[Updated] Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics

lolno.jpg. If he did it once then reported it, it’s called testing and unintended consequences which I’m sure Blizzard will waive him for it.

What he’s been doing is called exploiting and should be banned. What kind of excuse are you spouting? Consultancy? Don’t make me laugh.

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There are two parts of common sense here that I interpreted. The first being that telling anyone what the exploit is will guarantee someone thinking “I never thought of that” and they will try it and; The second being that if the game manufacturer has not made an add-on that is for sale or a part of the game, then it is third-party and more often than not, a cheating mechanism or method for unfair advantage over honest players.
While some may say ‘these are obvious’, I choose to assume nothing or try to explain why threads keep popping up asking the same questions. So it is certainly not obvious.

Goodluck banning for turbohud ,u gonna loose ur last playerbase.


I agree; however it was commented on by Matt that the buff was intended to be carried across different zones. Which opened the door to this. I can think of several ways to pull off this particular “exploit” and I’m not even a seasonal player.

It doesn’t affect me, but the cleanest solution is to make it so the stacks reset transitioning into or out of a greater rift. If two members of a party are in a gr, while two others are running bounty, allow for two separate instances of the stack.

The drunk d3dev should learn from Grim Dawn. Player can’t teleport back town when inside rift until is finished.Problem solve.

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So Bliz goes nuts about a player that uses the game as developed.
And does NOTHING for years about botters and maphackers?
Good job guys. Fail.


The easiest (and most effective) way to fix this is to disable teleport to player, to waypoints (by pressing “M”) and disable entry into cow while a GR is in progress. As long as you can teleport to other maps to get stacks, there’ll always be some ways to cheese it.

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And what if you need to repair your gear?

Thank you, finally its getting fixed just like Firebird or Archon stacks exploit.

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no i myself and plenty others play without cheating thanks


To be fair, if Eggman hadn’t blatantly exposed the issue, others would have secretly used the same method later in the season to secure higher leaderboard positions, especially just before season end; which would have REALLY given players something to be upset about.

Either way, a fix would have become necessary at some point.

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Really? This is no defence. He did it for the lols and the twitch views. He used it on an alt account knowing he would probably be banned. Instead, he could have brought it to Blizzard’s attention.
I would love to know how these people feel a sense of achievement for using macros, exploits, thud and bots to get their high scores. Must feel awesome.

Well perhaps if you guys actually tested your own games like companies did 20 plus years ago when you couldn’t patch a game like you can today, these problems would not exist. 99% of the games that came out then had so many less bugs then what this game still has from the day it launched.


Blizzard must have banned Eggman’s account.

TheUltimateEggman’s twitch account is dead as well.

I will miss him. Best darn HC and SC player I’ve ever seen!


It’s clear the CM and/or mods do not even understand exactly what took place or how it could have been done completely solo.

The patch notes specifically state the buff will stay with you wherever you go as long as you have hit a monster in the previous 5 seconds -thus clever use of intended game mechanics. Just because the developers didn’t realize this idiocy made a GR150 clear trivial doesn’t make it an exploit. They literally explicitly said this was ok in the patch notes am I the only one that can read?

The only questionable thing was using two helpers but he could have accomplished the same thing by himself it just would have taken more prep time.

If Blizz wants to clarify going forward that they messed up (and really it’s their mess up) and that this is to be considered forbidden, along with deleting these clears from the leaderboards that’s totally their prerogative. But banning people and claiming it was cheating is over the top and insulting.


I hope you guys are banning ZE clan & ZD clan for once now… They are very open about botting & using “maps” & macros…

Yeah he is a terrific player…
I just spoke with him… He said he is done with D3 for good now. LOL

He should of known better tho, all the guys should of. But then again its hard to say with blizz doing stuff like smashing people for these kinds of exploits but not doing anything about the t16 plvl bug, firebug, or even the join game bug.

hard to say really. They work on their own logic.


Why ban extra profit? Resetting someone to 0 and making him spend some $$$ should be enough if it is happening frequently.

Good post! I hope the leaderboards can get purged now from Turbohuders and exploiters.

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Well, if you are going to permanently ban a cheater, you should ban them across all platforms and all games.

I just prefer consistency.

Or just be lenient and temp ban for extended periods of time until a permanent cross platform ban is achieved.