What new do you want in Diablo 4

Not new, but I’d like to never see another player unless I’m in a party with them (i.e. my wife and kids).

Oh yeah, and an option to turn off the flashing mobs when hit rubbish.

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Character progression the matters from level 1

Talent trees and stat points to invest in my character

No infinite leveling. Level 99 in Diablo was perfectly fine

Genuine choice for players around end game content.l and how they want to play the game

Love the open world idea

Item tiers that are all relevant. Ancient and primal items suck design wise

The Paladin to return

Game this is really dark and challenging

Monsters that don’t constantly scale with you making progress feel futile

Areas in the open world which you cannot complete early and have to circle back around to later

Boss fights that make you think

Monsters that make you think

Not spamming 1-2 buttons forever

Get rid of the attack and defense stat




Items that are interesting and amazing to find but don’t lock you out of builds

Power shift back from items to the character so there is some balance between the two

Loot tables for certain areas

Keyed dungeons not being an infinite system like greater rifts

Not being forced into transformations that take away from your characters look


Trade chat

Not easy to reset stat points and talents

Reason to re-roll characters

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(post deleted by author)

My idea is that levels should only give extra skill and talent points and not additional stats. This way levels don’t give power. With this you don’t need to scale monsters anymore. And in the world you can perfectly have very strong monsters that can’t be killed right away.

They can make them infinite as long as they don’t give us more and more power. For example, most players could reach level 10, and a few would get to level 15-17, but without extra power (power creep) nobody would reach higher, but they can try.

GOOD++++++++++++++++++++ NEUTRAL --------------------------EVIL

I’ll try to explain in simple:

At begining You start as NEUTRAL charter (whatever You playing, Barbarian, Sorceres, Druid, WD…)
Your EXP bar always progress as You doing quests or killing beasts. And You gaining levels.

But, Your GOOD(or LIGHT) – NEUTRAL – EVIL(BAD) arrow, changing how You fullfiling quests in the world.
1 ex. – There is NPC that tell’s You: OK, there is a beast there and there, and it’s damaging our crops and You (as a HERO) need to do something…
OK, so You go there and KILL that beast.
As result, You’r arrow moves towards GOOD.

In some other cases, there is some other diferent creature that tells You: HERO, we got problems with farmers over there that are destroying our forest so go there and resolve that issue…
And You KILL those poor basterds and then Your arrow just move towards EVIL.

So, that system would also be connected with equipment. Sometimes You would get this nice drop that would give You nice stats towards EVIL, but You wont be able to use it since You are GOOD person (to bad for You, as You are on the LIGHT side You became paladin) and You can’t use „SWORD OF DARK MAGIC“ since You are not EVIL…but since that is such a nice drop maybe will push You to do some EVIL things so just to try to use this awesome sword…
And vice versa for EVIL charters…if some nice „SHIELD OF LIGHT“ drops, maybe You would reconsider stop being such BAD person and devote Your existence to the LIGHT.

Anyway, also all factions would need to have their own bastions somewhere in the middle of the game.

„BASTION OF LIGHT“ would be in order and rules
„FORTRESS OF DARKNESS“ would be ruled by chaos and corruption
And Neutral would suffer at SANCTUARY fighting for BALANCE.

Of course, how You would progress towards Your LIGHT, Your charter would look more like ANGELS (with wings and aureole and glowing shiny reflection that can summon „HEAVENLY JUSTICE“ on those who stand on Your way)
On the other side how You would progress towards DARK, Your charter would look more and more like 3 headed daemon with nails and red skin with scales all over it’s body that can summon INFERNAL FIRE“ on Your enemies)
And if You choose to remain „NEUTRAL“ searching the „BALANCE" You’ll be target of both sides but with „JUSTICE POWER“ to resist „TEMPTATION“ and „REWARDS“ of „LIGHT“ and „DARKNESS“.
Since I don’t have time to put this idea on more develop, I’ll just put it on discussion on the forums. I already try to discuss with some of my GUILD m8 in WoW, and they think it’s awesome, especially since that would lead to open world PvP between those that choose „LIGHT“ and those that choose „DARKNESS“ and as 3rd force, one that looking for „BALANCE“ stay against all.

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I think they could also have some kind of reputation system. We could help the assassins, the barbarians, the paladins, etc, by doing quests for them. The reputation would give us rewards depending of how much we have.

This factions could also have strongholds of their own, and we could get access to them after we reach a specific level of reputation.

