WD not worth it - Gearing Nightmare

When gearing the WD for testing… I quickly realized the new build has way to many variables and it seems like its going to be a nightmare to gear out compared to other options… (Most builds only have 1-2 items that have a variable range on it)

The WD build requires -

Mask of Jeram (150-200% pet damage) or Depth Diggers (80-100% primary skills damage)
Ring of emptiness (250-300% damage to enemies with haunt or locust swarm)
Brood of Araneae (75-100% corpse spider damage)
The Spider Queens Grasp (600-800% corpse spider damage)
Shukrani’s Triumph (75-100% damage for 3 attack’s in spirit realm)

With 5 items that have large roll ranges … this build quickly turns into a nightmare scenario for gearing. I just don’t see the ROI for my time here…


Hard agree. I was thinking this the first week of ptr too. The worst of it is the weapon. 600-800 is a huge range. Not to mention needing ancients for augments to reduce the odds further.
Sad WD noises.

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I’ll play the season as much as I am able to spare time for but I do agree in the disheartening feelings instilled behind struggling to gear for something that is clunky as not as efficient as other WD sets.

I am glad though that Witch Doctor overall is even getting attention and so I encourage others to look to the silver lining and joy as much as possible, not only with this patch but all areas in life.

C’est la vie.


Well not completely. Zuni is almost indestructable. Mundu is very powerfull. But other builds are just decent.

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Barring the season theme itself, the Arachyr set it’s simply more work to gear for and less powerful than other WD sets even after all the focus.

Definitely feels better than before though, a step in the right direction.

Witch Doctor overall got a huge power boost for other sets/builds due to other item changes that were not Arachyr specific.


Thanks Indian and Uriaclo. I havent played WD in years so I am thinking about trying it again in S25…

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WD do get a fair amount of benefit from the shard system, but not as much as the fake pet classes do.