I just love their excuse, “the set is over performing to other WD sets” which are garbage to the sets of all other classes.
I seriously think you’re right about this. Someone got butt hurt that their new builds were virtually dismissed altogether. It’s not our fault they don’t properly test things or pay attention when they get player feedback. Nice nametag btw.
Isnt chicken used for key runs? I sometimes see people in chat talking about it… So I am not sure if there are faster ones for the WD.
WD Nerf is not Needed, dont let it go Live Pls. WD in Season 22 wasnt that Strong compared to other Classes. So Why?
Why not? Before past year wiz had 2 years of dominance. Maybe not solo, but been meta trash killer had advantages. Blame your class down fall on no one but its own over dominance.
Take your attitude else where. This topic doesn’t even concern you.
I do not think they would be that way inclined. They may not have been that happy but I do not believe they are malicious.
They were told the Zombie Bears and Angry Chicken needed work during and after last PTR as well as an overdue ring like band of might for all WD builds. They chose not to listen to droves of people.
The devs are unfortunately consistent over the years with all classes. The moment any build outperforms others in the class, they nerf it instead of intelligently raising the other sets. Next to the Necromancer Bone spear build, Munudungu is way behind that.
As for the Chantodo’s Archon build that was nerfed due to it being around 142…well…I sympathise totally with the Wizard lovers completely because against the stats appearing now, there is no reason for it not to be reinstated.
While I can’t imagine they’d be intentionally malicious, they probably did get the notion that mundungus was over performing by comparing it to the lack of interest in chicken/bears.
As for wizard, I have played this class more than any other and while I lament the chants nerf (such a fun build), and also the etched sigil change didn’t go over well, essentially they did what they always do: nerf builds so they can introduce a new one. I’m not saying it’s right. I’d rather see them keep existing builds mostly viable while fixing the rest, but at least wizard was afforded a new high tier build to take its place (twister). WD is being offered no working alternative.
You may know more accurately, but I’m pretty sure it is at least three years that the WD groups have asked for a damage reduction ring like every other class. This class while they are seeming to do work on it, need to take into account that zombie bears and other builds that could use it fall short because helltooth in order to use them is way too squishy without firebats+bracers or some kind of additional DR as well as sacred harvester - the latter now almost a forced addition because they never listen to everyone asking for a ring… so the build options are also limited and almost forced, if you want your character to have a degree of survivability.
This nerf makes the WD completely irrelevant.
As for trash killer Mundo got close to BSnec that got a 300%+ buff from cube and you are telling us the nerf was not needed?
As for the reworked sets that may be an option mundo would be the new and old trash killer again b/c syth-nec got fixed as well.
And for solo everyone knows that monk is the weakest class.
If they would “balance” for solo only the AOE classes like Mundo-WD (prob. with AD too) would break the 2+ man gameplay even more. Where is just no way around big pulls und insane AOE+AD.
The only thing a Rent-Barb can do is solo because noone wants the lags in 2+man groups in big pulls. WD would still be an option in groups.
While I can’t imagine they’d be intentionally malicious, they probably did get the notion that mundungus was over performing by comparing it to the lack of interest in chicken/bears.
Right. They buffed bears to the level at which they thought WD’s should be performing, and chickens to the point they thought was adequate for speed farming.
Regardless of the fact that both of these “improvements” failed to adequately perform at the level of any other class push or speed builds respectively the disinterest in them incentivized the devs to nerf SB.
During the last PTR it was demonstrated that the first iterations of these builds were inadequate. So they threw in extra chickens and a mojo without further testing, and decided they were fixed.
If they’re fixed but not being used then clearly something else must be OP.
Whether it was maliciousness or misguided ignorance doesn’t really matter. The end result hurts equally either way.
As for trash killer Mundo got close to BSnec that got a 300%+ buff from cube and you are telling us the nerf was not needed?
You realize the WD had a an extra buff from the cube too? Obviously not as good as necro, but they were able to drop sacred harvester for CoE. I know WD was somewhat competitive in 4 man, but let’s be honest here. 1000 GR150 4 man clears and maybe one of them featured a WD. I think last I checked 145 was the cap on solo w/6k paragon. My numbers probably aren’t completely accurate as I haven’t checked the lb in a while, but trust me I was keeping a close eye on it when I was in the thick of the season. If this were the benchmark for all other classes, it really wouldn’t be a bad place. Sub 150 solo and competitive in 4 man sounds awesome for every class.
Also, similar to what I said earlier, this isn’t just a nerf to 4 man meta trash clear like star pact wiz nerf was, this is an OVERALL nerf for the class as this is the only competitive build.
And I won’t argue about monk being largely ignored, because for the most part it has been. They do at least Patterns of Justice which I would consider a viable new set on par with Munds in solo play. (I don’t remember the monk rankings but I know from playing Justice that it’s a decent build.)
Either way, they’re making a habit of breaking mostly balanced builds and introducing worthless ones or simply overpowered ones. They need some serious balancing and this isn’t a new problem.
Nerf one and buff another. That would be acceptable… But dont nerf one and let that be it…
Agree with Baskenater here.
I’m not a WD class player but i have a lot of friends that play WD as their main and since the nerf after season 20 a lot of them never played the game. The nerf on Gazing Demise is a bad joke.
There are 2 WD at the moment that did 150 solo with season 22 theme with over 9k paragon both. In my opinion the 4th cube sloth this season was a major buff for every class, even for WD…think what will happen after season ends, no harvester or no juicer plus gazing nerf. Should we name the class WannabeDoctor?
Maybe blizzard will add a season 23 theme that will boost a lot the WD, otherwise i don’t see the point in a nerf.
Well, PTR was updated just now and the nerf is still there, clearly Blizzard think that WD being 14 GR levels behind other classes is acceptable. I think this will be my final season as WD, this is a sick joke.
I think WD is dead…
Oof… very sad to see that nothing is boosted for WD in the PTR update. Don’t think I’ll be playing this season
Why does DH get a 5.000% DMG boost and a boost from 2 to 3 maximum pierces on the PTR when they cleared the same Grift Level (GR141) on the PTR as WD and even faster and WD gets not a single change?!?!?
This makes just absolutely no sense!!!
Doesn’t look good for us Witch Doctors
Why does DH get a 5.000% DMG boost and a boost from 2 to 3 maximum pierces on the PTR when they cleared the same Grift Level (GR141) on the PTR as WD and even faster and WD gets not a single change?!?!?
This makes just absolutely no sense!!!
I agree!
WD got nerfed to make the power align with other WD sets (which I think has been said before) It’s just that the issue is that the WD overall is underpowered and many non-set legendary items are not useful end game.