Can you explain to me how you manage 4 windows, with the pointer in the right place and click on all items, on each window at the same time, with Windows?
Sorry, I’m a poor noob on Mac
If they are using a software program to control all the instances at once, that is no longer allowed. I used to use software myself to do this, almost a decade ago. Way to catch up there Bravata… But you are a bit late to the party.
Now its just sad that someone thinks they need to multi-box to get anywhere in this game. lol
Mirrored inputs are usually how people multibox but the EULA referring to multibox users had a few changes over the course of years. While it is allowed for WoW, in Diablo you are not allowed to do that anymore.
Mirrored inputs are specifically forbidden in WoW.
Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.
So, looking through D3, I cannot find the options that allows me to mirror keystrokes for multiple accounts at once which means that software/code would need to be third party. They have said they allow multi-boxing in the past, but that does not include further software/code to mirror keystrokes unless you have some Blizz post to say otherwise.
I am also interested on your take of how automating keystrokes is not botting. It is a more primitive form than you see paragon farming, but automating is automating in my book.
Well, you claim you can get 480 legendaries in 10 minutes. I know that cannot be done solo. So, yes, what you are doing does make the game easier to play as you gear faster and collect valuable forgotten souls faster.
no i dont “mirror” inputs with software. i play well within the rules, i’ve had a hundred discussions with GM’s whom most said what i do is “cool” and to keep doing it. this is nothing new to me, and you wont pull any “gotcha”'s like you have been trying to do that haven’t been tried before by rando hater #X…
Blizzard is mostly interested in stopping Multiboxing Botters. There’s multiboxing, and there’s botting, and when multiboxing went mainstream for people like you to try, botters discovered how to use it to enhance their botting. So good ol’ girls like me became collateral damage in blizzard’s war against botters. Fine by me, i hate botters and have no issue with blizzard’s aggressive tactics. I, like most other intelligent skilled multiboxers, just went back to the old ways. easy peasy lemon squeezey.
when blizzard says multiboxing itself is against the rules, i’ll stop. as of now, it isnt, only some methods, that of which i do not use.
tbqh i wish blizzard would just go to kernel level security and crush botting all together. just drop the nuke and end the botting war.
but anyway, thank you for bringing this topic up, i was able to reminisce through my 5boxing adventures in vanilla and pull out some screenshots of my high warlord priest.
is there a limit to how many? where’s the specifics? where does the line begin and end? if wudijo can get 120 legendaries in 10 minutes and Jane Doe can only get 80 even though they have the same skill and playstyle, but wudijo’s fiber internet and $10k computer allows him to get more faster, who’s the judge on whether he is making the game easier for himself than Jane’s walmart special pc?
what about people who have more time to play? you know Blizzard supports playing multiple instances of D3 at once. So because i have 4 open at once and you only have 1 open, i deserve a ban even though it’s allowed? Blizzard allows me to get 480 legendaries every 10 minutes. it’s permitted. same as 20 legendaries every 10 minutes. the amount doesnt matter, if either one of us uses a 3rd party program that is against the eula, then we could both be banned.
so you have a mod, script, software, whatever you want to call it to
As I have said, I don’t see any options that are part of the physical game that allow you to do this. All 4 of your characters aren’t teleporting at the same time with one click without an addon.
Yes, there is always a limit. It is well below 480 legendaries a minute for a straight solo player. Guarantee it is far less than 480 in 10 minutes as no one is doing consistent 15 second GR’s. So, yes, your multi-boxing has a significant advantage over a solo player when it comes to gearing.
Unfortunately, that is not in their perceived best interest and they will never do. They ban mostly the high profile/most egregious botters, knowing they will simply rebuy the game. On top of that, botters help their MAU’s which they value so much.
And should be banned. One of the things that bothers me most is they tend to ban just the high profile cheaters and most of the low profile cheaters continue on.
As far as being “OK” or bannable, I am not arguing either way about that. They don’t even ban THUD users and many botters, so anyone can argue sorta kinda gray issues blah blah blah. I do feel moving more than 1 character at a time with one click is definitely not in the spirit of the game. You may feel differently, but that is your prerogative.
you’re out of touch, not only with gaming, but also tech.
and you just basically hate me to the point that if you had the power you’d just ban me right now yourself because we disagreed on diablo forums so you hate me and want me banned.
thank god this is america, where we fought for our freedom from tyrannical people like yourself, whom would punish people you disagree with whether right or wrong.
hand over heart Oh beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife Who more than self, their country loved And mercy more than life
America, America may God thy gold refine 'Til all success be nobleness And every gain divined
And you know when I was in school We used to sing it something like this, listen here
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain
But now wait a minute, I’m talking about America, sweet America You know, God done shed his grace on thee He crowned thy good, yes he did, in brotherhood From sea to shining sea
You know, I wish I had somebody to help me sing this (America, America, God shed his grace on thee) America, I love you America, you see My God he done shed his grace on thee And you oughta love him for it 'Cause he, he, he, he crowned thy good He told me he would, with brotherhood (From sea to shining Sea) Oh Lord, oh Lord, I thank you Lord (Shining sea)
Hate is a strong word and I definitely do not hate you. Do I find you annoying, yes. Do I find you overdramatic, definitely. I do feel sorry for you, though. People who need to keep reminding other’s about how great they think they are usually are very insecure.
I could care less. If you have broken any rules that up to Blizz to determine what rule you broke and to do something about it. Hell, I have never even flagged anyone.
Well, if disagreeing with someone or calling them out when they are factually wrong is tyrannical, I guess all humans are tyrannical.
If disagreeing with you is punishing you, well, you got some real thin skin.
They aren’t going to disclose that. It would expose them as using a 3rd party something to synchronize the game windows.
So far, they have been very careful not to say anything specific. Which I find funny as hell. Because I know they would be busted if they flat out told or showed anyone what they are actually doing/using.
To B.
Since what you are doing is SO legit, why not share exactly how it works?
i could make a post about Cheeto Paws and you’d come in screaming how i quit and to prove i like Cheeto Paws. you do it all the time, and i dont mind, but call a fish a fish.
Yep. Nothing to see but B just spouting more hot air as usual. Might want to examine your carbon footprint there B. Only thing putting out more hot air than you is Taylor Swift’s jet… LOL