What to think of when asking for a nerf

Did you play weak characters 15 years ago? Do you really want to recreate that weak build?

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Absolutely I did. I played LAW (lowacwarrior) in Diablo1, naked mage, dagger rogue, and have been playing weak characters ever since in D2. I will usually make 1 meteorb or blizz sorc depending on team, then I usually make offshoot builds that can barely solo hell.

Playing off-meta is some of the most fun, and playing at 40% the efficiency of hammerdin but somehow making it work is half the fun.

I don’t want builds changed, no matter how much fun a daggermancer would be at 90% efficiency.

These things should absolutely be looked at for an optional patch down the road though, they just shouldn’t replace current builds.

Edit- by the way I also enjoy Lld and mld, and a lot of these proposed changes of ‘just tweaking some numbers’ could really destroy level29 duels.

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I agree philosophically that weak builds should not be buffed to extreme levels but buffing them to be less poor is a good thing in my mind.

I feel like the task is far too daunting to be done well.

Could they buff inferno without me caring, sure. The problem with that, is once they start with balancing skills, they will have a vocal majority of players complaining that buffing inferno, should lead to all skills being comparable, and wanting their spec to be buffed.

All these balance arguments should be done in a new realm, so players don’t have to worry about changes every 3 months wrecking their nonladder builds.

if changes should be made, it would be better to do so on an expansion, that way its a product and you dont have to buy it, that expansion could have the a4 completed and added something in that expansion balancing skills and items, that way it wont be intrusive to the game as a remaster and it will give them the ability to earn abit more from this games

*regarding the stuff like loot filters shared stash and what not i talked about, have people forgotten Mods will be supported, i dont know to what extent but these changes to the core game that to those of us who are against it, would fit fantasticly into a mod for those who wanna run with that kind of game play

i`m 110% agree diablo2 neede a balance update patch
everyone know how enigma is op broken

you have no choice to use enigma to be competitive in pvp in 95 % of the case
also enigma just kill the running mechanic mean a big part of diablo 2 , because all armor shield are desing with weight that affect running running boot , running charm ect, , also allow player to skip the game and go afk in baal room leeching exp and not playing the game , also this allow bot going everywhere in thegame for botting with any restriction ,
about grief , grief is not really op , the issue with grief , this rune word just make every weapon for melee useless , everyknow a phase blade rule for grief , grief and enigma have to very bad atribute that hurt diablo 2 both item give base number , one to the damage other to the defence compare to give % mean you end to min max and choice dont matter anymore, and diablo2 suppose to be about item and choice


I am not asking for perfection just better. Better is not daunting.

I thought D2R was the new realm. The original D2 and D2:LoD still exist and will remain unchanged.


if its the new realm, than d2r would no longer be a remaster but a d2½ or d2 remake not a remaster. “balances” and changes can be made in an expansion same with finishing a4, making it an expansion have 2 good things, 1 blizzard earns abit more because they can sell the expansion as a dlc and the other it will keep d2r as a remaster and the expansion well an expansion that have stuff added to it similar to d2 and d2 lod ( d2r is d2 lod remastered)

If you look at the diablo2.com website and “search” remaster they use this or a variant 3 times. Twice refers to the graphics strictly.

"Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II. Pursue the mysterious Dark Wanderer and fight the denizens of hell as you uncover the fate of the Prime Evils Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, now in up to 4K (2160p) resolution on PC. Diablo II Resurrected features:

Remastered graphics—monsters, heroes, items, spells, all resurrected.
Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved."

“Fearsome demons, brave adventurers, and the world of Sanctuary, resurrected. Marvel at the denizens of this world in up to Ultra High Definition 4k (2160p) remastered graphics on PC—or enjoy the original Diablo II, old-school style—at the press of a button with the legacy toggle.”

There is nothing in what Blizzard has on their website that says that subtle balance changes can not be introduced. The game will still have the same classic gameplay if a weak, underperforming skill that did insufficient damage does a bit more.

it only talks about graphics not about balancing items or skills, doing these would be a remake and not a remaster

Better to one is worse to another.

D2LoD is virtually unplayable on current servers. Have you done so lately?


i will not worry to much about what they say because here , he talk about authentic experiences the time diablo 2 release and some of you are not even born , he really dont talk about 1,14 sadly a patch release of June 7, 2016

this version 1,14 have nothing to do with the version of diablo 2 lod on release 1,09 :frowning: this version have nothing to do with my diablo 2 memory

you can brind back all that nostalgia like you remember , sry not with 1,14 this is not the same game anymore

Fixing bugs will buff skills so they kind of go hand and hand. Inferno, Arctic blast bugged, Frenzy druid bugged ect… So I do not think people be against fixing bugs that happen to make skills better.

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I agree that nothing prevents them from doing minor, or even major reworks on skills or items. I would argue it would be very bad PR to do so as the standard edition of D2R, though.

Same gameplay you know and love, preserved to me, might mean something much different to you.

To me, it means my previous builds will not be changed at all balance wise, to you it might mean they can change skills and items and it won’t bother you at all.

If they change it too much, there is absolutely a point at which I will not support them as a company anymore in their efforts moving forward.

If they nerf or buff my Barb, or make certain aspects of LLD unplayable with skill tweaks that make it less fun, I won’t be buying D4, as it will be obvious to me they haven’t learned from their power creep in previous titles.


Release of LoD was 1.07, if you’re going to spout nonsense, at least get the versions right.

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This topic was discussed by D2R lead producer Chris Lena as a possibility and was in both of Blizzard’s surveys.

If I asked for weak builds to become meta or challenge the meta in power, I think that is a fair point. Since I am simply saying buff weak skills to be less weak, I do not see how that is a problem. People who want to play the meta builds still can, players who want to play their weak nostalgia builds still can. These weak builds just won’t be as bad as before.

I am not advocating for nerfing any build. Simply making a weak build a bit better. Lets say meta build can kill in 10 seconds while a weak build in 40 seconds. Would it be bad if that weak build killed in 30 seconds? It is still inferior to the strong build. nothing has changed in the playstyle.

I agree it’s a fair point. I also find it really risky to replace things in a remaster.

Perhaps there are skills that are very underpowered for endgame, but very overpowered for speedrunning. Some things may really end up changing the speedrunning meta, and make certain characters far less of a challenge to defeat the ancients, for example.

The ancients in hell are a really strict wall for speedrunning, and there is a real possibility buffing lesser used skills even by a little will make climbing that wall much less rewarding.

I will likely still play D2R even with minor balance changes, but it isn’t like it is without risk for them to replace things. It’s why I think it’s such a good decision to make a separate realm, though that isn’t without risk either.


last update diablo 2 have is in 2016
so he got any reason , this game can not have a update patch in 2021 , i`m 110% for this
patch 1,12 to 1,13 take 5 year also to have a update , this is the most welcome , because all runeword never have any balance update and the game is really broken , right now diablo 2 are full with bot and cheater using these item , let hope d2re dev team will fix this and balance these item, and plz the one in my black list stop replying me trying to bailt something thank you

Word salad followed by a non sequitur.

Bots would bot with or without enigma, sorcbots would just run cows nonstop, or WW/other bots running cold caves for MF. I played extensively in 1.09, botting would be just as rampant.

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Tell that to Starcraft Remastered. That game got balance updates and it certainly wasn’t a remake.

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