What time for the PTR start?


I would get so sick. I get an upset stomach and horrible headache if I have more than one cup of coffee, even with half and half in it. (Light cream).

I will never understand how people can have that much coffee in a day.

Wishing I had more milk handy because I may want cocoa later. We are supposed to get our first snow flakes of the winter today! Won’t get much, and it won’t stick long, but I still want to enjoy watching it.

No. Two-thirds of us will just sit in a 4-hour Queue.

Or a Witch’s Brew. Oh, wait. That’s not a pot. That’s Adria’s Cauldron.

In the phrase “A watched pot never boils” the thing that’s boiling is the liquid contained within it, not the pot itself, e.g. a pot of coffee…


Now this thread is just making me want pot roast. I am making a corned beef on Thursday at least with carrots, taters, and onions. Not pot roast, but at least a tasty winter feast.

Today is spicy pumpkin soup w/ Andouille, onions, peppers, celery, garlic, cumin, paprika, ginger, red pepper flakes w/ coconut milk to make it creamier. Served with garlic naan.

Edit: I have one of those blue enamel metal cups Meteor!


I started with coffee early, think I was 13-14 years old when I started drinking it… was always a pot on in our home, also started smoking around the same time, coffee and smoke is soo good together… now 30 years later I have quit smoking (my 3rd week now without smoke)… but the need for coffee is still there even without smoke :slight_smile:


(insert picture of a metal pot melting into boiling liquid metal)

I’m still amazed no-one’s questioned that I’ll be building a campfire in my games room.

Boiling pot infers water - which is an ingredient.

But is the fire to heat everything (pot and water and tea leaves) an ingredient? It probably isn’t equipment, but is required.

So all in all, either Coffee or Tea, we are all mug in hand waiting for the 2.7.5.XXXXX to change in the client - then we will get a refill for the queue that we’ll face.

Either way, can’t wait :slight_smile:

I just assume fireplace. We used to have fires inside all the time and people used to cook on them. Heh.

Before my time, but my grandparents had a wood burning stove to heat their farmhouse and keep the kettle warm.


Funny, I immediately pictured one of them central firepits with the huge open funnel chimney above it to resolve the smoke.

I WISH I had a fireplace or wood stove. I could heat the whole house easily with a bit of wood and it would smell fantastic. I have a nice small house that is very old, but efficient.

Of course, then I would have to go find and chop wood so there is that drawback.


You have lot’s of cats, their dried “pellets” might be a substitute, can’t guarantee a pleasant smell in the house though.


Sorry just couldn’t reign that one in

EWWWW. I know some places used dried cow dung but that is at least plant matter.

I only have 3 cats. They don’t produce that much, also carnivores.

EWWW. Yes, I know you are joking :slight_smile:

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Also just so you know… That is not what pellet stoves are designed for…


From “PTR start” to fireplaces, I enjoy this dysfunctional community. :crazy_face:

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We will be moving on to Dumpster Fireplaces next…

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clicks thread hoping to see stuff about ptr times
reads something about burning kitten pellets
sacrifices kitten pellets in the hope of pleasing the ptr gods for a faster ptr start


Is this what it takes?!
You have gotta be kitten me