Hmmmm consoles are updating but not P.C…seems odd.
Shifty, are you able to check if any patch notes come with the patch?
NO kidding. Most people don’t even know what the heck “eras” are.
S19, WW barbs, and grouping bug. That’s what we care about right now.
s19 will start roughly between nov.22 and dec.6 with how the sets were left when ptr went down was not good at all specially the new monk set. so with them reworking it and releasing it to live servers, they are definitely going to want more feedback on the sets…I highly doubt they are going to release their 2 new baby’s into a season where 1 is utterly useless other then forgotten souls.
Mystic, its still installing (garbage overseas internet) but I dont see any anywhere. Usually have to wait for them to post online… there are some streams up on mixer. Might be of help.

Thank you, could not remember which season it was, but that makes sense right. There was a brand new class to test and work out the kinks for.
No reason to go past 10 days from patch going live anymore. I think it is even rare to go past 3 days, but given two new sets, would be nice to give one more final tune before the season starts. Especially considering they are not backing off of the Barb nerf…smh
Dude - It’s not a nerf (or a buff for that matter) if they are tweaking numbers on a change that isn’t even released yet. tweaking numbers on a PTR is just iteration.
Once they make changes to a class in a patch and release it to the live servers and then lower it’s damage or whatever, you can then call it a nerf.
You can think what you want, does not change a thing.
We all know it was a nerf.
Also, flattered you used your first post on me, disappointed that was all you could deliver! Looking forward to post #2

You can think what you want, does not change a thing.
We all know it was a nerf.
Also, flattered you used your first post on me, disappointed that was all you could deliver! Looking forward to post #2
Not sure why it’s saying it’s my first post. It isn’t. Odd.
You completely missed the point of what I wrote. It isn’t an opinion, it isn’t what I “think.” It’s a fact.
Let me try and make this simple for you.
I’m not saying that this change doesn’t lower what Barb damage would have been before the change.
I’m not saying that this change doesn’t devalue lamentation.
I’m not saying that this change isn’t disappointing and unnecessary.
I’m saying that numbers during patch development are typically tweaked a LOT, up and down, until a patch is released. Most of these tweaks we don’t even see prior to them being released on the PTR. If there was no PTR and they released the Barb with the change they just made, you wouldn’t call it a “nerf” because you wouldn’t have known that there was a 200% multiplier that was removed during patch development.
I’m definitely arguing semantics here, but as someone who works in game development it can get annoying and it makes developers not want to show in progress changes or run PTR’s.

I’m definitely arguing semantics here, but as someone who works in game development it can get annoying and it makes developers not want to show in progress changes or run PTR’s.
I get your point, but in this model, you have players test it, and when the numbers come out way weaker than they should be, and much lower than what you the player helped test…it feels bad, and it is a nerf.
They lowered a value on the PTR for no reason other than a knee jerk reaction to a streamer with 10k+ paragon and great gear clearing a GR140, who also cleared a 146 with the new sader set and completed a GR150 in 16:13 when a lot of players laid out the exact buffs needed, and they completely overshot it…
We are at the point in this games life cycle that the PTR is typically what ends up happening, and in only two instances have they drastically lowered or removed something that was on PTR compared to what went live, and both times it affected the Barb. It is just inexcusable imo!
If they do not want it to feel like a nerf (again it was a nerf on the PTR) then they should just shut down PTR all together. There is no room to be offended over “semantics” if you are focused on making good games.
Yeah, I get it. It’s specifically a nerf to a buff on a new item. It’s just technically inaccurate to say it’s a nerf to barbs, as the lamentation buff never existed in live.
You’ve just outed yourself, Micro. Don’t think we can’t see through your tricks.
Just curious, where are you getting this data? According to D3resource’s season overview, season 7 ended on Oct 13, 2016. Your chart says Oct 14.

According to D3resource’s season overview, season 7 ended on Oct 13, 2016. Your chart says Oct 14.

According to D3resource’s season overview, season 7 ended on Oct 13, 2016. Your chart says Oct 14.
Come on man, he may have overshot it…
Don’t try to make it into a meme. Not everything has to be a meme. I’m still trying to be depressed over here about the patch delay!
Haha J/k

We dont care about ERAs Ending , Wheres 2.6.7 and S19
Release Times/Dates Please
Eras mean nothing.
Where is the S19 date?

Where is the S19 date?
The Season preview blog is coming tomorrow, come hell or high water, which is what I’m currently putting the finishing touches on
Pacific Time. So, the blog will be out in a few hours.
Could be from EU? Not sure to be honest, but it is close lmfao!
Woo woo woo, lets be real here.
It is likely going to come out at 5pm pacific time, so we are a full working day away from that yet!!!