We have no Bots now

So now that the bots are on vacation. how high are you on the leaderboard.
did you finally make it to rank 1, cause the reason you guys never made it up in rank was cause the people botting ,
so tell us how high are you now.
and what the excuse now?


Uh. There is no season right now, so getting on the leaderboards without any bots would be kinda impossible currently.



I dont care for botters. Just to have said that.

But the botters can just aswell push the leaderboards with their 11.000 paragonlevels today. And with way better/more primal gears


My excuse is I suck and never been on the leaderboard. :slight_smile: I think I’ll live though, being happily married with a nice wife, 2 beautiful children a nice house and car and a good job. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hard to do considering the LBs are busted right now and don’t record 99% of runs at the moment.


I mean would have been a nice top 20 clear had they actually worked, but then again if they were actually working right it would probably be more like top 200 for a few hours :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe Warden went crazy like “NO, you’re all fricken botters, screw your records…NONE of you shall pass me this time!” :robot: :interrobang:

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the op post doesnt make any sense. the botters still have all their gains of paragons and gear, they can still crush all the leaderboards

people currently botting has nothing to do with available power or the possibility that anyone would be able to place higher on the leaderboards now while bots are down opposed to when they were up, noones botting a leaderboard push clear.

what a dumb post


Looks like the OP’s “Think before you post” action just Leeroy Jenkins’d the f outta here. Bots may be asleep, but their toons still have all their paragon & gear and no one bots their actual leaderboard clears all as Sokon said, so yeah…



I looked at OP twice and realized TROLL!

:man_facepalming: :yawning_face:

Lol when was the last time you saw an intelligent post around here?

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What about a captcha system? Some guy in my thread had some cool ideas to limit botting.

It’s good idea and they might consider implement some actions to bots in D4.

The bots disease been in game for a very long time, and all been done is some ban waves injections to ease the pain, unfortunatley I dont think there will be serious action or the ability to cure this disease in D3.

You are missing the fact that someone gets to keep Paragons earned by bots if he does not bot anymore.

No one missed that point at all, bans still need to happen :wink:


Op missed that point.

Where on this D3 website is the leaderboard link?
Or is leaderboard only found in-game?


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Bots will be back with a vengeance than ever in season 20. How can the bots pass up how the cube can be used in season 20! Season 20…“Bot Harder!!”