What new do you want in Diablo 4

Considering this community had given Blizzard staff all feedback that could be helpful, I thought we could talk about something that isn’t discussed so much. A lot of this feedback was about core ARPG mechanics that can make or break a game, especially Diablo franchise, but I’d like to see people’s opinions about new things. So I’d like to see you all post something that you think would modernize D4 and give us new interesting gameplay possibilities. Or maybe you want them to explore deeper lore and offer us some unseen stories? Anything is welcomed.


hmmm i dont knoooow…housing? XD
aaand real character customization
i think the problem in ARPGs is, that you would have to change the shape of soooo many items, so all characters always have a set body
but you would at least give them different hair and faces to customize, not just choose 1 of 6 or so


I will post many ideas, but not all are made to work together.


  • Character: tattoos that can be unlock with achievements and rewards for doing things in the game.
  • Items: have transmogs for the items and also be able to rename them like we did with that quest of D2. Legend: the item could keep a record of the strongest enemy that was killed while using it, if on top of that the items arn’t bound, then the items could become really unique.


  • Wagon: since we will have mounts, why don’t complete the crew with a wagon that store and transport our items.
  • Camp: with the wagon and other members of the crew (crafters), we could create a small camp in the open, that could need to be defended at the start but then would be safe to rest for some time.


  • Hideout: could have a private place to rest and store things.
  • Guild Fortress: would be similar to the hideout but for the whole guild.

In both cases it could be something instanced or could be a place we find in the open map and must defend.

  • Dungeons: we could build private dungeons other players could try to defeat. If the owner of the dungeon wins, he/she get’s a reward, if the challengers win, they get the reward.

We could have this dungeons made by the single players or the guilds. I think a feature like this could be good to build the game even more, creating a lot of customized dungeons (key dungeons could be used for this ones too).


Great thread.

  1. I’ll start by saying I want static progression, monster levels, and difficulty.

Meaning that I don’t choose what difficulty I play before I join a game on a difficulty slider. I just join a game and depending where I am in the world then the game decides for me how difficult and how great loot I will find there.

  1. Something I haven’t seen before. I want completely new stats, new bosses, new levels. Something that I couldn’t think of myself and haven’t seen in many other games. Something unique and crazy that which Blizzard used to be known for.

  2. Most importantly I want immersion. One of the undervalued aspects of Diablo 1 and 2 was that it was immersive because it had to be. The graphics were complete trash yet I find myself more immersed in those worlds than I do in Diablo 3, partly because Diablo 3 is full of memes (wtf is thunderfury doing in a Diablo game? Or a Deadmou5e amulet, or silly dry humour in the midst of a horror town? or a teddy bear world full of rainbows wtf?) I want gore, I want to be punished for death, I want real voice acting and meaningful boss fights, I want to have that feeling of being scared on hardcore mode.


More endgame modes.

Farming Paragon XP and G-Rift fishing becomes boring rly fast once reaching the endgame.

I mean POE offers so many good ideas for possible endgame modes, would be nice if Blizzard addapt 1-2 ideas to Diablo 3. :wink:


A good think they could add is environmental interantion, be able to use things in the map to create obstacles and damage the enemy: this things could also damage the player.

Additional idea to my previous post:

I always had the idea of what happen with the characters when they log out. It could be interesting if the characters remain as NPCs in the world. The could remain as mercenaries or guards.

  • Mercenaries: they could be hired by other players as companions or be guards for the players’ hideout or guild fortress: this could be done if those are in the open world.

  • Guard: the characters could remain as guards of populated places like camps and towns. Or could be guards of the players’ personal hideout or guild fortress.

The guard duties could be important if there were events in which we must defend those places. Since they want to make a more alive world, it is logical that the monsters attack towns too.

As for the hideout and guild fortress: those could be attacked by monsters and other players.

For the HC game mode: the characters on this duties wouldn’t die permanently.


Here’s my list:

  1. Character identity and depth through - playing a specific build that you’ve mapped out in advance / role more depth in the talent tree’s and customising skills

  2. Multiple meaningful character progression methods;
    a) Talent Trees which require massive cost to re-talent or change - please hundreds of build potential, e.g. druid being able to specialise into specific forms, caster spell iterations, caster and shapeshifting and on and on…
    b) Skill Trees to independently advance individual skills
    c) Runewords - please depth on the level of PoE’s gems, and better on activation abilities
    d) No potion spamming
    e) Mastery Tree’s (PoE’s like ascendancy) accessed instead of “Paragon”
    f) Gear / Items that are progressive

  3. Not having ultimate reliance on legendaries - and rares having a role in the end game

  4. Challenging game play with reactive avoidance mechanics

  5. Death penalties which are a loss of level progress / experience and make gold meangingful after a certain level


Use F% functions (1-4?) for predefined skill-sets.
Sort of like D3 Armory, only skills alone, and can be used on the fly.

Are you against potions overall, or just spamming them?
For example, if a potion heals “50 hp per second”, you can spam that all you want - the speed remains.
So the game allows potion spamming, but would punish you for it.

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I’m not against “potions” overall, and would love an “alchemist” to have unique flask / potion / elixir effects (each with their own progression trees) in the game to had profession and crafting depth…I even like the idea of a potion belt being able to be equipped and having a couple of unique slots.

But a reasonable cool down, and no “bottomless” potions (so there’s a cost involved) so it doesn’t interfere with reactive aspects of the game and reward people for face rolling “mechanics”.

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Instead of cooldown, you can enforce ‘last effect active’ (So drinking potion of some skill power, won’t stack with potion of attack speed).

I’m mostly concerned with c/d on health/resource potions - those should be similar to Diablo 2/PoE in effect.

he was asking for NEW things :smiley:
not what we have talked about for days now xD


Oh another thing,

I like the idea of the dodge mechanic in Diablo 4 - although wish it would have a class touch on it…And having a progression system even on this…

Example: The sorcerer’s being a recall where you can return to where you last teleported from - “recall”


I wish for better boss fights, just started replaying D2 and even with my love for the game I have to admit the Duriel fight is kinda lame, too direct.

The “class touch” on the dodge would be a nice detail, just a different visual effect if they didn’t want them to work differently.

Or they could have each class have a different dodge “skill” like blink and leap turning into dodge abilities that are always present.


That was going to be my next point - where you could customise the dodge skill and it had a set number of charges (like Wolcen), where a barbarian could choose leap, sprint, or teleport…

Maybe that’s something you could unlock in the talent trees…

Gladiator Hardcore PvP Arena.

To the death. No potions allowed. No exiting allowed. Confined area. Only 1 player leaves alive.

Skull trophies similar to what the Predators carry. Other cool cosmetics/titles to go along with success in the arena.


I actually love that idea, would make for some crazy viewing…

That’s the type of thing that’s going to be organized with or without Blizzards help, but it would be interesting to see it as an official thing haha

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Just need the guy from Gladiator doing the voice opening line

“We the people who are about to die SALUTE YOU!”

And have lions in the arena as well…

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Glad you love the idea! The viewing would be insane and I believe would attract many viewers. Participating even crazier.