[Updated] Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics

you can go on all the map and kill mobs , if you’re kill streak continue you can go to 1000.

the only thing they change ( too late perhaps ) but , in normal play style you don’t go out of GR to grab buffs and come back in .
the buff reset when you clic on the portal to GR by normal play mode .

i don’t speak of the sentence because i don’t want to flame one or other party .

if they can purge Bnet servers from cheaters , i’m fine with it for the players who try hardly to go to the top of the leaderboards by normal method .

For THUD , i don’t know what is it but if i understand right you can see what quality legendary or set items are on the ground without go to the book . For ME it’s not very attractive , and the total discover map neither .
But it’s my think of old man who plays D3 for pleasure and because it’s a game and i don’t play my life on it .

You clearly dont play diablo very much. Just a chatter in forums it seems


It is absolutely ridiculous to ban someone for simply using the game as provided. He didn’t use any external tools nor did he cause harm to other players aside from the leaderboard.

It’s completely logical to remove him from the leaderboard altogether, issue a statement and roll out a patch. It feels disgusting to ban someone for using a flaw in the devs implementation. Be happy he found it out and apologize for letting it slip by in the first place.


This is sooo stupid IMO, blizzard is basically slapping people on the hand for figuring out a way to play the game better, faster and smarter. You guys programmed the game, you guys made the new sets but we the players get punished for being smart and then we get told that we are not playing the game the right way and you guys nerf the stuff you just built! Tell me how that makes any sense at all. The necro that we paid extra $$$ for is now dead outside of the bone spirit build to which you will likely say is cheating per your own description “cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;” so by using the bone spirit (example) to kill an RG and because my brain is an advantage over other players blizzard could say I was cheating when in fact everyone else is just to dumb to understand the mechanics of it. Explain it to me like I’m a 3 year old because I don’t get it…hey, where do I pick up my participation trophy at?..


…or… made available as a default feature to everyone! Because Fog of War is only good for Compaign mode. No need really for it in Adventure mode. It doesn’t add any challenge only frustration of finding yourself in dead ends and having to get back on track. If you see the map at least 2 screens away there 's much more possibilities for tactics as you think ahead your route and where pylons might be. On the other hand with hidden map if you see the exit you just rush to it even if there are some good elite packs just couple of yards left or right.
Actually TH has lots of good and useful features apart from maphack but Blizzards are too lazy to implement them in D3.


Excellent. And how do I achieve a 1,000 monster kill-streak now to summon the event boss?

Nevalist, it is already late. This game is already so corrupted with botters and THUD because you developers ignored cheaters for more than 2 years.

You are too late that it cannot cure Stage 4 cancer state of Diablo 3. We asked you +100000 times to ban botters but you ignored all of them.

I am not even sure whether you can banwave all botters because they take over 80% of the leaderboard. Please open the season leaderboard and calculate their playtime per day (especially, Asia Server is the most corrupted). Can you delete all of these stage 4 cancer cells?


I’ll believe I when I see it. Won’t hold my breath.

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Gr8 work and now do something about all the ppl botting in D3. Top Barb EU have 339 hours played on 20 days of the season its 17hour a day ,unless he is total nolifer he is botting like 50% on the leaderboard.

So when in doubt leave it out philosophy works here. This means that if you are not sure about something then omit it. Or as in the case of exploits if you are not sure that using it will cause your account to be banned then don’t do it.

It’s funny how they patched this so fast and it really effects no one but can’t fix or figure out the grouping, season, friend list bug.

Get rid of leaderboards and this “exploit” would barely register a blip. But we understand why, you keep the Leaderboards around to keep people around and playing the game.


Throughout history, the only way human beings paid any attention to laws, rules or guidelines, was when the penalty for breaching them was harsh and then enforced by example. It’s like locks, cameras, steel bars and any security,. It only stops honest people. But enforce the penalty for breach and only the die hard cheaters and criminals keep going.

In saying that, sure it’s a harsh penalty but it will make a lot of people think twice and think that maybe the promise to kill off the botters and cheaters might be true. I hope so.

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So today I was running a GR and needed to repair my armor. I got a shield pylon and thought I would use this opportunity to port to town, repair the armor and get back in. Well when I returned, the shield was gone. I had Flavor of Time on, so the shield should have stayed up for 2 minutes. Instead, I’m guessing the fix for this exploit also broke a very reasonable thing for a player to do… repair your armor while you’ve got a shield and not taking damage.

