[Updated] Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics

thank you Ms Nevalistis :slight_smile:

I agree that there should be a strong punishment with one stronger caveat:

This exploit was reported back during PTR testing. Nothing about it was done. Why not?

They did make changes between PTR and Live. The individual was a bit more creative in finding a diff way to do it, as far as I understand.

Thanks for the response. If that is the case, then this represents deliberate circumvention of a fix and trolling of the leaderboards. He could be banned (or another severe punishment) but the Leaderboards should either be reset or every one of these illegitimate entries removed.

This is why we need Overwatch’s hardware UUID based permaban mechanism over here. It’d quickly kill any potential return on investment on game licenses by making it necessary to use an entirely new computer to get back into the game. It’d eat heavily into bot programs as well as far fewer would risk the possibility of having to get a new system. It isn’t a 100% fix as it’s always a cat and mouse game, but it’d make a hell of a dent, even with exploiting streamers.

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Can someone explain why I should care what someone does in their own single player game? If they want to cheat, then what do I care? Because of some silly leaderboard? DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THE DIABLO 3 LEADERBOARD, LOL


Elite? Uses macros ON STREAM. Nothing elite about that.


I mean, people are leveling up their gems in groups, and then doing “solo” GR’s with said gems. Solo leaderboards are a joke to begin with.


Please don’t whack the Eggman. Be proud to still have elite players clinging to this rather old game who think up complex mechanics like this and have the skills to pull them off.

Is this for real ? He was a cheater way before this whole situation. Should be banned long time ago. He even admitted he was using cheats. He’s not an elite player… just another cancer player with lemming train followers.

Just because he pointed out that blizz don’t fix what they should doesn’t mean he’s a hero. He’s just another cheater, thats all.


TIL elite means not having a job and playing a game for 20 hours a day.

Doing anything outside a GR to effect GR performance or progress is an exploit.


If it’s not intended it shouldn’t be possible to perform the action in game, especially since it’s apparently been pointed out here on the forums, that it was possible to do this. This should have been fixed before the season went live it would seem. It just seems funny that players should be punished for bad game design…


Can’t we just eat the Eggman? I mean, after we scramble him, anyway…


Is there a way for you guys to determine what is a legit clear? Besides the obvious trolling of zdps on the top, is there really a legit way for you guys to figure it out? Some of us sorta gave up pushing solo leaderboards when we saw this and some thoughts in the lines of, “well how do we if such and such clears are really legit?” Eventhough there are obvious ones you can ping point, some can easily hide in plain sight.

Zdps can still clear 150 without use of this exploit FYI. All you need is a 4 corners festering with transformers and a conduit spawn on 0%. Then you just need to get lucky with angels for the boss. It’s only like a 1/625k chance.


I genuinely would like to see this issue fixed. I was one of the barbs that was grouping things in the party, and through the testing we did with several different builds I would gladly provide any information if it was requested. Per the last blue comment, I believe that would fix all issues regarding the problem.


That’s probably highly unlikely. First you need a 100% clear on a 1 floor festering, to do that you would probably need elites on pylon spawns, second you would need all of it to be clunked in for the seasonal buffs to hit that’s another highly unlikely thing to happen. Angels die very quickly and I assume when u hit the angel buff they’ll probably die right away from any elite affixes and what not. But that’s besides what I’m asking. What I’m asking is now that we know now there’s a bug/exploit, is there a way for blizz to find out truly which clears are legit?

One good outcome from Eggman is that he publicly exposed an exploit that it appears many players were using to level their gems because of this Blizzard is going to patch the game and close that exploit down.

This thing I care most is that when the party and friend viewing can be fixed.
Friend list has been showing level 0 and unknown character for at least 3 months and I’m not sure blz is even aware of that.

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4 Corners festering with transformers always has 100% prog to my knowledge. Also the condi ensures a chain reaction of kill streaks, which will protect the angels. You would basically go from 14 kills to 600+ kills in the blink of an eye.

It’s also actually best done on zbarb due to ancient spear.

Only potential issue is the bad AI of the angels and residual ground effects. That and the potential for the game crashing with such a huge detonation.

Also it’s like a 1/625k chance to get the exact map and mob type needed.