What is everyone rolling for Season 32?

For those who don’t like to play Tal Rasha glass cannon :slight_smile:


The damage/toughness number is incorrect because Storm Armor is not calculated as fourth stack of Tal ( D3planner bug ). The real number is about 3,4kkk meteor total damage ( without CoE buff ) & 6,15kkk toughness.

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Solo Tier list for S32 is out (it says S31 in the link, but when you click on it it takes you to S32 list, updated yesterday):

Solo XP farm Tier list, as well:


I’m not so sure about Nat and GoD. GoD will be able to farm lower tiers faster but Nat will farm higher Tiers. It might come out as a wash between those two between clearing 130 in a few minutes and clearing GR 140 a bit slower.

I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just saying a lot has changed since Season 24 for Nat’s and they may be underestimating how much a Dawn powered Doomslinger helps Nat’s.

Nat’s already cleared higher than GoD before this season. Ethereal Buriza certainly helps GoD but Doomslinger does virtually the same thing to Nat’s.

Anyway, we’ll see I guess.

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I am one of the exceptions with this, to an extent. I always start with the class I am planning on doing my main push with, whether it has a great speed build or not. I do generally use the class’ best speed build and not my eventual push one though. It just feels right to me to start my season with what will be my push character even if leveling and gearing takes longer.

Then only after quite a while I set up a character with whatever is one of the top XP builds, usually somewhere over 70ish hours but sometimes 100 in. Depends on when I start feeling some boredom/GR wall coming. I still use my main character for visions and GR90’s instead of whatever does that best but I split my GR’s about 50/50 between XP character and eventual push character.

Nat is in S tier, GoD in A tier on solo list.

I was talking about the XP farming tier list. In that list they GoD above Nat’s.


Thanks for telling about it :slight_smile:

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As I have only played very little with the “new” Nat’s build I can only say that GoD was extremely smooth with soul shards even up in the 130s range (in season 30) with reasonable gear and not a crazy amount of paragons (and with the Altar of course). But I used wizard for pushing that season.

Yeah, I’m torn between GoD and Nat’s this season. I thoroughly enjoyed GoD in Season 24 and got my highest paragon ever that season with something between 2700 and 2900 (can’t remember which). But Nat’s was what I cleared my first 150 with back with the Altar Season at its full power. And did it again, with the Soul Shard Season. So, it’s kind of grown on me.

I mean, “you never forget your first”, right? lol

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DH level up, complete seasonal journey and altar and that’s it for me. Hard pass on ethereals season theme.

People talking about Nat’s, i;m not sure they added new legendary powers to ethereals , they might get the existing ones from S24. That would mean Nat and Raekor are screwed. GOD will probably do 130 speeds with a full altar and Buriza easy, tho.

They didn’t add new powers but Dawn’s power does work with Nat’s. I’ve always run Nat’s with Dawn over Nat’s Slayer and as I’ve mentioned in another thread, Doomslinger with Dawn’s Power is more powerful than Nat’s with Nat’s Slayer just because Doomslinger giving 100% more damage to all DH skills while the benefit of using Nat’s with Nat’s Slayer is you get to use CoE which is just a 50% bonus plus Nat’s Slayer’s additive bonus of +Spike Trap damage. That also doesn’t take into account Doomslingers increased Damage Range over Nat’s Slayer.

Nat’s isn’t left out in the cold with Ethereals. Using Nat’s Slayer over Dawn is just about a 3 Tier difference in power. Doomslinger more than makes up for that by a lot on account that you won’t have to invest so heavily into Cooldown Reduction for near perma Vegeance and can go with Area Damage in a couple of spots.


As an example, back in the Soul Shard season, I ran Dawn with Nat’s while everyone else was running Nat’s Slayer, but I still did a GR 150 and was rank 10 for a while on the DH SSF leader board and wasn’t using the Ring of Fire power in my build.

Basically I’m saying you lose almost nothing by using Dawn over Nat’s Slayer.

Edit #2:

Just checked the Leaderboards and I wound up at Rank 12 at the end of the season even though I practically quit the season when I got my time under 8 minutes.


any particular reason why? You’re the first person i see who dislikes it, It’s one of if not the most popular theme of all time

It’s because there is no Ethereal that helps Shadow since Shadow needs a melee weapon and most of the other builds for DH don’t work on console like they do on PC. Like you can’t “strafe weave” with GoD or “stutter step” with UE or Marauders making them a good bit harder to play.

mrtheoden is a console player which explains his disdain for the other sets and his disappointment that most themes don’t do anything for Shadow and even the Season of Shadow Strafe was a dud for him because of the afforementioned problems with strafe on console.


As a console player too, I would just ignore Shadow for a season and try out something else. I really enjoy that build too but some season themes don’t mesh well with everything or they make something else a lot more appealing. Take Monk, I love Patterns but when Crucibles were here, Raiment was the :poop:

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It’s been already suggested to mrtheoden but he has outright refused to play anything else. To him everything else is crap and since Ethereals won’t help the only build he is willing to play, the entire theme is apparently crap.



Tried it, didn’t like it.

No. A theme that cherry picks which builds to support, and completely ignores other builds is a crap theme. In the real world, that’s called discrimination.

Imagine if everyone was allowed to have a driving licence except Red heads.


Just because your favorite build gets left out doesn’t mean the Ethereals cherry picks builds to buff. As it has been said multiple times already, majority of all builds still benefit from it.

Compare it to S31 theme. Yes, all builds can use it but only a handful of builds (mainly necro) can actually benefit from it. That’s a huge, huge difference. That makes Ethereals a gazillion times better theme.


Just a suggestion. Some builds took me playing for a little before I began to enjoy. Some are a slow burn.

It can’t be discrimination because the demon hunter class is not prohibited from using ethereals. :grin:

Gave Theoden a like because I sympathize with his predicament.

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