Undoing Altar choices in Season 30?

I remember having a convo. about this during S-28. If one makes a mistake they are were stuck with that mistake with no means of recourse. Did the devs forget about this or was this a purposeful omission?

How will you be stuck with a mistake? You will unlock every node anyway.


And if you want to level another toon, just don’t use the pet (so you still can pick up white/blue/yellow items if you wish).

However with item lvl req set to one, it would be kinda pointless to not have the toon you level in full vll 70 yellows at least (and some generic legs, like Aquila, Leorics Crown/ring, Hellfire amulet/ring…).

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The optimal path is still on maxroll.

If I miss click a note and commit the reagents to sacrifice. Opps. I’m stuck with that error. You misspoke. You mean eventually one will unlock every node. However, it could force one to wait a week or more to progress beyond a certain point (ex: challenge rift cache sacrifice).

I’m not sure how this is connected to topic. I’ll leave you to the the work of explaining and connecting.

Thanks. Can you provide a link to it. Also, the optimal path posted on a site still does not address the topic of undoing an error made by the player.

You still can’t undo those errors. So be very carefull.

Yes sir you are correct. Its the reason why I made the post questioning if they omitted the inclusion of an undoing method. I don’t mean undo like undo multiple steps. Just the ability to undo the most recent step.


My reasoning was that most likely somebody would make an error on lvl 1 requirement node or not keeping the CR cache.

Nevertheless, we most likely will not get option to undo any node we chose on the Altar.

Therefore my explanation that you can “ignore” some nodes by not equipping a pet while leveling a new character.

Sorry if I brought in any confusion.

I doubt they did that. Or will in the upcomeing season. May be next patch.

There is no real mistake with the order of Altar node unlocks, as eventually you’re going to unlock the whole thing. Yes, there are less-than-optimal initial paths thru the Altar nodes, but again, the recourse is to finish all the nodes.

You have to click a node, then click sacrifice and then confirm it before it happens. You make a mistake, its on you. Also how little are you playing that you take weeks to finish the Alter? The node that takes the longest is the staff of herding and its so late in the list that most are unlocked by then. This really seems like a non-issue.

You are ignoring the question with assumptions.

Come on Fuzz do you really think that I didn’t understand the previous alter design? The previous design is the point of me asking the question.

You did not read my posts correctly. Go back and re-read them again slowly. Keep in mind that what is a non-issue for you is an issue for others. Please don’t dismiss other people’s concerns.

Since one effectively can’t get stuck at any node as one eventually unlocks the entire Altar with little difficulty, having “an undo” choice is 100% unnecessary. If one opens the CR cache instead of sacrificing, that’s on him for rushing things. It just means one has to try again next week.

Any undo should come with a penalty.

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The materials that are sacrificed play no roll. The mats are sacrificed in the same order regardless of the node being unlocked.

That just leaves accidentally highlighting the wrong node. And like others said, the correct node can be the very next unlock, and all nodes can be unlocked eventually.

It’s not like a talent tree where making a mistake locks one out of the intended choice.

I don’t see the need for an undo feature.

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We should not be looking to punish players for mistakes which could amount to a simple misclick. The game should not be designed around crime and punishment.

You are making assumptions about my statement. Let me quote it below.

The above does not state or imply being stuck permanently. I say clearly that the player is stuck with that mistake without a means of recourse.

  • Filling out the entire Altar is not a correction
  • The level of difficulty with completing the altar does not provide a means of correction and the level of difficulty should not be a determining factor on whether or not a corrective mechanism is added to the game
  • Being stuck with the mistake means one does not have a means of correcting the mistake or undoing the mistake… it does not mean or imply that one will no longer be able to progress at all.
  • You might have been using the CR cache as an example, but I was not referring to the CR cache only. So let’s keep the scope to the range of “any honest mistake”.

Again, folks are feeding in their own assumptions into the conversation when they should not. You don’t know what the players choices are so the desired choice may not be the very next node. The materials absolutely matter. For example, on one of the unlocks the player has to sac a class set helm. What if they click the wrong helm in their inventory due to lag? In that scenario, are we going to say to the player “sucks to be you… lag ate your item… tough noogies”? If a player misclicks a node, again due to lag, but the node they wanted is on the other side of the tree thus affecting which nodes are available in the next few steps, are we going to say to the player “ha ha… sucks to be you”? I’m using lag as an example, but my question is not limited to just lag induced errors. I’m not saying that the player should be able to undo multiple steps, just the last step.

To be fair, I can imagine situations where it would be useful to have the option of turning some nodes off or on as desired. I realize that is different from what the OP is suggesting but worth mentioning regardless. One example. Being able to turn off the no level req node so that you can see what level a certain item actually is. (due to that node obscuring every item’s actual level)

Another obvious one being the auto pickup/salvage. (yes I realize you can just unequip or not equip a pet, but that also means gold is not auto picked up). The option to turn that one off and on would be immensely useful when levelling an alt.

Being able to switch them off or on seems not an unreasonable desire in my mind…

Just my opinion.

Why would anyone have anything else but sacrificial items in inventory when interacting with the Altar? That mistake is easy to avoid.

So far you’ve not given a single valid reason why there should be an undo option. Every single scenario you’ve provided is avoidable with patience and logical thinking.

An undo is not needed. There are no wrong choices. An unoptimal path is not a wrong choice.

Without recourse means permanently.

Of course not. Helms abound. That’s the recourse.

Of course not. As other pointed out, a mistake node doesn’t preclude any other node. That’s the recourse.

That’s how discussions work. If you didn’t want to risk opposition to your position, don’t place them in public places, designed for discussion no less.

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Well said.

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Enough already. We’ve had the Altar before. If you don’t know how it works by now and make a “mistake” that’s on you. :roll_eyes: