has to behave outside Blizz platforms, they can’t do anything to him.

This whole thing is starting to feel like kids squabbling and expecting someone else to step in and fix it. I have no patience and would simply lock it all, turn the bus around, and send everyone to bed without desert.


Look at the language you use. When refering to people who play barb and use the forums, they’re your “barb brothers” even when you admit they step out of line and use harsh comments.

But when you talk about the lordfluffy guy, and he steps out of line and uses harsh comments, you call him a “trash collector”. I’m pretty sure there are other words that have been used too.

You extend forgiveness for some, and not for others. I guess it depends if your face fits or not? There some sort of clique at work here? A boys club?

I suspect when people talk about elitism, this is what they’re refering to.


First of all, I am not for or against anyone regarding this.
But was not said streamer named and shamed first on this very forum?


On that thread which everyone including yourself contributed to, The EULA was made very clear to all and sundry - regarding using Blizzard in an unauthorised environment.
I did not write the rules, they did.


It wasn’t cool, was not a good look.
Fluffy does some great things for the community, but not matter how anyone wants to twist the MO, it was not a good thing and it was personal, not game centric. So people can twist it to say it wasn’t but if that was true, he’d have had no need to show or name. full-stop.

He didn’t attack them. He vented on stream. Attacking would be telling his stream do go flag or down vote (if that was still possible) all of their posts. It’s his stream and he is entitled to do whatever he wants (within twitch rules).


That is my understanding and as a result Blizzard locked the thread and removed the call out link. Streamer: "Small Nerf"

Mod Edit: As this thread was created to insult another player and the thread is being derailed by trolling and toxicity, we’re locking this down.

It is an example. Trash collector is not him but may be us. It means one can learn something from someone. Always.

You really really don’t understand the difference and I am not sure how to make you see.

Twitch - a private platform where people can play games and talk about what they want. Blizzard has no contractual relationship with Twitch nor with most individuals on there.

esports event Blizzard was hosting - contractual relationship about disruptive behavior that Blizzard can enforce.


Ok you have made me see that aspect - thanks, but I am pretty sure nobody condones naming people and the platform (clearly) of another company for personal reasons where the motives for doing it were not pure and personal, that benefit nobody, no matter how people seem to wish to validate it.

You do have means to defend yourself. You can make another post, you can make a video reply. If the truth is on your side, you can own the person on the other end and put him in his place. Hell, you can even cost him plenty of followers by doing so.

I don’t know, call me old fashioned, but in my opinion this does matter.

Of course, if you’re right, that does not necessarily mean, that you should hammer someone into the ground, but then again it comes to choice and context.

I do not believe Blizzard should take any action against the streamer. People can draw their own conclusions.


Whatever. I dont care about this drama really, I have no dog in this race. I made an observation anyone could have made. Lordfluffy, barb brothers, it all sounds like a fever dream.

Well that’s what I thought, thanks for the info.
So maybe this could be the reason as to why he addressed this on his stream?
He was discussed on a different platform without possibility to defend himself, then he simply did the same thing.
That is the way I see it anyway.
That on the other hand does not justify all of his actions either.
Many harsh words and implications were used in his stream which never would have been allowed on this very forum.

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Um - that’s not exactly correct - he could here and only had to reply here - but the people he criticised could not defend themselves on his stream. Maybe they can now? I have no idea - and if they see this they very well may do if they can.