What is the best way to farm gems?

i only play this account to complete season journeys for cosmetics and only because i feel fomo’ed to do so since i did it for so long and it really doesnt take much time at all. though i have enjoyed messing with solo self found mode this season and considering moving to ssf permanently, but i doubt it. still think it needs to have no shared tabs. i wouldnt multibox on this account anyway, since i get false flagged enough on the forums and dont want to lose this license. if any hateful people ever became privy to my current main accounts there’s little doubt many of they would false flag them in game to try and get them banned as it’s happened before to accounts i didnt even play much but were public partly mostly because of missredacted spam posting them in the forums any time i’d post because she didnt like my opinions. missredacted whom posted she knows blizzard mods personally and would ban me if she had the power.

nope. i will not share my in game accounts. the general hate i can handle, take a look at the one above you, whom i have no ill will towards and respect as a person despite the constant jabs. but there are many others, stalkers and haters and immoral evil people who are only interested in hurting people whom they socially disagree with, who will take it beyond text. as recently as WoW:Legion i was Doxxed by a multibox hater and one of my homes was swatted that luckily i was not at.

so no, you may not see my accounts, i am a believer in freedom of speech, and i will practice it while knowing i am safe to do so.

You are so full of it. BTW, how did your Cambridge guest lecture on applied differential geometry go? :laughing:

Of course you are, when you can do so anonymously to avoid the consequences or repercussions thereof.

You get a great deal of negative responses and harsh criticism because you come off as an arrogant, egotistical, pompous, obnoxious know-it-all. Maybe this is the persona you adopt so you can get the attention on the forums that you don’t get IRL? I sincerely hope you’re not actually the jerk you appear to be.
But, as the saying goes, “if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, etc.”


You can, but this doesn’t prevent you from making mistakes to give bad informations

Dear all, Thank you and really appreciate your kind advices. Do keep chill … i am not going the route of using puzzle ring or bodice because would need to farm blood shards to gamble with kadala for those. So, i thought directly farming nep rift or visions may be more direct. Thanks for the tip on boss bounties too. Peace out.

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If you play mainly solo, just be careful to have Broken Crown on your follower, and after a while you won’t have what to do with it anymore.

And important thing, it’s the gem that YOU wear on YOUR helmet, not that of the follower.

(And shards don’t work)


You can equip broken crown on your follower (if you play solo) or have it cubed on some T16 build if you can afford it, and farm the typical T16 content: normal rifts, bounties, visions, puzzle rings, cow levels. It basically doubles your gem drops. Quick note, it doesn’t work if you have a soul shard in your helmet so instead pick another regular gem there (most likely diamond for cooldown). You don’t really need soul shard on helmet to farm T16. I also tend to open chests if they are on my way, they seem to drop a gem or two most of the time. Any additional gems you find, you can then convert to the colour you want with the 6th cube recipe.

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You don’t have to complete full Act Bounties. But:

  • Look for main Boss Bounties. The ones that spawn a Diabolic Hoard (Large Chest) when you kill them. They drop lots of Gems.

  • Equip your Follower with a Broken Crown. Insert a regular Gem in your Helm (as others have said). This will get you double the Gems. It doesn’t matter what kind of Gem. You can always use Kanai’s Cube to convert them 9 at a time.

Or, you can craft Sovereign Bardiches at the Blacksmith and Sovereign Rings at the Jeweler. Then, upgrade them in Kanai’s Cube. We get a ton of Death’s Breaths this Season. But, you will have to keep an eye on your Crafting Mats. (Reusable Parts, Arcane Dust and Veil Crystals).

Note: The Sovereign Rings also cost Marquis Gems. So, if you’re short on those, stick to crafting and upgrading Sovereign Bardiches for Bovine Bardiches. Any Legendary Bardiches you get that are not Bovine can be salvaged for Forgotten Souls.

Also note, that creating a Crusader Alt will allow you a better chance to get Bovine Bardiches by upgrading Sovereign Bardiches. (They can do this at Character Level 1).

