What I HATE about Diablo IV Skill System - A Case for Character Building

Inboth D3 and D4 you can equip multiple skills from 1 tier.

Not quite, it will take time to max out our skills. You will need skill tomes and nothing says that you must use them. So you could just figure out what skills that you want to use then figure out the needed gear as you go along. Then when you reach endgame and you progress to get to the point of perfecting that build you can re-roll your character if you want to.

That is a big difference with D3. D3 you unlock your skills at full strength based on level.

Plus through talents you can customize the skills that you are using.

I don’t think that they will be going that route. They just choose those skills to showcase the class. Doesn’t mean that you cannot pick more than one skill per tier.

There is no way of knowing how strong the attack and defense will be at this point in time. They also said there will not be any really big gap in damage and defense like D3.

The problem is that a lot of players like role playing a build instead of role playing the name of their character.

Conan the Barbarian is one that is a swordsman. But in the Diablo universe it would be silly to have him say oh wait guys and gals I have to go back to level one or respec my skills so I can do a lot of damage with this axe because my sword got broken. No he could use that axe maybe not as skilled with it as a sword but he could still use it.

I highly doubt that we will see players running only one build per character. As long as there is no big gap in power from the best most optimal builds to the suboptimal builds. Then it won’t matter, you might be running cookie cutter A and I would be running an off the wall build that could still get the job done.

You might run a strong WW build, which I might be running an Indiana Jones Barb build

I have to see more before I can agree with you.

Even though no one likes nerfing it has to be done at times. Otherwise you run the risk of continual buffing that creates power creep.

What is really needed is for Blizz to set the bar of performance for all builds to strive for. Any that are too far away can be buffed or nerfed. Then make sure that you don’t raise that bar to fast.

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i rlly hope so
at least, the ultimates will be exclusive but thats ok imo
or shared cooldown

You’ve just described a character who has a sword build. Your character “is a swordsman” (talents and skills focussed around swords), but that doesn’t preclude him picking up an axe and using it without respeccing. You even said it yourself - “maybe not as skilled with it as a sword” (ie. no talents changed, build still focussed around sword damage) “but he could still use it.”

In a free respec world he would pick up an axe and, despite never having touched an axe before, with a quick respec, in a minute or so he would be as good with an axe as he ever was with a sword. That is silly.


I’d like something where after you’ve put enough point in a skill, you get choices on how to enhance them based on what play style you like.

Something like a small skill tree for each skills that changes some functionality and if you chose one side you cant chose the other.

Say after 5 point in warcry, i can chose it to stun enemies or heal allies then other 5 points, it can deal damage or give defense. etc…


I just hope this doesn’t get out of hand.

I don’t want to be in a situation where casting 3 Fireballs in a cone is always better than casting 1.

You don’t want to remove your skill shots from the game like that. Offer new skill variants but dont remove skil variants.

You can offer variants of a skill but keep the ORIGINAL skill in a place where the Player would want to use it.

For example WD and the Gargantuan.

I love the Giant Gargantuan. But the ring that brings out Gargantuan damageand makes the skill viable, creates 3 small midgets.

Dude if I want to play with 3 small creatures, I’ll use my Zombie Dogs.

The reason I play with Gargantuan… is because he is a GIANT!

And this dumb legendary makes me play with midgets.

Don’t get me wrong Short Man Finger is great, it’s just that it is TOO great to the point where it removes other options like the option to use the original skill itself.

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like in sacred 2
you could alter skills 3 times with each time choosing 1 of 2 alts

Lol totally agree with you.

I remember in D3 sometimes the runes pissed me off because I liked the original skill but it changed the whole flavor and the original skill was useless. Like meteor. I loved the original. it felt awesome but became less strong than the other ones. (I kept the original one at the cost of dps.)

anyway with the mini skill trees I was talking about its doable. Say there’s a three cone fireball you can just diminish the damage of each fireball. so you can have AOE or have shotgun then other choice simply add burning or something.

Gargantuan. Gets stronger or give him a stomp.

you could always have the same version of the skill and just make it feel a little more powerful in the animations and other skills could change the feel and flavor too.

Skilled means experienced at using the axe. You miss out on what the whole point is. Both D3 and D4 look like they are going the route where you can role play your character’s name instead of any specific build you would be looking to role play.

Role playing your character’s name under the idea of Conan would mean that he received full training on how to use a variety of weapons including axes, clubs, etc… He wouldn’t have the same amount of experience using those weapons as a sword. But still it wouldn’t mean that he would just tickle the enemy or lose the fight because he never even picked up an axe.

