We dont need charm inventory, we need bigger cube

I wonder if some of the big streamers took it as well. Dbrunksi and Llama both made videos on the results, and Rhyker both made a promotion and I think I video in his weekly recap on the results.

2 people still isn’t 4000 dude

Well yes, that’s actually pretty much what i think. And that’s a real possibility. Ofcourse, it is speculation, but that’s what i think.

Again, what evidence is there that there was a mass conspiracy that hundreds of self-reported D2 players were in fact not D2 players in the reddit survey?

True or false:

Do the reddit survey results qualitatively make sense? What I mean is that non-controversial things such as reseting the cow level was most popular while contentious issues were far less popular in the reddit poll.

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Like i said, speculation based on the opinion of like-minded people, such as people from jsp.

Too me it makes sense that the reason the cowlevel reset was most popular is because that is something everyone wants, not just the casual playerbase or the new playerbase, but the current hardcore playerbase aswell.

However, i think the reason for other things being less popular such as forexample charm inventory is because people who actually play the game to this day disagree. But the number of mod players/new players are outnumbering the current playerbase in this survey. That’s what i think. Hard to answer this question with true or false. I believe the reddit consists mostly of Diablo 3 players and mod players. Or SP players, who doesn’t care about what changes does to multiplayer economy and balance.

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I am not a routine reddit user and was not part of r/diablo at that time. I still saw the survey because it was advertised on the Blizzard D2R forum, d2jsp, and Rhykker’s youtube channel. Ultimately, I had to go from this forum to Rhykker’s youtube to find the link.

The simple fact remains is that you are essentially indicating that the individuals who self-reported to be D2 were liars in mass. This is clearly not true. Strikingly, Blizzard notes that players support the pre-existing changes as well as supporting additional D2R changes, presumably using THEIR data, and not the reddit survey results.

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I am indicating the possibility that the majority of the reddit poll subjects aren’t concurrent players of original current Diablo 2 LOD, therefore, their opinion is biased by the sequel or the mods. That’s what im implying. I have not seen blizzards own survey nor have i taken part in that eighter so i can not discuss it.

Like i mentioned in a previous post, someone check marking that they have played Diablo 2 only indicates that they have launched the game and created a character. It can be anywhere from 1 hour to 10,000 hours. It can be modded, it can be original.

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The two Blizzard surveys have been widely discussed on multiple forums as have their questions.

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I have seen screenshots of two questions, i have not seen the results of the survey.

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The first survey had 7 D2R-related questions and the second survey 19 questions.

The results of Blizzard’s surveys have not and will not be released by Blizzard in all likellihood. The best we can expect is some vague quotes from Blizzard (e.g. Rob’s recent comments on ign)

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First full survey questions


second one


Thank you, i will have a look.

Your welcome. Just note, questions only. We will never know the results outside of the vague snippets from the interviews like the last one. I really need to stop the preformat, I keep forgetting I can direct link now, lol


Sir, you keep telling people that they are jumping to conclusions and don’t know who was the player base that responded to the survey, 3 people here already told you that they are old Diablo player which were sceptic about changes such as yourself, took the survey, even though they were not part of reddit, and changed their minds after testing them

You are the one jumping to conclusions into who took the survey not us and as you said you just started playing since 1.10, I played way before that and I can assure you changes to the game over the years is drastic, these changes are Quality of life, majority of players agree that it can be implemented in such a way that wont ruin or break the game, but you no matter what we will tell or show you, you will still try to argue

how about go and test it for yourself instead of wasting your time here with us

It improved Diablo 2 a lot but i know some purists will not agree :slight_smile:

The good thing is blizzard now knows and only blizzard knows. The Reddit survey was not official so the results does not mean anything. If blizz wouldn‘t think the same they would not have send out two Surveys to evaluate the additional changes.

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I am telling you my opinion based on the results in comparison to what i have read from like-minded people. You don’t have the facts here, neighter do i. It’s all speculation.

What changes? Larger cube? Charm inventory? Infinite stash space? No, i highly disagree that those changes are quality of life in a game where inventory management is a big part of the core game mechanic.

When we approached quality of life on this game, we definitely wanted to make the game more accessible, but not easier. So things like making the inventory huge, or making it so all of your items can stack, right? Picking which loot to take and discard is still an important decision, so we’re not going to make the game easier.

Depends on what mechanics you speak of, but sure.

I am telling you my opinion, I am allowed to have my opinion. And many share my opinion. And i am not arguing, i am participating in a discussion about a game i am passionate about. :slight_smile:

I have tested Path of Diablo my good sir, played it for like two days before i went back to original. Many people like it, and that is fine. But it should not take over the original game.

And: We’ll be focused on ensuring mod support. But for now, as I talked about earlier, we’re more focused on maintaining the authentic Diablo II experience that it should be.


So your opinion is based on your echo chamber. The reddit survey was advertised by many people within the community even on the d2jsp site that you also claim you get your information from. Logically that would mean that you would have plenty of people that have/do still play the game taking said survey. So your assumptions are flawed from the get go. I also love the “many people” type comments. Like there aren’t many that completely disagree with you too, meaning your opinion isn’t any more valid than anyone else’s. What you are trying to do is simple gatekeeping with a dash of narcissism, because you know better than everyone else what makes the game good.


Your “opinion” is just what you think is happening so what you’re saying is, there is a conspiracy from mod users to ruin D2R?

sounds a bit far fetched, according to all the information we gave you even someone without a lot of experience would have reached a different conclusion

Inventory management is not part of the gameplay, it’s a by product and was implemented poorly, there is a reason so many people want reiterate it

they are talking about a bigger inventory period, they are not referring into charm inventory, and an implementation of charm inventory doesn’t have to be a whole entire inventory in size to be affective solution

no one asked you to test Path of Diablo, we asked you test charm inventory, not the mod itself, you are obviously not taking it seriously and just come here to be vocal

You’re wrong, soulskeeper. Inventory management was absolutely not just a byproduct. It was the intended design, as stated in plain terms by d2’s developers.

There’s no grey area here, you’re just plain wrong.


Well, not ruin, but make the game more like the mod because they preferred the mod over the original game.

You can say it is a byproduct, but the original game designer and current does not agree.

“The whole idea behind the design was space vs. power. That was the tradeoff. That was the point. I like how it balances that. In the end, there are few items you want to pick up anyhow. Plus I’m a big anti-inventory-space designer.”

RG: When we approached quality of life on this game, we definitely wanted to make the game more accessible, but not easier. So things like making the inventory huge, or making it so all of your items can stack, right? Picking which loot to take and discard is still an important decision, so we’re not going to make the game easier.

This is true

Path of Diablo has a charm inventory though. So how am i to test it without playing one of the mods having it?

I could say the same thing about you.