What new do you want in Diablo 4

Both of those systems could work in a game. I would not consider them as having “both”. If you need to farm for an item to respec, then the respec is by definition not free.
And likewise with the death penalty idea. The death penalty is in the game, even if it is only active at higher difficulty lvl (kinda like D2).
Now I dont think it would be a good death penalty to take gear away from people, but it would certainly be a death penalty. Also not a good idea to prevent people from going back to town, since presumably the towns have other gameplay aspects tied to them (vendors, crafting etc). I understand that it is just an example though.

Anyway, it is like trading. If trading exists, the game will be balanced around it as an option. If you get better loot the more you fight before going back to town, then the game would be balanced around doing that. Choosing to ignore said feature doesn’t mean the feature is not there.

So, I am certainly not against having stuff like scaling death penalties (quite the opposite, I have for slowly increasing buffs like MF, that is lost on death. HAving a death penalty is essential for an A-RPG). But it is not “having both” in one game mode.

I completely agree with that. I am very much not arguing for a new game mode for every option (again, more like the opposite).
I am only saying, that if you want free trading and no-trading as equally viable options, then there is no other solution than having two individual game modes.
But one game mode, with no or very limited trading allowed, would also be a good, and easier, solution.

There should be zero PvP modes, build in pvp zones serves that purpose just fine. PvE modes should just be SC and HC, and, if trading exists, then Trading and No-Trading (so 4 modes total). There is no need to have multiple difficulty modes.

Maybe some type of bounty for your head: if the player has a bounty on them, it starts an event in which enemies spawn and hunt them.

This bounties would be activated as an event after we complete specific tasks like destroy a totem or clean a dungeon or something like that.


(post deleted by author)

Another idea couldbe to have Global goals. We could have things like build/repair a fortress, or build a bridge, clean a map or kill a world boss. The global goas would be events (or other activities) in which all the players can contribute for a goal to access a new area, get access to a specific reward, just as examples, but if they fail there would be global changes to the area, like enemies invading (for exampe).

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no POE and certainly no D2(except the d2 cutscenes).

retrieving bodies…NO ty.
there’s an ugly feature that never may return as a core feature:
-if players die in ‘normal’, they just have to have the ease they have in D3, from passives to revive or potions or options ‘where to revive’.

I obviously cant argue with how you understand a word.
But certainly not how I use it. Modes are isolated versions of the game, where you cant switch back and forth between them. Like SC and HC.
Anyway, not important what we call it, only important what it is.

Imo D4 should not have a hostile button. Cant imagine it will have that either. It would be quite unlike modern Bllizzard to not make PvP opt-in (or at least opt-out). There certainly should be various PvP activities though.

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WoE was the best type of PvP in any multiplayer RPG of any kind.

Totally biased opinion since I play Rag since I was a kid but

you really dont want any challenge in this game, amarite?

-i just keep mobblasting in normal.
-endless relaxing fun.
-that’s why i play D3, to have an not too complex, not punishing play option.

if i want a hard game, i played already 6400x15’ PvP tankbattles 15vs15 in World of Tanks and there, i have a 1,5% better total score then average (wich is not bad in that game).

then stop writing and let ppl have fun, who dont want their challenge in tank games

It would be cool to bring back (may via expansion even) all 7 main evils (the 3 primes and 4 lessers) and bring back/introduce each of their lieutenants (Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, etc) into the game, each in a different area/realm/dimension…for example expanding upon the Vault. Maybe a new niche like the Vault for each of the lieutenants and each having minions that invoke some unique feature into the gameplay/adventure linked to them like Greed commanding the treasure goblins that can open a portal to their particular dimension. This would introduce alternative outlets to getting items. Or maybe certain types of items can be collected via this method. It would also introduce some new characters that we’ve heard/speculated about existing that haven’t made appearances.

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Ok, I am not used to forums and I just noticed that rules dont allow me to duplicate. I still leave the link to the original post. Sorry about that.


I like Aeon ideas about bookshelves.

Something like finding bits of maps or lore book pages we have to put togheter to be able to access events or special areas could really add to replayability.

You could also add a “rarity” level and make very special dungeons for the rarest of them.

I take it that they selfdestruct on use, so players shall start hunting again once the special quest is over.

About multiplayer or solo player there should be some balancing on what players need to access a specific special realm: if you made it too easy for group of players to put togheter the items needed to access the dungeon the solo players would feel punished or vice versa.

Perhaps dedicated special areas could help balancing things out.

