What' wrong with this set ckallenge?

I tried to complete the Natalya challenge and I found it pretty finger tiring :smiley: !

One needs to detonate 300 times in 300 seconds so click click click…

The problem is that it keeps showing FAIL as a contradiction of its self-result panel

Unlike somewhat similar problem my result shows mob kills satisfied (150) and that seems the reason it stopped.This text will be hidden BTW: where is the “Attach file” thinggy ?

  1. Upload your screenshot to a free image hosting site, e.g. imgur
  2. Copy the URL of your screenshot to the clipboard
  3. Paste the URL of your screenshot into your post
  4. Highlight the URL in your post
  5. In the Edit window click the </> button to convert it to pre-formatted text
  6. The result will be similar to this…
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