Knowing Blizzard they’ll make the skill tree in to the shape of a Christmas Tree with the star at the top being the ultimate 1 shot ability where everything (including other players) dies instantly, something along the lines of a kill switch skill…

It takes up 2 out of the 6 skill slots and you have to press both M1 and M2 together to activate it, it can’t be rebound to any other buttons either and it uses up all your resource and leaves you at 1 HP as a trade off.

skill tree will be useless in this game :frowning: , because the dev team already plant
the game will give you enough point to cap every skill the game have :frowning: , so in the end choice don’t matter , only the passive tree have not enough point to cap everything , but the choice will be so limited and so obvious with free respec , what is the point to have a skill tree ?your able to cap everything this is a disguised version of d3


Depends on how respecing skills actually work. If respec works like in D2 and you get all your skill points back, then that would be bad, since you can take the points and freely move them.

But if respecing is like in D3 where you swap a skill on the bar (but unlike D3, those skills will have ranks), then if you don’t wanna swap to other skills other than the Werewolf ones, simply don’t lvl them.

I highly doubt, that in D4 you’ll get enough skill points throgh the 40 levels in order for you to be able to max every skill.
More likely, it will go like this:

A skill will probably have max rank of 8 or 10. You’ll most likely get 40 skill points, one per lvl. These wont be enough to max your 6 Werewolf skills.

If you wanna max each and every Druid skill to the point, that everything is swappable, you’ll most likely have to grind or trade for a lot of books.

So it would come down to your choice of how you wanna manage your resources. You’d probably amass more wealth by selling books rather than using them and get better gear for your Werewolf compared to someone, who spent everything on maxing his skills.

Not saying you’re wrong, but what I’ve shared is an interesting perspective.

OK. I’m honestly not sure what you’re going on about. You seem to think that a character who’s good with a sword, and not quite as good with an axe (and maybe a club) cannot possibly be replicated unless there are easy respecs? Not sure I agree, but I’ll leave it there.

If D4 is going down the same route as D3 though (in terms of character “building”), I think that’s bad.

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What says that you must use the skill tomes to max out all skills. It seems that everyone needs a forced re-roll in order to re-roll their character to try out different builds. Instead of doing it on their own out of wanting to instead of the game is designed that way.

Next we don’t know how often those skill tomes drop. If they are not a common drop like candy then it will take a while to get those skills to cap.


But there is one thing that you might not have thought about. What prevents you from only leveling up the skills that you would want to use. Then the other skills you never unlock or if you have to in order to reach the ones that you want you never level them up. This way you can have all of the skills you want at the ranks you want without having them all a max level.

Just because the skill tomes will drop doesn’t mean that you must use them to unlock and max out all skills.

It is as if daddy dev has to hold you hand by forcing you to re-roll. Instead of doing it because you want to.

Actually this new setup has the potential to be far better than D2 due to the fact that you can choose what to do with your skill tomes. Do I unlock only six skills and use them only. Or do I unlock and max out more than six to give me a few other choices.

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Why not branching out skill points to give players some choice between different variations of a skill . They could also add consumables to the game that allow you to switch the branch later on.

I highly doubt Blizzard is keen on the idea of stepping backwards through time and re-introducing the ability to pigeonhole your character and mess it up permanently if you happen to change your mind later.

Forwards man, not backwards!


I certainly played my rpg fantasy in d3. I played the type of witch dr that i wanted. I wasnt prevented from doing that at all bud. The skill system was set up in such a way that i could do that very thing.

You seem to have a problem with freedom and convenience. Skills dont need to be locked in. You can most certainly play your rpg fantasy with fluid and changable skill systems.

In fact many rpgs do what d3 did but in a different way. They allow respecs. The reason why people respec is so they can get exactly the character fantasy they are aiming for. Its a matter of convenience not one of enabling. Allowing respecs doesnt disable character fantasy.

You also put too much emphasis on specialization. Character building is more about selecting and combining skills for your playstyle. Its about strategy. So long as i can choose from a selection of skills and combine them with others based on my desired playstyle then specializing in particular skills is a bonus. Its nice. Its optional.


“Anyways, everyone was happy to see the skill system in D3.”

Whoever told you that lied to you. People hate the still system in Diablo 3. And no wonder, because it’s awful.


Diablo 2’s skill and character building system is far forward from Diablo 3’s. Diablo 3’s was a major regression to pong levels of design. As games became more sophisticated, things like unique builds, choices that matter, planning and strategy, appeared and made games more enjoyable and satisfying.


i really hope this post gets recognised and taken seriously. use similar to what worked well (d2) and if anything, expand and develop on that to improve it even further.

I instantly recognised this problem with d3, there is no permanency, everyone is EXACTLY the same as everyone else less the items they’re wearing. d3 was just watered down WAY to much just to be greedy and target the casual/younger & console market. The Diablo market is already massive in itself and highly hungry for a Diablo sequel we’ve all been waiting for (i say we all, i’m speaking for vast vast vast majority of real diablo fans)