Waiting for PTR 2.7.8 to drop

Personally, they can take as long as they want getting the next season here.

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I would think a PTR would be needed at least for the first time a recycled theme was being used with the altar to.make sure that there was not some unintended interaction.


Personally, if they decided to not do any further PTR testing I would like for them to set it up to be permanently available so we could hop in there to test out new build ideas.


Season 31 would fit perfectly in mid to late April, now that D4’s next season is delayed til May.

Hopefully we get S31 at least a month before S4. Sust do Ethereals again and i’m happy.

Told you no changes.

I know some people were saying they would kinda have to rebalance things around whatever the theme was going to be. And you were probably right. But that implies blizzard still cares. They don’t.

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Also, regardless of them caring or not, for a game going into maintenance mode, it’s very doubtful they would rebalance the game for every theme so players can hit GR150. It’s not like we had that much power creep for every theme in the past.

Far more likely they just do one balancing around the combination with the most power creep to ensure nothing is ever overpowered and we just live with it.

It’s just too bad that their stance on this for NS is leaving a sour taste in people’s mouths. They almost left the game in the best state possible going into maintenance mode.

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Yup that’s exactly my problem.

I don’t think they should be expected to balance and support this game forever. But instead of letting this game have the nice send off it deserved, they just nerfed everything. And then took away the alleged reason for all the nerfs they didn’t even have to do for NS players. It just feels so scummy and unnecessary.

Then, when some corporate turd decides it’s no longer worth it, they’ll just shut the server down and this game will never be playable again.

People can still play and enjoy games made 30+ years ago, but all these online only games eventually die forever.


Exactly. Imagine they had brought Altar and Visions to NS like they announced to do.
The game would be in the best state ever, but unfortunately all that remains now is that sour taste


Exactly!! Because of this letdown, i am Not going to buy another blizzard product, game or dlc. Moving over to Last Epoch.