For what I am arguing it would probably be more akin to saying you want to play both at the same time, or freely respec a character from wizard to demon hunter. You are talking about different gameplay options and of course they can potentially be balanced. They should be.

What generally can’t, is the game systems. You can’t have both zero respecs and free respecs. No death penalties and harsh death penalties etc in the same mode.
A decision have to be made on where on the scale the game should be. You can pick one of the extremes, or make one of the endless amounts of compromises in between.
Compromises sounds tempting, but if you pick the middle ground solution every time for all of your game design vision, you end up with a bland game that nobody wants.
Pleasing everyone is a bad strategy. Make a game that fits your vision as a designer, and stick with it.

That obviously does not mean that there are never cases where the middle ground is a good solution.

That’s a bit too much WoW-esque tbh, and frankly just as in WoW, noone would play the light/alliance side, as everyone wants to be fighting for the Horde, i.e. “controlled” chaos :smiley:

So, IF the game was a completely single player experience THAT would work (sure), but at the end of days would be just another MMO world if you’d do such a characterization if/when doing that in a multiplayer environment tbh

I’ll not denayit. There is a bit of WoW in this. But corruption that took world will manifest in all segments. Especially GREED and search for power. Diablo players was always pushed by GREED. Better equipment, some nice gem, or combination of gems, can just push You on a DARK side. (Like Anekin in STAR WARS) becoming Lord Wader.

So those segments can change ppl will, to keep steady “BALANCED” charter and to be aligned with a world.
Switching sides as GREED commands. Just imagine, some powerful nice drop, that make You wish to become “FALLEN ANGEL”, just that You can use that power to rule battlefields.

It looks to me that DIABLO world is just perfect for such ever lasting conflict. Since battle between good and evil never ends on the PANDEMONIUM FIELDS.

That’s fine and all but again, pretty sure safe to assume that about 3/4 of players would join the side of the “Burning Hells” :smiley:

Could be, but paches in games can always balance the game. In a fact, if less ppl decide to join LIGHT, some of the equipment for LIGHT side can always be added that can give that RIGOROUSNESS ANGER that will push ppl to switch side. GREED is a powerful tool my friend. And knowing players, they always trying to satisfy their tryst for GREED.
Eyes just sparks when some of nice drops appears.
And all games are built on same principle.

Trust me, everyone would rather listen to Leoric during NPC missions or Azmo for that matter (just look at our profile pictures lol), noone wants the cringe of Tyrael or Inarius or whatever

Imperius might be an exception but even he alone won’t be able to “swing” enough players to join the Heavens side tbh… I mean they could surely give a try, however should make sure the RPG part of the game first and foremost with builds/items and skills are well dynamic and challenging rather than focus on the “design of the world” as a priority tbh :slight_smile:

Well, as I said, I didn’t have time to develop idea further. But, from D2 there was those items for sorceress, that give You +1 or+2 to teleport skill. And then You saw a lot barbarians/paladins with those items, just to gave them that advantages.
On D3 developers clearly said that they wanted that all classes to be unique, so they refuse to give items mix skills (practically items was class specific).
So, my point is, some of the items can push players to switch sides if they give them pleasure in playing and possibility to satisfy their search for power and greed.
My idea is that Diablo is now ready to become world that can be compared with real world. Corruption, spies, back stabs, political games … all in search of domination and power.
And if You look today’s world, it’s not far from that.
And to add for ex. could be that Azmo pull You to DARK side, just that at final stage You discover that he’s agent of light and suddenly all your rep GRINDING for DARK switch You to LIGHT and You get resurrected as paladin XD.

A simple idea: jump and fall.

Be able to jump would give the game a new dimension (that would add to the climb thing they show during the demo).

Fall: no more run to the edge and can’t keep running anymore, now we would fall. This would add more risk to the game but also more tactics, we could use skills and affixes that push the enemies to make them die faster, but at the same time we could die faster too.

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(post deleted by author)

Anything but Diablo 3. I want it to be nothing like D3 other then camera angle. I don’t want my guy to be super SAYIN Times paragon 200! I wanna struggle, I want to be able to say “hey I actually have to think and non click like a zombie”.

We’ll see tho:). I have big hopes D4 brings in new fans and interests more devs into the ARPG pool.

I want Diablo 4 to leave us in a better state on release that Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction left off on.

The ability to create Private games…

You’re not getting housing.

w/e :confused:
would be depressing anyway, in this game