Hi Blizzard. You already nerf the WD removing the Enforcer Gem effect. Now you remove the Glazing Demise bonus. You’ve kill the only viable build of WD and WD were the less played class as they are the worst ones. Please take a look at the leader boards and see when was the last time a WD hit 150… it was when Enforcer was active. Please, reconsider the ban to WD
Seems pretty lame that they tried to adjust GoD because of all the complaints but didn’t even give WD a second thought.
I’m not sure why WD seems to get the shaft so often. As long as I can remember it underperformed on the leaderboards. That is until Mund’s. I actually couldn’t believe it. I was shocked that WD was now a contender. Wasn’t long before it was nerfed and then nerfed again to be on par with sets that haven’t been adjusted in 4+ seasons.
I just don’t see the point. I don’t think anyone was complaining that the set was too OP. Season 23 is shaping up to be The Season of Tears.
Please read from Blizzard our statement from ptr wd mundunung at all? Almost a year there was no reset of the leaderboard, what you see there are records when he had an active enforcer gem, where you nerfli spirit barrage that there will be no pet, so wd went down rapidly and up to 4 players are playing 145 - 148 gr with 8000 paragon + … since it no longer has that damage. He plays solo 140 - 145 gr, definitely not 150! So why the nerf off the hand? WD has nothing on speed runes, on support, the wizard will be stronger after this patch as wd in meta. And if you put that nerf on gazing demise, it won’t have anything on the higher solo and will be the weakest in the game! Even wrist doesn’t have much to defend.
Catastrophic nerf.
I wouldnt care about the nerf at all if it came with a buff to the other sets, right now you either play yet again Mundunugu even when nerfed or… wait, thats all there is.
Just buff the heck out of Helltooth, or Zuni, or something!
not like this. not like this
Stone gauntlets and ice climbers really helped WD, and I’d take RoE over more damage reduction than the aforementioned boot/glove combo in addition to Aquila and LoDefense bonus along with leeching beasts sustain as well as soul harvester lakumba languish combo…how much toughness do you think WD needs? Lmao. I think only my crusader is tougher and even then I’m not sure…
Maybe look in the WD threads you may find you are not in the majority.
But the majority don’t even use the forums…
Probably but you knew what I meant.
Visit leaderboard ptr - witch doctor devastated completely. 8200 paragon 135 gr - 1 rank. The weakest character in the game instead of balance.
I (WD play in solo) not ask for more toughness but no nerf DPS.
Toughness without DPS is… useless.
A 125 to see mobs try to kill me it’s easy.
A 125 to kill mobs…
I play to kill, like an H’n’S, not to wait the end of a GR.
Especially the nerf is devastating for wd in terms of balance with other characters. Mundunugu is the only thing that has settled and now they throw him in the trash like the rest of the wd sets.