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Wile Treasure map and profecies would be bounded usable item, I was seeing knowledge tomes as a bounded usable item that, instead of instantly giving acces to content, would grand some knowledge points that could be stacked in, lets say the book of Cain, and then use a certain amount of it to open up quests. For exemple if I find a demonic tome, upon using it will fill some of my demon knowledge, and depending of how much i spend i would have more chance to acces rare content. For multiplayer balance very rare content could have a knowledge price to join but, like opening a Uber portal or a pactol map, other players of the party had acces that content and for the sake of sharing they are likely to open up something to.


how about this idea:

an automatic item buff and nerf system.
based on statistical data aka item usage %

-most used items per slot gets nerfed
-least used items per slot gets buffed
-this happens periodically, idk, once a day/week?
-nerfed items eventually go down the list, and a different item becomes the most used
-buffed items eventually go up the list and a different item becomes the least used
-after hundreds/thousands of cycles, item usage will be evenly spread through all items.

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How about make the game first, Meta later :wink:


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Automatic buff/nerf can’t work well imo. There is more to balance than statistics.
Data on which items are used is very relevant for making decisions though.
Not all items will have numeric values that can easily be adjusted either, and with others an automated process can’t determine which number should be buffer or nerfed.

Like, how do you balance Enigma?

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End-game for me has always been PvP. I would like a deep complex pvp system with titles, gear, and missions. D3 was considerably more lackluster without PvP. I cannot understand how they did not prioritize PvP from the ground up… I mean, wasn’t it pretty obvious PvP was important in D2? I know some players weren’t into it but im willing to assume most were. If D4 doesn’t have PvP, I’m afraid I will be disappointed.

  1. Cursed items/items with both positive and negative effects, including positive and negative unlockable affixes
  2. Customizable clan fortress which serves as both PVP and PVE battlemap for multiple formats of endgame gameplay.
  3. Bounty system ala Assassins Creed Odyssey, notoriety/star level for criminal activities. NPC and PC bounty hunting of PKers (as well as other criminal activities besides just PKing). Choice to kill or capture your bounty. Captured bounty goes to prison dungeon and either waits out “sentence” timer or “prison breaks” by fighting out of PVE prison dungeon.
  4. Destroy/rebuild towns and other hubs of civilization with quests and incentives to do both.
  5. PVE and PVP seige warfare with clans.
  6. More meaningful traps and environmental hazards in dungeons and overworld. Maybe a Wound system where you can only sustain so many Wounds incurred by traps before you die no matter what your hp situation is.
  7. Skill system like The Last Epoch (or better)
  8. Passive system like the best of PoE and Wolcen (but better)
  9. Mastery system like in Assassins Creed Odyssey, its like limited paragon but with a ton of different stats you can spend your points on (up to 20 on each stat) and each point in a stat gives diminishing returns so stats don’t get crazy but it still gives you a sense of progression.
  10. Treasure maps, yes.
  11. Crafting minigame, optional for slightly better or more controlled affix outcomes, ala Dragon Quest 11.
  12. Something more meaningful to do with all my excess legendary items besides salvage. Kanai’s cube was a nice start but more can be done such as with a Research System like in Rust. Essentially you keep grinding up excess copies of your items to learn from them and this unlocks more and more control of your crafted outcomes. This should be done in an incremental way so that unlocking everything will require sacrificing dozens and dozens of the item. By using legendaries as unlock costs you’re making them much more useful in a living economy as well.
  13. In general, tons of crafting skill unlockables that incrementally promote a more refined experience of crafting.
  14. Tower battle endgame ala Lost Ark. Solo and group tower sequences where you fight matches against monsters. Each match the monsters get harder but also the gameplay conditions, win conditions, and arena configuration changes from match to match. The more consecutive matches won, the greater the reward.
  15. Really nice ambush system where monsters can spring up out of nowhere and knock you off your mount as you’re traveling but make it fair and interesting and fun lol.
  16. I feel like its important to reiterate that something new, big, and exciting has to be done with skill and passive trees in the Diablo franchise. I realize what was revealed in the demo was a work in progress but I just want to say there are some really nice systems out there that are fun to manage and interact with in competitive games and what was displayed in the D4 demo was not close to being on par with what is out there today let alone 2 years from now. Just saying, this is one area where antiquation and nostalgia have very little place. Revolution here will be welcome 100%.
  17. In general, a variety of endgame activities, upwards of 15 or 20 activities. Enough that no player can possibly do them all every day and so have to choose how to spend their playtime. Choice is king. I have suggested many imo great activities in this post alone.
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