What time for the PTR start?

The previous PTR started roughly 11PM my time if I remember correctly which is 1PM PST. So not 5PM PST.

As did the PTR before that. And the one before that.


Right now, the message states the patch needs to update and apply automatically. Then the game splash screen closes completely to the desktop. So, at this point, I am just waiting till the patch gets updated and applied, whenever that is today.

Been like that for about an hour now.

It will be up when they are ready. They will nerf all the good stuff prior to S28. Some people will have the season completed in the first two days and will be back on the forum saying, “when does it end.” Just like every other PTR and season. I hope this one is a good one because D4 is next for most of us.

And the monkey flips the switch darn nothing happened. “To Be Continued”

Update available now :slight_smile:


PTR out, u can play ; )


Sweet an update downloading

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I’m in wweeeee
altar is great!

i just logged in but there is no altar of rites… i copied the char and i cant find it lol

where is it? cant find

It is running in South-east Asia region now

I don’t know, I was just being silly. I’m in queue.

altar is just north of “town square”

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It is up but there is a queue


I got in after about ten minutes. I changed characters and as anticipated, back into the queue. While I certainly wish to have some fun like everyone waiting, I may wait a day or two until it settles.

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Updating now.   :+1:

This :point_up_2: or this :point_down:

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It’s up but most of us are waiting in a que that is moving the wrong direction to join a game.

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