What's Blizz's stance on streamers who verbally abuse members of this community?

I’m a game dev here (not of Blizz, though, not even close :sob:). And I can say it’s just simply because of the limit of the data type range. You can’t have an unlimited number on a computer, the current biggest number data type only caps at 2^64-1, or about 1.8x10^19, or 18 billion billions. Any higher than this will cause problem (stack overflow, you might’ve heard). So they just can’t make a grift with monster health more than that.

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Imagine caring what a random person says online enough to make a video about it, man people really need to stop taking the interweb forums so seriously, its pathetic.


FTFY :joy::poop:

IMHO, they both are but equally entertaining when it comes to watching the sparks fly.

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Apparently not. Probably would have happened if they didn’t start going nerfs but since they went nerf, the wizards and necro players will be up at arms they their builds got nerfed and letting the barb go all OP.

Just so you know, I’m all for not nerfing and bringing all the other builds up to par.

Well he’s got a point in that video, he really shows the ridiculousness of the people on this forum…

Highlights it in fact…

The fact that you’re narcing this guy out only proves his point that this forum is full of ridiculous snowflakes that live in bubbles.


I’m surprised there’s still this much drama over Grift balance in a game that’s been mostly dead for years at this point.

Well, okay, to be fair, I can’t say Fluffy isn’t a jerk. But Free definitely started this particular snafu.


Get some sleep, we can both be wrong tonight and pick it up tomorrow.

Yeah I’m enjoying myself, you should be too. But more to the point, I’m also pointing out that this thread is a hypocritical sham. People named and shamed LF on the forums and nothing was done. Fluffy read the PUBLIC RESPONSES on his twitch and commented on them. That is all.

Well honestly I didn’t want to post about this but hey someone should. People like our friend who said pretty toxic stuff on his stream are really not a “content creator”. They are just entertainment with 0 game content. When your season or non-season history of D3 can be summarized in 800 paragon and your best clear is in top 500, you naturally lack the knowledge to determine whether a build is balanced or not. Don’t take their words or their thoughts as it has any value just see it as entertainment. Someone who can never create a build, explain the build and also push and get on the top 10 of the leaderboard with such build is not a content creator. Please just view their opinion as just an opinion and disregard their baseless argument.

Content creators help the community not bash them. Trust me I would know


One of the biggest issues here is that all this seems to have continued to simmer away, based on a complete lack of action or response from Blizzard.

Blizzard could have ended all this speculation and nastiness a week ago by simply providing a response and clarifying their position. They didn’t, and now it’s blowing up in their face.

People are angry, on both sides of the discussion, and the blame for that lies solely at the feet of Blizzard.

Stevie Wonder could see where this was going, and they did nothing.


They would if they had a life…

Literally everything you wrote is wrong. He has pushed the leaderboard multiple times and been top 10 and finished seasons in the top 20. All of which was done on stream. His necro builds are, even by free’s admission, top notch. Further, he has previously in the past been invited to blizzcon as a… Drum roll please… Content creator. He also helps people all the time in stream and on reddit/YouTube.

You are literally wrong on every point. For the wall of text you just put up that is VERY impressive.

Also, why would we just “trust you” on this? You’re barely a content creator. Good job on the bone spirit rgk. I’m sure that will be the new meta any day now. Unlike blight spear or blood and essence which never get used.

You don’t need to try so hard, he won’t include you in his will…


Pointing out things that are verifiably untrue is really no work at all. I don’t mind. But thank you for the tip- I’ll make sure not to count on any inheritance from that bboomer

This. The forums have been boiling for a week, and there’s been zero communication from Blizzard. All this could have been avoided with a single blue post after Blizzcon.


Given how much effort they must’ve put into this year’s Blizzcon, I wouldn’t blame them for taking some time away from this forum and its high levels of negative energy. If I were in their shoes, this is the last place I’d want to look for any feedback on a massive piece of work…

Yeah lets all not do our jobs because people get mad when the corporation screws up. That’s sure to get us a raise.

ANY streamer that has a following, I believe has a responsibility to set a GOOD example to their followers. Publicly bad-mouthing players in a game for reasons that unfortunately in this video seem like their own personal effrontery, is unacceptable.

Does anyone know what happens when someone with access to personal records abuses that knowledge and then publicly names and shames someone?

  • It’s one of the few occasions that an abuse of power gets the person fired without warnings and they get black-listed in whatever field they abused their power in. Just ask any credit reference business that financiers go to to check their credit rating. If a staff member uses their access inappropriately, their job is gone.

While Blizzard understandably has no control on what a private user does in their own channels and this is a good thing in some ways; when a person uses Blizzard’s forum boards on their feed and notes the posts and the game / forum and the names of players ?!?!?? - and is also someone Blizzard invited to the panel of streamers at the recent Blizzcon, it is indirectly representing Blizzard in terms of how it looks to John Doe and Jane Doe.

Sure everyone makes mistakes and gets annoyed occasionally, but on a large viewing network feed, this seems personal and not conducive to the betterment of the game, the players, the owners or the general public who have not played Diablo.
I know if I saw that as a non-Daiblo player, I would be hesitant if I’d never played the game thinking 'Too many cat fights, too many dramas.

Someone at Blizzard needs to have a quiet word with them.
That is the nicest way to say it.

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Yes they nerfed the item critical to WWrend. The other seven items don’t have enough effect to significantly impact game play. They undid everything they were trying to do. Bravo.


Perhaps Blizzard can send Lord Fluffy to Hong Kong as punishment.

Imagine one minute LF is in his sound booth hundreds of feet below his concrete mansion, and some how Blizzard busts in and knocks him out cold.

He is taken to an airstrip and flown non stop to Hong Kong, where he is woken up in the air terminal with no money and no passport.
He is told this is his punishment for daring to say mean things to “Free”, the dearly loved leader of the “Free Barb Movement and Set Barbs Free to roam to 150 leaderboard at will”