What to think of when asking for a nerf

They have not necessarily promised anything. They stated intentions and initial basis, said player feedback can change certain aspects of the game. They have been mostly conservative in the media until the most recent article on additional qol, but two rounds of surveys that we now know were not just test data collection for Diablo 4, as some suggested, and the fact that game is still in development with disclaimers as such.

With that said, at launch, I’d say the most we’d possibly see is charm inventory (while it sounds like they are against it during last interview, it was on both blizz surveys, and they did sort of leave it ambiguous at general large inventory), the in game runeword/recipe lists, toggle on/off clock and buff timers, skill bar UI option, merc ai pathing, and that is really about it outside of some of the more major bugs.

After launch though, I’d say they will be doing some minor skill balancing, and they will be looking to have a new ladder theme (since last survey asked about ladder stuff), which could lead to ungating the old content.


Yeah I really hope they don’t meme themselves by creating new content every ladder. Hopefully they’re smart enough to make 2 separate realms if that’s their plans.


They asked about skill buffs and runeword buffs that took place during ladder only. So I’d assume, any new content would be contained to the ladder, and would be restored to normal item/skill status when transfers to non ladder pool.

Knowing Blizzard I doubt they’d restore it. They’d create a system where unfindable items from 5 seasons ago ruins PvP balance, and screw it up until 8 seasons later, where they introduce even more power creep into the game.

It’s kinda what they do.


It is never late for change. Grief and enigma are rune words people like to use a lot. Would it be good to balance them better? Yes i think so but majority of player base would not like it as we play too long with as you said. Grief can be replaced by other weapons so that would be dmg nerf to some builds. Enigma is a lot harder to replace, because it enables several char builds which would be a lot worse without it.

Many players dont like enigma because of Hammer bots. I have seen some of them who want to nerf enigma when they even never had it or used it anyway.

You are a purist, it’s just that you learned to mask it after our long conversations, if someone would look at what you said before, they will still call you a purist, just saying

just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t change the fact it’s a quality of life either

base problem with purists that they are too afraid to speculate and see beyond what they know, so seeing the new stash spaces gold pickup and gamble features might put them at ease, because now that they can see it and experience it directly in the main game, it’s part of what they know

If you were really open minded you would have came to the conclusion to what you were referring to here:

is quality of life change which is obviously directed at me of what I was talking to you on the other thread:

and as for the main post, I don’t think either enigma and grief should be changed, they require a lot of work to accomplish and they are not hurting anything in the game and even if they were the only viable items to acquire they are still part of the game and i see no damage in having them here they way they are currently

but I do understand people missing how the skills used to be in early patches, I made thread about it that seems to be well accepted, which was suggesting to get skills to how they used to be on old patches by just removing some cooldowns and the like, you can do more but it depend on skill to skill bases(that way you are not really rebalancing, but using old skill templates of how skills used to work)

here it is if you want to delve deeper into what we were saying:

Charm inventory is a balance change. I honestly see a lot of words in this post, but I’m trying to put them all together to see something resembling a coherent argument…

I can’t see it.


Haha I believe that you are unable to do so, because as I said purists are not open minded

you stopped talking about it on the other thread because you couldn’t argue with the fact that:

and it’s still true, now refrain from making this thread into another charm inventory discussion, if you want to talk about it you can respond to the original post you “ignored”

I’m literally trying to understand.

Are you asking a question?
What is the point you’re trying to get across?
What original point am I dodging?

Please elaborate, you’re linking a ton of unrelated things and acting like they’re connected to some larger point.

Please get to your point.

(I see that in your one post you have said charm inventory isn’t a balance change, but adding a 10x4 charm inventory absolutely is a balance change for every single player that doesn’t run 10x4 charms (which is basically every player I’ve ever met) so you’re clearly wrong there)


People who want to nerf things like Enigma is the same people who dislike enigma.
People who want to buff skills is the same people who are terrible in this game.

No buff or nerf items / skills.
Just learn the game and be happy we have a game that Is called Diablo II.

I have been playing Diablo since 2002 and I have never had a problem with this game.

If you really love a game, then you wont ask to ruin the game by nerfing or buffing skills.


That’s completely false. Reason people ask for balance is because they love the game and want to see it do better. Inferno needs love any one who loves the game knows inferno like skills are not working right and want that fixed. Greif could use a reduction in dmg does not have to be a lot like -10% being -40 dmg be fine and not game breaking. But least won’t overshadow other melee rune words as much.