The Devs have introduced several UI elements similar to those found in it, because and they have stated, it does have a few things that enhance the gameplay experience and this part is important while still following what their overall idea for how the game should play

The Map Hack part of it is an unfortunately giving players that use it an advantage that they feel is not congruent – they dont want you seeing where mobs are beforehand for a reason. They feel this does not enhance the gameplay.

See the thing here is… lets say you play Hardcore, in a game known for lagging in certain meta’s lagging as in straight locking for 30s->1m like Firebats … oh that was a blast, you maaaaay just may wanna know where your Sanc actually is on the ground because you are responsible for the characters of 3 other people that worked hard to get their gear despite d/c’s and poodlecorp and other non natural deaths

The problem truly is that there is too much visual clutter, from what I remember in PoE you can tell what monsters are debuffed from what through indicators-- in most games in general an ability tends to give some indication it has taken effect and you know what… the same is true in Diablo, but you literally cant see because youre either moving too fast or too many mobs on screen.

so i think what people are saying is, if you really want people to stop using TH, sure go ahead and start banning the most knowledgeable people in the game, generally the most helpful, for something that amongst the Diablo Elite is considered somewhat legit, certainly not as bad as botting, or people who manipulate systems to make sure they can get certain things back from a death
Make some notable UI changes to counteract the fact we literally cant see necessary information on the ground because of visual noise, and make it so they can see which items are or arent ancient without having to cursor over them give me a preview in stash for next page by hovering over that tab, show a visual # for gems and Augmented Level on gear, cause all this does is make it more organized and lets you waste less time if you’re a player that lets say has over 2 years playtime, yet is considered slow by many of his friends cause hes not using a macro for rat runs to salvage all, spam buy, upgrade gem + portal perfect time (these arent TH features btw) even if his clan’s policy is to never take Botted Bounty bags “cookies” and botting is an insta-kick from clan. Because such a person may be an overall positive influence on the community and loved Diablo III despite how much others hated on it, and honestly has grown a little weary of running the same exp meta for so many seasons finding himself playing Overwatch more and more.

Remember this is a dying game, most people that are using this still farm their own keys and grind their own paragon, and while yes in Blizzards eyes it is cheating-- but they’ve had ban waves for botters. They have banned Botters and Exploiters… oh yes they have.

Also to anyone reading this, while it may be an advantage, it isn’t the reason you didn’t get rank 1, I know plenty of people who are top ranks that don’t use it.

Or … Or … it could be, that Shield has always gone away when you TP to town as every other Pylon effect besides Speed Pylons do go away upon reentry to town… and hey

speaking of which wouldn’t just having all killstreaks, killstreak bonuses, etc 100% reset everytime you step into town have solved so many issues throughout the seasons most notably our current issue. Like why do we need to have killstreaks continue in town…? why cant town have an affect that wipes all buffs and debuffs pertaining to on kill effects?

Bam never wouldve had to fix archon stacks from reentering, bam no super boost to hydras through IAS + stacks, bam this whole season seeming a lot more legit

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The threat of capital punishment and even hell and eternal damnation has never ever in history kept everyone from breaking laws.
-They are generally nice to have, but no matter how severe the punishment is people break rules for various reasons.

Sure in some cases, as mentioned it only keeps honest people out - but in relation to the game problem - I find it funny that the word ‘solo’ means by oneself or alone and some people are saying having others help in ‘solo’ mode is not cheating.

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Yes, some people will never admit they break the law, even when caught in the act.
With a new game on the horizon Blizzard has to take action on bots and cheats if we are ever to believe they will police D4. -If they are not willing to tell us how many they purge, we have to make our buy based on feelings. -And as it is, sadly, I don’t feel they do much to make it hard on botters and cheats…

I see many people are supporting eggman. I can tell they like other games more and wish to leave diablo3 just like eggman. What eggman did is not just break the law but also advertising it. This may actually lead to criminal charges according to US law.

Did he know he was breaking the ToS of blizzard and twitch? YES.
Is he a criminal? YES.
Are those people who support him are supporting a criminal? YES

I agree that the bug certainly used by others in leaderboard and they got away with it. Which is worse. However, this isnot related to eggmans situation because everyone is accountable for their actions. Not others. The ToS states that do not use bugs and thats the end of line. In my country tons of people use illegal electricity and people who pay their bills also pay for that illegal usage. Now can anyone tell me if am i allowed to break the law. You cannot support any illegal activity thats it.

You’re right. But it seems you’re a little bit paranoid, too. There are a lot ppl who take advantages of THud even while not using it be themselves. So you want to ban those ppl, too? If you wanna clean the player base, you have to do so …