Y’know, that’s a good question. One could swap AS for AD on gloves and ring, giving you 138% AD and a 9F Frenzy. So let’s take a look at the same 30 mobs from my example…
This time let’s say that the 9F Frenzy is doing 100, the Bastion chain 1000. The 8F Frenzy is 12.5% more, so that’s 112.5 and 1125 (1237.5 total).
In the 9F case, Bloodshed does 1100 * 0.914 * 0.75 *0.40 = 301.62 damage to mobs 1-30.
In the 8F case, Bloodshed does 1237.5 * 0.914 * 0.75 * 0.40 = 339.32 damage to mobs 1-30.
For AD, in the 9F case, Mob 1 will deal an average of 133.33 * 0.2 * 1.38 = 36.8 damage to mobs 2-30. Mobs 1-30 will take 33.33 * 0.2 * 1.38 * 28 = 257.6 damage from AD procs from Mobs 2-30.
In the 8F case, Mob 1 will deal an average of 150 * 0.2 * 0.94 = 28.2 damage to mobs 2-30. Mobs 1-30 will take 37.5 * 0.2 * 0.94 * 28 = 197.4 damage from AD procs from Mobs 2-30.
With a 9F / 138% AD setup:
Mob 1 takes 133.33 Frenzy + Chain, 301.62 Bloodshed, 257.6 AD.
Total: 692.55 damage
Mobs 2-30 take 33.33 Chain, 301.62 Bloodshed, 294.4 AD.
Total: 629.35 damage
With an 8F / 94% AD setup:
Mob 1 takes 150 Frenzy + Chain, 339.32 Bloodshed, 197.4 AD
Total: 686.72 damage
Mobs 2-30 take 37.5 Chain, 339.32 Bloodshed, 225.6 AD
Total: 602.42 damage
SO: with high density, the 138% AD setup actually does a bit more damage. (+0.8% to Mob 1, +4.5% to Mobs 2-30.) But in lower density, the bit of extra Frenzy + Chain + Bloodshed damage from running at 8F will outperform that extra AD.
Well, it’s pretty close. I’d probably still aim for the 8F setup, since extra speed also equals extra Stricken stacks and extra healing, but going with an higher AD setup certainly isn’t going to be bad.