There is no need to increase low level skills either.
Then It’s no reason for level 30 skills to exist in this game. (I have seen people who want to buff these skills.) And It hurts my brain when I read about it.

If level 1-10 skill is close as good as level 30 skill.
There is a reason why It is low level skill.

I don’t want any skills to be buffed because I don’t want to play another easy Diablo game.

Diablo 2 Resurrected interview: “we’re not trying to fix Diablo 2”

Design lead Rob Gallerani and lead artist Chris Amaral on making “an authentic remaster of people’s childhood”


I’m sorry but your time was probably wasted here. Most of the people looking for nerfs are here to 1) whine 2) provide a gut-reaction which satisfies some sort of emotional need via posting it and 3) a combination of the two and thus won’t read what you had to say nor will they care. Its unfortunate but it is what it is though i wish it were otherwise.

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The design of synergies was supposed fuel the higher skills, and prevent holding skill points. So yeah, I do agree that low skills are not meant to compete with high skills. However, I do believe there was some lack of insight with some of them, especially when you look at barbarian combat skills, Amazon bowa skills, and amazon spear skills, which lacked this design philosophy, and has room for improvement. I also believe sorc skills were overtuned.

I wont get it i think. why cant we simply have these balance changes and all these features making this game a totally new game, in a sepeate Mod ? If you didnt like the original game the way it was, why did you even play it?
Just dont ruin the original idea of simply beautifying the god damn game.
If we put in all those changes in future it will be exactly this:
“Hey they remastered D2, it looks beautiful now”
“I know, but its actually not the game anymore, they have made lots of changes, if you really want the original feeling of D2 you gotta play the old version”

Do we want it to be like this? Me not at least

As said before, and i like this statement: PoD is an amazing mod without any doupts. But it is different, and its not the same game.


Interesting, i would buff some skills. How am i terrible? I play hardcore ad had many lvl 90+ chars in past, i found all items in game(multiple times) . What is making me terrible at D2 when i was able to achieve anything what can be done in D2?

What if you are terrible at the game? Did you think about that? Maybe thats the reason why you dont see certain problems with it.

For example player who will never build enigma cant really understand why is it OP rune word and how to balance it or how would balance affect the gameplay and power of certain builds. Player who never reached hell will never understand balance of elite item drops.


You found 2+ tyraels and Zod runes?

Man some people get all the luck.

Well most of the items multiple times. Like 6 griffons, 3mang sons, several DF one eth 30% lol. Twice tyraels might yes, Zod only twice. Cham 2x, jah only once :slight_smile:

Also I found have almost perfect DW on bn years ago. Maybe it even was perfect, its ancient history lol. I dont remember it so well.

I was always MF freak and quite lucky also. But its not just luck, i had knowledge about game and spend countless number of hours doing magic find runs. Mostpain full thing even was rune finding in 1.10 before the big rune drop chance buff. I had like two weeks of doing travincal runs 7+ hours per day and nothing. It almost killed me :rofl:

What buggs me is that i never found eth reapers toll on my own. I basicly only found Ohm Lo before rune drop drop increase.

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I have D2 installed.

I want D2 Ressurected to fix the glaring flaws that exists in the version of Diablo 2 I actually play right now:

I have a naked melee assassin that’s currently naked because her items have been moved to a barbarian because she sucks so badly I couldn’t enjoy playing her.
I know kicking works. I know traps work. Claw skills should be made more hell viable.

I have 8 characters that I actively play.
A poison necromancer.
A lightning infinity sorceress.
A bowazon.
A MF cold and fire sorceress.
A druid.
A whirlwind barbarian.
The abandoned assassin.
And… a uber runner key runner boss killer hellforge rushing speed farming hammerdin with one point in smite and one point in fana…

…that literally does every single thing faster and better than every other character – Andariel, Cows, Summoner, Duriel, Council, Mephisto, rushing to hellforge, completing quests services, Diablo, Nihlatak, and Baal – everything except Countess and Ancient Tunnels, which the sorceresses do slightly faster.

…I could play the other characters, but my time is valuable, and the paladin can complete everything in a game lobby in literally 10 minutes killing every single elite monster on the path to the bosses and clearing the chaos sanctuary completely…

and then when I have the keys for ubers, I just switch helms and shields, hotkey Sanctuary, Fana and Smite instead Hammer, Teleport and Concentraiton – and he’s better at ubers than the barbarian I created specifically to kill the ubers.

What is the point of a remaster if it’s not remastered but merely recycled?!

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As a counterpoint, what’s the point of a remaster if you wreck the game’s current balance?