What is the best way to farm gems?

Run out of gems for upgrading. Other than puzzle ring and the vault, what is the best way to farm for gems? Visions or nephelam rift?

I’d say - boss bounties. Diabolic Chest always provides gems. Just make sure you have a regular gem in your helm (not a Soul Shard) and your follower wears Broken Crown.


learn how to quickly farm rainbow goblins and broken crown.

Take more times to find a rainbow goblin than some visions with gob levels.

I know, you’re a pro and find a rainbow gob every 10 minutes.


no, you’re just bad and likely dont even know the routes or even use a infinite dash monk. you’ll find a rainbow goblin about as often as you’ll find a goblin pack in a vision. about every 15 minutes. the difference is that you’ll get far more gems from the rainbow goblin, and while searching for the rainbow goblin you’ll also find Gem goblins along the way pretty often.

now this isnt my method for gems anymore. I just upgrade puzzle rings, but he didnt want that method.


I’d say using Bovine Bardiche is really good. Just cube the item and clear Not-the-Cow level with a Follower equipped with Broken Crown. Visions appearing is just extra and worth every attempt. Just remember to replace Soul Shard at helm with a gem of your choice.

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Xp, xp, xp! Mmmhhhmmm!

and it seems you don’t know what sarcasm is. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Didn’t he also say that he got primals every ten minutes when multiboxing? :grin:

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you understand that when i multibox i see 48 legendaries drop every minute? that’s 480 chances every 10 minutes. that’s more than 1 primal every 10 minutes. i honestly dont think you even understand how multiboxing d3 is done.

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We don’t understand nothing, we aren’t pros.

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You really think I don’t know how multiboxing works?

You have a really problem with sarcasm.

That’s all good in theory (even double primal drops with the Altar in season). Which of your heroes is then decked out in primals?

you do now, and you’re welcome. dont share it with anyone, it’s our secret now.

that explains why you say witchdoctor is good.

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it’s nice to see you admit you had no clue and are grateful to be educated.

you’re welcome.

now apologize.

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I’ll gladly apologize to Strix, Naksiloth and others on this forum for feeding a troll :grin:


we almost have the same amount of posts.

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Drop rates are much, much higher when you can just make numbers up.


Jazz, thank you for posting this. This is a pretty good indication that the Brave One is better at playing the forums than the game. :upside_down_face:

I didn’t see your infinite dash monk either. :roll_eyes:

P.S. My apologies to all but one person in this thread for feeding the troll.

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Our dear friend doesn’t like posting from her main account for fear of being harassed.

Pro players never share their main account.

It’s sarcasm, for anyone who doesn’t understand