In general, I’d like to see ALL of the new class sets be at least 7 pieces to allow for some flexibility/customization in open slots. Tals in particular is extra flexible with the inclusion of neck/waist/offhand pieces, and it alone is compatible with Sage’s. In light of the updated crafted sets Aughild’s/Captain Crimson’s, there could be more combinations/diversity if the new class sets were designed with 7 pieces instead of 6.
Aside from DMO, all Wizard sets increase dmg of all skills, which is good and I hope that the next wizard set follows this “all damage done” model. DMO is an unfortunate exception where it only increases a handful of select skills.
I enjoyed the old DMO damage-dealing bubble mechanic but it seems redundant to put that effect on a new set rather than just update DMO.
I may be in the minority here but I wouldn’t mind a group-oriented utility set along the lines of Inna’s that gave significant group bonuses such as pull/heal where a ZWIZ could shine. There have been many requests to promote alternative zdps classes, and fantasy-wise the zdps healer/protector wizard is a strong theme (shielding, force fields, slow time), and could possibly be combined with a Pet/Summoner wizard, for example, “enemies affected by your pets take X% more damage/provide X% DR,” or “hydras lure mobs towards them.” Since wiz already has a lot of shielding abilities and support items, perhaps convert a percentage of that shield to the group, or grant Diamond Skin to the group.
For a pure-summoner dps theme, greatly increasing the damage of hydra, familiar, and spells casted by MI could be fun, though in that case we’d need to be able to target them on a specific mob instead of randomly choosing, similar to necro’s “command” skills. Or have some kind of AoE effect like “your pets now cast arcane orbit.” Or have a Bone-Ringer type mechanic where pets get stronger the longer they attack an enemy.
Perhaps a primary-based set that would increase dmg of primary skills by 20,000%, bringing new life to outdated legendaries such as Mirrorball, Myken’s, Fragment of Destiny, etc.
I do feel that due to the existing disparity of base skill damage and legendary support items, a shakeup to wiz meta dps builds will not be realized with a new set alone. As has been pointed out before, Wizard currently has 4 viable high-tier damage sources - Meteor, Arcane Orb (really just the Frozen Orb rune), Chantodos, and to a lesser extent Manald Heal. Chantodos only recently became viable after a massive 20x dmg increase to its legendary power, and MH now lags behind considerably. The other 2 have support legendaries that provide large multipliers to Frozen Orb (Unstable Scepter at 5.5x and Triumvirate at 13x) and Meteor (Grand Vizier at 5x and Nilfur’s at 10x). To add to that, both FO and Meteor have some of the highest base skill dmg of all Wizard skills AND, with strategic timing, can also benefit from Deathwish (4.25x) and ES (2.5x). For bazooka variants that can also slot archon/Fazula/Swami, add in another 6x-12x multiplier assuming double 50-100+ stack overlap. Plus these both proc significant Area Damage. In light of this, it’s not difficult to see that it will be a real challenge for a new set alone to spawn builds that could compete at the extreme end where LON bazooka Star Pact lives.
Thus, in order to effectively deal damage at a high tier with a new set using currently underused skills (i.e. not just doing Star Pact with the new set instead of LON), we’d also need something along the lines of 2-4 supporting legendaries with big multipliers comparable to meteor, or a really extreme multiplier in a new set bonus but limited to those underused skills. The last thing we want is a new even more powerful way to use Meteor.