WD Feed Back PTR 2.7.4

Yeah not sure I will get a char that has 33k Int this season…

(post deleted by author)

10k int are from the new guardian set bonus.

2k paragon should be doable.
If not, play a few tiers lower. 112 is not bad either.

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I did something similar in the shard season and I got about those results. GR90, comfortably, is what I consider a viable build (T16 too easy to cheese). Several of the crucible powers seem like they’ll be good GR90 builds but won’t really push all that far. I wonder a bit if that’s what Blizzard is aiming towards.

So basicly the change from Garg swarm was for nothing because, we can’t push higher with the new Garg power either. And it’s not as fun, you can’t keep Shukrani’s up, for insane speed farming and GR90 speed clears. We can’t buff Sacrifice like we could Garg swarm, gaining buffs from both LS and pet mutlipliers. It had potental if RoE and Qetz could proc. But no we got a boring rework, that dose the same, just not as fun. LoL.

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Sarcastic replies will get you everywhere in this forum.

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I did some more testing with the new Garg/Sacrifice option. I did lvl 90 in 5:04 and lvl 101 in 8:45. I have 3 Ancient items and the Sanctified item, with no augments, at paragon 769. I would rate myself an average player, people who are really good players will do better.

I do like this option and I hope Blizz can add these options to the game via updating some items. It’s basically a head hunter build, but all the Gargs do let you kill some trash when there’s a lot of it.

(Blizz should add Restless Giant to the Spite mojo. Homunculus should be: Spawns a Zombie Dog every 2 seconds that has every rune, and immolates enemies when Sacrificed.)

What I like is, this is not a Garg build, it’s a Garg/Sacrifice build. You’re not just sitting around waiting for the Gargs to do damage, you have to use Wall of Death and Locust Swarm and Sacrifice to be effective at higher levels. It’s a pet build where the player does a lot of the work, as with the Zunimassa set.

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Basically what I’ve found is that by adding sacrifice, you need to now manage even more skills just to get the pets to do adequate damage and it’s a ton of juggling. I need to cast Locust, Sacrifice, Wall of Death, and maintain Shukrani’s, all at the same time just so that the Gargs can do full damage, but only if they attack what I’m aiming at. Plus, I also have to keep my Soul harvest stacks the entire time so I don’t die. It’s really clunky and takes too much effort for such little pay off. I hate that every damage bonus for the WD Garg build (and specifically other pet builds) is so conditional.

Why can’t the pet builds just have some normal passive damage bonuses? Why must Helltooth require us to cast wall of death to get it’s full set bonus? Zuni’s is the same way. We have to cast mana spenders for that to work. Both sets require the use of things we might not normally cast, but only to obtain enough bonus damage to actually make what skills we are already using actually work. (At least the Spider set doesn’t require extra things, but it’s not really a pet build in the traditional sense).

There’s just a lot of Lazy design choices that have been made over the years for the WD doctor that involve a crap load of button mashing for the WD just to be almost viable. I’d love to see a sit down comprehensive rework of the whole class, but obviously that’s not going to happen, because we have devs doing really odd ball things nobody asked for that they keep breaking for us to test instead. /ranty thing. :upside_down_face:

TLDR: As a class we already have to cast Locust Swarm, Spirit Walk and Soul Harvest, for almost every build no matter what, but now we have to cast Sacrifice on top of it just to get our Seasonal bonus; plus whatever 5th’s skill we need to satisfy our set damage (wall of death, piranha’s whatever). And we only get 6 skills. :thinking:

You don’t need to have pets on the bar, that’s good. But Garg swarm was atleast haveing passive dmg out put. Even if just for speeds.

I got the gargs up to 110 in around 8 minutes per run. It would be higher with better gems and stuff. 105s you can do in like 3-5 minutes though. It’s not terrible. I saved the build in the Arachyr LB.

Its a hard call to ditch depth diggers and use tasker & theo, but sometimes you need the single target to kill stuff when they are out wrangling cats.

(post deleted by author)

What would be super cool if gargs worked more like Command Skeletons. Bein able to direct them would actually make them so much more effective. They do not assist each other very well now lol.


Pretty soon all Witch Doctor players are going to need 6 fingers on one hand to play the class correctly.

Maybe that’s the plan?

Maybe Blizzard is partnered up with some robotic hand manufacturers and top-tier medical professionals that will perform bio-mechanical finger replantation surgery?


One way to do it would be to let the Gargantuans target the last target of Sacrifice.

- What is your favorite class?
- WD. Why this question?

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Oh don’t worry. Apperantly to some players, if this is way Blizz want’s the WD to go, we should all just deal with it. And aggre with every decision. LoL. We should not be bothered, while other classes have it easy, pushing 2 buttons and win, WD players MUST develop carpal inflammation, and hand cramps, and still be far behind. You must like it because Blizz wanted this way LOL.

(post deleted by author)

And i should just let it slip, that my favourite class is a train wreck? Ok let’s try that and see where it goes.