What class for S22

Looks like god dh again since the clone seems to do better than sader clone. Then switch at para 1k to sader if they dont nerf thorns. played lon bomb for years and really began to dislike the build. But will play it if its super strong. actually dh clone is the best out of all classes so far that ive tested

Starter will be nec and ā€˜enderā€™ will be nec. So yeah ā€¦

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Likely Crusader, the build choice(s) depends on how they handle item revisions.

I really want to bounce around between all of these Crusader builds:

  • AoV Fists of the Heavens
  • Seekers Hammers
  • Roland Sweeper
  • Invoker Bombardment
  • AoV Heavenā€™s Fury
  • LoD Blessed Shield w/ Echoing Fury

They have to apply buffs and set tuning to make most of them compelling. If A6I2 Bombs isnā€™t addressed, it will be a predictable season with that and AoV Heavens Fury.

Hoping for mind blowIng patch notes that shake the armory.

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Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll start with Barb or Crusader. Iā€™m interesting in the Crusader set from Haedrig.

Necro first. Has the easiest time leveling and will be super efficient at speed runs. Will probably build crusader, zmonk, zbarb and GoD DH after.

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Donā€™t have much time on a DH so a GOD DH to start. Then Iā€™ll check out a Crusader second. Possibly a Barb for set dungeon conquest. I normally stick with one hero through the season and only make others for season journey stuff so DH will get 95% of my play.

Bone Spear Necro with the new bracers.

Finally a Necro build thats somewhat HC viable and not reliant on long cooldown skills like Land of the dead. ā€˜donā€™t like that playstyleā€™

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I start with DH every single season, so I think Iā€™ll start with a monk this time. Need two classes anyway for the conquest so itā€™ll be nice to begin with a different class for a change.

God dh, for farming. Zdh for grouping. :slight_smile:

Yeah but with Dh and nec you can lvl the fastest.
Or is there any weapon that you can upgrade with the challenge rift mats that gives you a simmilar multiplier with monk?

Forever dh plus zmonk for 150gem.

Seems a bit too early for me to decide, things can still be changed/updated for S22. I think most likely ill run DH and 1 other class, maybe Sader or Necro.

WD this seasonā€¦ looking at the conquests Iā€™m gonna have to do Boss Mode and I find chicken WD easiest for that.

My brain missed a step while reading that, threw me right off

I believe his brain might have missed a step also. LOL

Which class has the easiest set dungeons given that Iā€™ll need to do them for guardian? Iā€™ll be playing that whatever it is eventually.

Most classes have at least one very easy set dungeon available.
However, Iā€™d consider these the easiestā€¦

Barbarian = Immortal King
Crusader = Invoker
Demon Hunter = Marauder
Necromancer = Inarius

My personal go-to is IK on Barb. Six pieces of IK armour, BK mighty weapons, put on a WW/Rend build, but drop a shout or something to get COTA. Requirements are to kill all the elites with COTA and WOTB active, and to kill all mobs. COTA lasts forever with IK6, and because spending fury reduces the CD on WOTB (and youā€™re always spending fury by WWā€™ing) you can re-cast WOTB every 15 seconds or so. It takes me around 90 seconds to get mastery this way.


Iā€™m thinking WD to start because I like the lazy play style of Mundungdingdong set.

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Anything but Wizz cause they still trash

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Necro (not the bone spear one) and probably sader if itā€™s not nerfed. Hopefully will find out today what kind of damage they plan on doing to everything.