Sup Minister of Misinformation.

While it is possible to run GR’s in a minute, you still need to teleport 3 alts to RG, pick up all 48 legendaries, upgrade 16-20 legendary gems (Urshi is slow AF), teleport all 4 characters to town, salvage 48 legendaries, spend shards on 4 characters. Even if you only loot Primals and don’t spend shards, you still need the teleports and legendary gem upgrades which are both slow.

Please prove me wrong. Link a video of you multi-boxing and coming across 480 legendaries in 10 minutes. Show us the “pro” skills you claim to have.

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I’ve done about a dozen rifts if that this season… primarily done visions and GRs… and I’ve yet to run out of gems after augmenting mostly ancient GoD/M6/S6 set ups (I’m not low on gems after doing this either… far from it).

The key thing with visions is that the goblin levels is a big mats and gem boost.

Also pretty easy to get tonnes of primals from them too.

I’m assuming you’re doing this solo with your follower too and a normal gem in your helm for the extra gem drop.

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Maybe, you two do, but then again, quantity doesn’t make up for the lack of quality.

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i only picked up primals at that point. you really are slow at this, but i do love seeing you seethe.

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Which is why I said this:

You are not running a GR, teleporting 3 alts to the RG, doing 16-20 legendary gem upgrades, and teleporting you and 3 alts to town in one minute for 10 straight runs, so again calling BS.

Upload that video of you doing it 10 times in 10 minutes. Otherwise, you are once again the:


it’s weird that you literally think i that i have to click them one at a time. as long as i preset my gems in my inventories correctly before doing a run, i can level them at the same time as if i were running solo. teleporting all at the same time in one click, same as solo. there is very little difference in speed and play between multiboxing and soloing. the difference is in the preparation and set up, which i took care of long ago and have little trouble updating and maintaining.

if you need a visual, there are plenty of videos on youtube already.

Ahhh, so more multi-botting than multi-boxing. I always thought it was one click, one action. If you are doing 1 click on one account and a click is being processed on 3 other accounts, that doesn’t sound like 1 click, one action.

I only own one account. Being able to teleport 4 accounts in 1 click or upgrading gems on 4 accounts in one click seems to be cheating to me.


I think many members are looking for YOUR proof, not that provided by others


no you’re confusing WoW with D3. the D3 eula mentions no such thing.

also, i multibox WoW even today as well. i dont break any rules in the eula for D3 or WoW.

no thanks. even if i did show you video clips, you’d just want more.
"i dont see your account names. "
“how do we know that’s you? put shoe on head and show face.”
“timestamp and show driver’s license”



i literally posted a pick last week proving my account didnt have a D4 license, yet you and maddy both would not accept it and apologize.

maddy said it’s not possible, except there’s videos already on youtube.

kinda weird tbqh, because many of the top 10 leaderboard players on NA are multiboxers.

Blizzard authorizes multiboxing (several accounts) on D3, not the use of one or more third-party software to accomplish the same action at the same time.

any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

from Blizzard End User License Agreement - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment

Do you understand the difference or is it too complicated?

Like always, no proof, but it’s not surprising after a while :slight_smile:


what you say and what the quote says are different things. there is nothing in the D3 eula about “same action at the same time”. that is from the WoW eula. it’s also why you have to lie and add it yourself instead of finding it in the eula and posting it.

according to what you quoted.
nothing i do changes the gameplay or it’s functionality, or makes it easier to play than if i were playing solo. quite the opposite tbqh, yet i am extremely skilled so i am able to overcome the handicap and still play 4 accounts as well as you play one account. that part of the eula you quoted, was created to curb maphacks and turbohud and such cheats.

besides, all i use for 3rd party programs in junction with D3 is Windows, same as most other players.

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It’s in the C section of what Strix links to.
C. ii 1 and 2

I don’t wish any harm for Bravata though.