Since you love to quote him so much.
They never said they were doing it at launch?
Which I said multiple times now and gave you purists heads up to savor EVERY minute of D2R launch?
But why do you think it is being discussed?
Is it because… Plan “B” because they know it will bomb and it won’t sell much…?
It’s up to Blizzard ultimately but I will be here when the sales are revealed, let’s see if it can get 10% of D3’s sales without revealing Future Plans!
See you at sales reveal, “purists”!
Actually, Just a FYI a large chunk of that 65% left because they got “Free” copies of D3 when they purchased a Year WoW pass. A lot tried D3 and then went right back to WoW hence the player “Drop off” But conversely the original “sales” numbers also counted the “Free” Copy into those numbers so the purchase was actually not of D3 but the WoW year pass . But for accounting and share holder purposes they counted as original sales of D3.
Basically, Artificially inflated sales and Player numbers in reguards to D3’s launch and inital player base .
Also, from other discussion:
This is gonna be good!
Source for what ? The free copy given out? or the Number of players ? Well known marking fact / Gimmick. Co.s Do this all the time You get to boost the "new " sales numbers if you throw in the "New " product with the purchase of an already existing one it is a common practice .You also get to count single sales of an item . Hence you can “artificially” inflate your numbers . Even if people never use the free “new” product it counts towards a sale number because the "Product " was received by the customer or in this case a code for a D/L with the purchase of the WoW year pass.
Then the Inital “new” user numbers get a boost from how ever many of the WoW players decided to give D3 a try . As I said it is all in the name of making your overall sales numbers look better for the sole purpose of improving your stock prices or to help draw in new investors.
Source for every single claim you make.
No sources means just bored housewife talk.
For example, there are sources that D3 sold 3.5 millions first day only, D2 LTD 4 million copies. Almost outsold on first 24 hours, sure, free copies.
Let’s wait for D2R sales!
All I need to show you . Not sure what else you want but as I said each sale of a year pass counted towards the "Sale " totals for D3 because each copy added into the pass counted as a "unique " sale for accounting purposes . Which when D/L and played for no matter how long added to the total number of players.
How many numbers were of that “free pass”? Any source that they are inclusive in the D3 sales?
Those deals are exclusive, and I bet their number isn’t even high.
12 months subscription (very expensive, $180?!) and very limited time. If anything people who were going to buy D3 regardless got the pass and WoW benefited the most.
Still, almost outsold D2 LTD sales in 24 hours.
Basic marketing I think you really do not understand how it works . Let me try this again .
You get to count new sales of an item IE : You sell 12 million copies.
You also get to count sales tied to customers purchasing other items if the “new” item is included IE: 12 Million WoW year passes .
Which would give you a total of 24 million “new and unique” copy’s of your product going out the door.(Just an example here not set totals )
Expensive Meh. Remember at the time WoW was still huge and was not going through the huge player drop off yet. So a lot of people figured they could get a free game by just signing up. They were still paying monthly with the offer but getting a free game. Off hand I know at least 2 dozen or so friends that took advantage of this .Most only played D3 for a bit and went back to WoW .A few have since stopped gaming WoW or D3 wise and a few still do one or the other and a few more do both . And at launch there were a lot of people just playing it because it was a free add on to the Pass and would tell you so if asked simple enough .
You just seem to want to argue for the sake of argument sake at this point . I gave you what you asked for no more needs to be said believe it or not . Do some digging on your own if you do not think that is how marketing works in regard’s to sales numbers .
And I am asking for a source that those were inclusive to sales data, and how many were they because you are trying so hard to skew D3’s success, and I am getting this:
And this:
This is wrong, the total sales for d3 includes the free 1.2million copies given out by blizzard for WoW subscriptions.
If you can consider buying a 1 year subscription to WoW free.
Actually the subscriptions for WoW declined after D3 release. So they were actually losing players on WoW after the D3 release.
Source: Blizzard Quarterly Report.
I am telling you that is how marketing works simple enough. I guess you have never been involved in any sort of real sales or marketing of products. Yet ,You just seem to want to prop up D3 sales numbers and I am not sure why .
Once again I will really dumb it down even more for you
No matter how a new product is sold be it individually or as part of a package each unit that leaves your store be it physical or digital ( in this case) counts as a sale of the new item for sales totals.
Now I am not saying that D3 did not sell a ton of copys but I am saying that a chunk of the total sales reported came Via the Year pass Free D3 combo. Which in turn helped to add to the number of players.
How angry they get and how they resort to personal attacks just because they can not provide a source.
Keep on your delusional circle jerking, 4 million LTD sales should tell you a thing or two, Mr. Marketing.
You are not understanding that is what I am saying and Zahramr is saying it is not.
ya it had been on a steady down fall not disagreeing with you but right about the time of D3 release they were still at about 10.3 mil players.
If what you were saying was true then the WoW numbers would of spiked back up if people had a mass exit from D3. But instead WoW numbers dropped to 9.1 million. People were just leaving blizzard entirely over d3, that equals burned customers not coming back.
Edit: Also let me add that Diablo 3 had a 90% player decline from D3 release till Reaper of souls.
Not every one bought a year pass that is for sure . You said it People were leaving Blizz. I was just pointign out initally that the numbers included the free copy given out which also helped to inflate the sales numbers and the D3 player numbers for a time . But over all both games lost a lot of players over that time frame.
Speaking for myself I went out of my way to change my subscription cause I knew I wanted D3. Many players use the monthly feature an went out of there way to change there subscription to get D3 cause they were planning on buying it already. So saying oh it was a free copy that’s why they left they were just testing the game isn’t really a good defense. People didn’t stay cause it just wasn’t good this is universal an applies to all games.
I just used the term “free” BTW but I was just saying that the sales totals included that “Free” copy . I know a lot of people were going to buy it and got it that way. Again Zahramr is saying that the "free " copys through the pass were not counted in the sales totals . He seems to think it is 30 mil in unique sales not total units combined out the door.
Also I forgot the decimal on my original reply, D3 only had 1.2million copies from WoW Subscriptions.