We dont need charm inventory, we need bigger cube

As I said in that post, what is the point in changing the game’s entire inventory/charm mechanic, for a space that can only hold 2 Grand charms?

It’s not good, nor elegant, it wouldn’t break anything, except the dev’s reputation.

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Quality of life.

how is it not elegant :P?

Quality of life and core gameplay changes are not mutually exclusive.

You really thing adding a charm inventory that is only 2x4 would be an elegant solution?

The clearspeed bonus of adding that little space is basically nil. There’s no point to add something like that.

If they add a charm inventory, I can guarantee it would be a lot bigger, and be a much more game changing addition. I am against it for that reason.


Funny how many topics ends with soulskeeper arguing with a bunch of people about the same things over and over again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This topic was about a bigger cube. Look what is now left from this discussion.

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exactly, it’s not here to change gameplay, it’s here to make you come to town less often, elegant

so this is why you flood threads about charm inventory?

instead of just fighting it, fight to make it manageable, because people think it’s a good idea whether you like it or now

All topics usually end in a charm inventory discussion :sweat_smile:

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Could say the same thing about you guys, I’m just one person, yet you flood every thread i touch upon charm inventory

I think the likelihood of a bigger cube is pretty small. Very small in comparison to the devs adding charm inventory.

I think charm inventory should be added in a new realm, separate player bases…

Add charm inv,
personal loot,
stacked runes/gems,
remove immunities,
maybe easier dclone 1 in each game
ubers with no resistances…

some people assuredly would enjoy it that way.

agian no right minded true diablo player wants those things, you again put us in the moding category, we don’t want to change the game, just adding this quality of life, nice try though putting us in “camps”

You might not fit in this category, but you can’t deny that there has been alot of people wishing for these things. Some more than others. When i first joined this forum the main topic of discussion was personal loot.

A lot of people want those things,

some people have suggested literally all of those things with the exception of d clone in every game (I added that because I have no bloody idea how theyre going to implement it and am really curious)

But yes, many people have argued that ubers should be easier with sorc (much lower res)
many times removing immunities were brought up here,
stacked runes and gems, and personal loot are all very popular ideas.

So yes, maybe they should do a dry run of a new realm, in which
players can vote for each of these things.

1 standard realm

1 personal loot/ charm inventory/ etc realm

I can deny it, like I said “Majority” of people don’t, some people would say that, they are a minority and a very small one at that, no Real diablo player would want that like I said

Which ones specifically?

It was a majority of people surveyed that wanted personal loot.
Charm inventory was super popular, as was stacked runes/gems.

It only makes sense to add all of them to the “new” realm, if 50+% of players want them, no?


show proof.

as for the other factors like gems and charm inventory i was surprised as well when i saw it, which is why i went and tested it

if you stack gems up to 10 units it wont break anything but infinite amount will lose value for gem trading, it does not really affect rune, you can stack them how ever you want and wont change a thing, as for charm inventory you already agreed with me that an elegant solution wont break anything

Do I really need to link to that survey again? please just use the search function on the forums, we’ve been over it a million times. Yes, more people wanted personal loot than didn’t.

If they make a separate realm with charm inventory, it will likely have personal loot based on the popularity of both. People will have to make decisions on whether or not one is more important to them than the other.

(it was 49% to 39% iirc, so those could be your search terms, should find it easy.

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  • List item

  • 39% of the people are against optional personal loot

  • 36% are for optional personal loot

  • 13% are also for personal loot but only if there is a tradeoff

  • 12% are not sure

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On a side note, I’ve said it before, this was a very poorly worded survey, I never would have created questions like this, even the Blizzard survey was more ambiguous than should have been.

Either way, we know charm inv and personal loot are quite popular, but are also very large changes that will receive a ton of pushback if implemented, so if they want to, I find it exceedingly likely both changes will find their way to a separate realm, together.

If there will be a separate realm. But i personally don’t think Blizzard would do that to be honest. But yeah, i agree that it would be the best solution for everyone.

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I’m skeptical as well. I’m for it, but there are also downsides, and those downsides are compounded by multiple console releases, each with cross progression. It’s possible they may do it down the road, I suspect very minimal changes for release. I’d be very surprised if personal loot or charm inv made it to launch.


I don’t believe one bit that more people wanted personal loot and i haven’t seen it in any of the surveys so, like i said show proof

according to what he says Geezer it appears you are lying :relaxed:

all I hear is excuses, flood me with messages all you want, it wont change the fact that it is a quality of life and that the majority of the people want it(talking about charm inventory), and that we are all diablo players much like yourself, you can demonize us all you want and to tell us to play on mods and such but we are here to stay and I wont be silenced

hope you have a wonderful day