We won, my brothers and sisters!

I told you earlier he had ffa loot while giving brain on birth. And maybe had connection issue at this time…

I believe you were attempting to make a joke.
You seem to be struggling over there, don’t forget to breathe!

And you are asking to keep things that ALREADY EXIST in the original game, which is still available and you can play right now.
D2R shall not just be D2HD.

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More signs of victory, my brother/sister!

On Personal Loot:

On further updates:

It’s all too clear now, like I said, refund now “purists” or pre-order and savor EVERY minute of launch because the days of griefing and being toxic are long gone!

I am so excited, going to hit that pre-order button soon because I assume Future Plans will be revealed within next weeks!

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You’re toxic AF. Also if you haven’t even preordered the game who really cares what you think you’re not even a customer yet.


You have no understanding of business whats-so-ever, don’t you? This is how they win me and the vast majority, Blizzard understands that which is why they are still here and have made the fastest selling PC game of all time (Diablo III).

And yes I am toxic because I want to Make D2R Better, right?
Sorry, this is today’s world, I hope we get Personal Loot and Consensual PvP, opposites of both are the true definition of Toxic!

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I own two. Meanwhile you haven’t even bought the $40 game.

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Blizzards decline started after D3 was released an continues till this day. D3 lost 65% of it’s player base in less then two months after release because D3 failed in so many ways. Reaper of souls opening sales was 2/3 less then D3 release. So they managed to burn 2/3 of their customers from the D3 franchise just between opening release and expansion.

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I have the cure for cancer.

Not buying it has nothing to do with $$$, even if it was $5 I wouldn’t buy it unless it stands to today’s standards. Like I said though, I am excited for Future Plans… Vote with your wallets and all of that.

I don’t understand still why you guys are into Shared Loot, it just benefits who has less latency and/or hacks, and who isn’t ranged, and has absolutely no skill in click click click. As for Non-Consensual PvP that is just being toxic and griefing.

Why are you guys really mad? Why do you want it to be anti-social toxic playground?

Oh God, this again!
D2 = 4 million copies sold, of which most individuals buy 4+ keysets (standing strong 20+ years, totally flawless, haha :roll_eyes:).
D3 = 6.3 millions shifted which 3.5 millions sold day one only (almost outsold D2 LTD sales in 24 hours!!!), stands at 20+ million copies (not sure as of which date, 2015?), of which most individuals buy one copy.

D3 was a massive critical success, whether you want to be an emotional fanboy of D2 or not, facts remain facts.

Also for the record, RoS sold 2.7 million copies week one.

This is actually a very dumb statement. D2 was released in a ERA of gaming when it was only “niche” it wasn’t mainstream yet. D2 was also not heavily advertised compared to D3. Blizzcon, social media, TV, Internet everywhere… half these things didn’t even exist in this capacity when D2 came out, an people were gaming on freaking Dial up. To even compare the ERAs is a joke an very unintelligent.

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D3 was a massive bait. Hence why 65% of the players who purchased it left in first two months. D3 sold 30million copies of games and can’t even maintain a 1% playerbase. Over 99% of the players quit so they decided to try to seek redemption with D2R.


Then how come games that came up during D2’s era have done way, way better in terms of sales? Dumb statement yeah. :roll_eyes:

The Sims, 2000 (before D2 even), 11 millions.
Half Life, 1998 (again, before D2), 9 millions.
StarCraft, 1998 (again… and same company so marketing is not an excuse at all), 11 millions.
Myst, 1993 (!!!), 6 millions.

Absolutely baseless talk with zero sources to cite. I mean, as opposite to the “masterpiece” Diablo II that had retained players right? … Right? :joy:

Again, I use facts and logic. Yeah, I am very unintelligent obviously. At least learn to use “Edit” feature instead of posting multiple times before insulting people’s intelligence. It’s 2021 not 2000, stop being so stuck in time people. :woman_shrugging:

However, I ask again:

Actually you use biased opinions an speak like a child. Look at you’re original post you sound like a little kid. D2 still has players 21 years later. Also a lot Diablo 2 player base went to POE (which is way more popular an active then D3 an released around same time), so the game players were literally split because D3 was a huge failure we sought out other alternatives. Diablo 3 Live Player Count 16,519 such a huge success, it makes a great coaster for my drinks.

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The fact that so many people are swarming back to D2 21 years later for D2R just shows D2’s success. D3 wouldn’t have the same effect if it was re-released. Yet here you are claiming I’m making stuff up cause you don’t understand basic math. 30milion copies sold an only 16k players playing it… to even maintain 1% of it’s base it would need 300k players. Low budget Indie games have more players then D3 cause it’s trash.

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4 million copies LTD and how many players are on BNET? Yeah, stood still 21 years later. By the same logic literally all games have stood 20+ years that still have servers up.

Again, baseless irrational illogical talk. By that logic all platformers are here because of, what was the first platformer? Donkey Kong? Yeah… It stood great 50+ years. IF your D2 was so flawless and perfect you would not have to attribute other games’ success to it. :wink:

It is though, considering its age.
When was the last time Diablo II reached that figure again? When D2 was as old as D3 today, how many players did it have again? Even counting all the bots, spam bots, et cetra it still won’t stand a chance. :woman_shrugging:
P.S.: Your figure is not even accurate of players currently on Diablo III. Please provide valid source.

Baseless talk again. If anything, it shows D3 critical success. D2 sold 4 million copies, AGAIN!!!

Redundant boring talk. :yawning_face:
It still did way better than D2, and if indie games are doing better than “trash” D3 that did way better than D2, then… :woman_shrugging:

Ever taken a second to reflect on you and other purists’ talk? Because my topic is obviously is of re-actionary nature and a news topic that indeed, we are getting what we want. There’s Diablo II 2000 for you guys.

Again, learn to use EDIT feature in 2021. At this rate you’re just spamming.
Also, please refrain from personal attacks and do present facts and be logical when debating so something constructive comes out of it. Else it just gives you “change bad” purists image and why should Blizzard take you into consideration? Because I ask again: :point_down:

If you want to chit chat consider private messaging me. Cut this now, I will not be responding further.

Doesn’t even make sense.

No it’s not it’s actually terrible.

Wrong again due to the fact nobody plays D3 an it couldn’t even retain it’s players two months after release and lost 60% of it’s players before expansion came out.

You’re being a hypocrite every single post you have made on this thread is a personal attack to every single person who has a different opinion then you. Purists this purists that slanging the word like it’s some type of derogatory term. Also read your own comments an take your own advice lolol.

Please don’t. You have no input to begin with just emotional temper tantrums.


You are delusional… I wish the VV devs would just come in here and tell you to shut up and stop spreading your trollish poison all over the forum. War and purists and i don’t know what the f… you are talking about dude… Seriously get yourself some real problems or a life.


How do you feel about Consensual PvP and Personal Loot being implemented after launch to D2R?

Personal loot is not being added your boy Rod Fergusson just confirmed it on twitter.


Think you might have popped the champagne a little to early no ploot for you