We have no Bots now

Then lets hope they drop the ban hammer more often this season. :hammer:

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Not just the ban hammer…a ban asteroid that will make them extinct!! Just a massive wipe out all the bots.!!!

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I had the idea buy it limits some people. Apperantly there is dislexia. It is really hard for them to play with capctha.
This means it mustnot be implemented

BWAHAHAHA Another exuse. Where Are you in the boards? The main exuse… I mean reason for you to ask for banning botters was that you cannot be on the top, now that they’ve gone you shold be in the first 5 but you don’t. Why whinne about bots if they don’t damage your play experience? Heck even you’re still mediocre.

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botter gets banned…buys new account on sale (or has several in waiting just not played on)…bots

should implement a check via credit card billing address of those banned for botting - it’s easy to have dozens of email addresses to fool the registration but much harder to have dozens of credit cards with different billing addresses…

They do affect my play experience, even if I’m not competing. Joining a public game just to find a bunch of bots doing nothing is really janky.


They are inevitable. It’s inherent to online gaming to share a virtual space whether you like It or not. What you need and all the whinners here Is an offline mode.

I don’t mind sharing space with actual players that play the game. The issue is with bots.

I’m all game for an offline mode though!


Can they not just buy some random prepaid credit card and use that? I figured blizzard couldn’t do anything about this because of prepaid credit cards you can buy from the grocery store

There are programs that can solve captchas.

Also, is it worth constantly annoying the player base having to do captchas all the time to try to mitigate another annoying problem?

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I agree that it is annoying.
It was just a thought lol.