[Updated] Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics

I get that the rule existed for a long time.

But it is pretty much the standard expectation in most if not all the top clans that push at leaderboards at the end game.

It has been adopted because it has not been enforced and appeared to be a “safe” option.

It’s easy to say that they need to have some form of punishment.

Warning, Temp ban up to 1-3 months, roll back, or permanent ban.

I do not favor a permanent ban.

Temp ban & delete LB: exploiter, THUD
Perma ban & delete LB: botter

Thete is a barb who soloed 150 again in seasons. I do not know anything about the soecufics if the clear.

So, in the end, you can bot, use thud or/and any kind of script, helper, macro or cheat you can find on the net, but you get banned for a known bug existing from ptr. Ahhahahhahahahha


maybe time to help players from d2 ?

top100 ladder = 90% bots

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This leads to people keeping 10K paragons… They just stop bottling and they know exactly when to stop. Banwaves are crap. And I don’t know any other company doing anti cheat like that.

I simply find your way of using one kinda famous streamer as a martyr: The Eggman as both none clever and not needed. So brute force should be for more severe actions and not when using the same exploit as 1000s have used without penalty. There have been so much going on which we have heard from streams and other media, which you should clearly have be taken action against, but what you failed to do. The guy tried to show you: Blizzard the Exploit, possibly in the wrong way of doing it, but still as an effort to try to tell you that there is a problem and you haven’t done anything yet to show you was about to take actions, by such harsh action you have arisen peoples rage and not done any good for the game community in a whole. You could have done so much less severe actions to the guy, while you have taken away his bread and butter this way, because he earned through his Blizz channel what gave him butter on his bread. If you say think before your gamers act. I would just remind you to do the same.

Regards Gnaupot

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I just watched this clear and he does do it legit, however, ONLY because unlike what the patch notes say, the Angels can still kill the RG. Which is exactly what happened. I bet he couldn’t have killed the RG solo without them. He could barely kill the trash that triggered the cascading effects he set up.

So Blizzard if you are watching, this is an easy fix and you don’t have to destroy the season for everyone. Just nerf the Angels.

It didn’t raise my rage one little bit. It did some good for the game community, one less cheater on the leaderboards.


  1. For a company to be taken seriously they have to walk their talk and they walked it.
  2. ‘Perhaps’ (used VERY loosely) singling out someone that many seem to like is not well-liked. I do not see anyone else that cheated putting their hands up to be completely banned and admitting they cheated? It does strike the point home that cheating will no longer be tolerated.
  3. It has already been suggested that they are looking through the prior solo GR’s systematically and seeing who else is involved and will take action. Anyone that thinks they cannot, good luck with that.

If you cheated and think that group assistance in SOLO mode is still solo and not cheating, maybe buy a dictionary.

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  1. They need to walk it consistently.
  2. They have done similar things but because they don’t do #1, it’s never reinforced and the effect wears off pretty quickly.

The one I’m talking about has 300+ hours uptime. Not to be confused with the first one who was a blatant cheat.

Apologies, my bad. Sorry.

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I’ve played in only a few of the last 19 seasons, and not this one, so none of this is directly relevant to me.

Just wanted to say though if the current D3 team continues to feel it is a top priority to keep solo players from getting on an even playing field with group players, and to prevent UI customization, I am likely to continue missing seasons for the foreseeable future.

I really wish the team would focus on delivering casual fun to the millions of non-competitive players who bought this game with no interest whatsoever in leaderboards, and a lot of interest in playing solo, vs. optimizing everything around the 1% of the 1% who are competing for the top spots and who already enjoy the benefits of so many optimized mechanics that there is no way a regular player is ever going to achieve results like theirs anyway.

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Thank you Nev! I am liking the open communication against cheaters. Now… Time for some action :metal:

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Since i’m a Diablo Player as well as a student of law i’d like to comment on this topic.
As i read the statement it seems as Blizzard does not understand the questions of legality involved.
There is a legal principle called “nulla poena sine lege” (lat.: no punishment without law).
Eggmans behaviour was never explicitly sanctioned.
When talking about a “group buff” i’m not even sure what you are reffering to. Surely enough not the seasonal theme which clearly does apply to solo play.
The developement team did implement a shortcut for seasonal players to progress faster than usual. They also implemented the way Grifts work in group play and in accordance to players declining Grift participation. Combining those two game mechanics Eggman found an even faster shortcut and used it.
He did not use third party addons, nor any kind of external alteration of the game. He merely just used the given mechanics.
You can state the outcome of the behaviour was unintended and delete any progress achieved that way. You can forbidde future behaviour like that and sanction it accordingly. But you can not penalize Eggman for rules that were not put in place and punishments not prospected by the time of the deed. That would be unjust and unreasonable.
Nulla poena sine lege.
It may take years of legal education to understand this question correctly and might be difficult to grasp for legal amateurs. That’s why i felt i had to weight in on this and tried my best putting it in layman’s terms.

Also pls let pets pick up mats. And we need more stash tabs. Thx!


Every player agreed to the End User License Agreement…

You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

ii Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

Since you feel the need to chime in, with an opener like that, perhaps you should fully read the Terms of Service we all agreed to, upon creating an account here. Blizzard, at their own discretion can do exactly what they did, see below, since you wanted to put it in “simple lamans terms”, I’ll lay out exactly where you need to read.



Diablo 3 isn’t a court of law it’s a video game. They can ban you for whatever reason they deem fit, and you agreed to let them do it.


I commend you. Continue your studies and best of luck on your bar exam.  

How long do you think Blizzard Entertainment has been in business? (Rhetorical question)

Blizzard Entertainment has never spared expenses when it came to developing games. It costs a ton of money to bring in all the people involved in making a computer game. Especially for artists, composers/musicians and voice actors; just to name a few.

You don’t think they spare expenses when hiring a legal team to represent them in litigation, if necessary, or drawing up legal documents, do you? (Another rhetorical question)

That may be the single, one true, accurate statement you made in your entire post.

I agree. However, some friendly advice for you:

  • Put down the computer video games and spend more time studying law.
  • Concentrate on preparing yourself for your bar exam.
  • If and when you pass the bar, spend the time, you would be playing games, researching your clients’ case(s) to better represent them in court.

In the meantime, you might want to read through these documents.

Blizzard Legal

Maybe you’ll learn something that will help with your studies.  

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