Waiting for PTR 2.7.8 to drop

But PTR is how i play the season. How else am I going to hug Djank!

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Djank to live server! Do it!


FUN DETECTED. Djank has been nerfed and will now only drop Yellow items.


Djank will be seasons only and unlocked by sacrificing a level 70 character decked out in fully ancient, augmented gear and 2000 paragon points :rofl:


I think that there won’t be a PTR at all

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There won’t be any ptr. Probably not at all anymore. Or maybe just rarely.

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And a hardcore character!

It’s going to be a little funny when people realize there won’t be a PTR, because updates to this game are over.

I just want the patchnotes. So I can be sure they ain’t making more nerfs to NS.


Echoing Nightmares and the Follower System Revamp will be permanent in seasons only going forward… so that all seasonal themes made permanent are consistent :smirk:

Yes, I’m quite cynical today aren’t I? :rofl:

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Do they really need a patch and PTR if D3 is in recycle mode?

Yeah I think at this point I’d rather just get achievements on NS with the Altar in place.

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If there are balance changes, then yes.

But that’s a rather big “if”.

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Hopefully there will be. The game is going to be broken otherwise, since this last round of balancing was set with Altar and Shards. We won’t have Shards next season, and different themes affect builds differently.

I can imagine the forum outrage when one build is doing GR150 in 5 minutes while another is struggling with GR135.


All 10 of us and he who shall not be named? :+1:


Exactly. There’s already people complaining that the last patch balanced things around the Shards and not the themeless non-season. So the baseline is off. Now whichever theme gets recycled next will have its own balance shifts and will need rebalancing and with it testing.


The impression I’m getting is that Shards + nerfed Altar is the strongest combination for seasonal themes so they balanced around this and what ever happens with the other rotated themes + Altar will be what ever happens.

I don’t think they’re going to rebalance every season.

Which is messed up considering the baseline shifted down for everything in NS.

Same. I just wanted Altar and Fissures permanent in NS too so I can do NS stuff… like use which ever build I had put together when ever I wanted to farm/push/do achievement hunting/farm for those bloody cosmic wings I still haven’t gotten after all these years!

But no, they need me to play in seasons to pump up those numbers to justify seasons.

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Technically speaking every “new” season will require a patch/update if I’m not mistaken?

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The problem is, Shards and the other themes affect each build differently. It seems balance is decent with Shards and Altar, but could be way off with the next theme. If they do not have a PTR for the next theme, it may a mess build strength-wise.

Definitely. They nerfed all the top builds to incorporate the Altar which affected non-season builds, then didn’t add the Altar for non-season for those builds they nerfed.

At least until the recycled themes start repeating. From a thread several months ago, I think the conclusion was there was going to be probably 6-8 themes that will get rotated.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree.

It just looks like they’ve balanced around the strongest theme so that nothing is super OP (say speed running GR150 at P2000) and therefore all other themes will not have anything OP… having something under perform would be acceptable to Bliz… as evident by them happy to leave NS Altar-less and thus having builds under perform.

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