Unable to retrieve Challenge Rift reward - Switch

Hey there, did anyone have any luck with this? Still unable to claim rewards. I’ve tried everything.

I have the same issue. All non season characters got rewards but not seasonal. Any help?

I tried reinstalling the game. No luck, still unable to claim the rewards. Is there a chance we can at least get a blue post here before next season starts?

Same issue on Switch this week. Unable to claim reward on any character in any act on any difficulty.

Also not able to retrieve challenge rift rewards on seasonal character.

Blizzard are you monitoring this thread? Cannot claim challenge rift reward this evening on Nintendo switch. What do we got to do to fix this?

S25, first challenge rift of the season, cant get the reward on the switch. Over a year in this thread, no responses, no fixes. This company is awful.

Same…can’t get reward on switch

Same issue for me. Looks like season 25 a no go. Blizzard can’t be bothered. If there were micro transactions involved it would be hot fixed in the hour.

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A couple years later and still no fix, same thing each season ugh frustrating

Hey everyone, if you are on console, and you have a CR Cache available (possibly in your non seasonal inventory) you cannot pick up another CR Cache.

I discovered and verified this when I had stashed a CR cache in my non seasonal character, and tried to open a NEW CR cache in my seasonal character (to powerlevel). I resolved this by opening the CR cache in my non seasonal inventory, and then resumed my seasonal character and picked up the new cache, Good luck!

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I can’t get the challenge rift reward at all I’ve tried quitting the game completely and restarting it changing difficulty switch to non season going to different acts none of it worked it did the same thing last season for me I have physical copy deluxe edition on switch

Anyone have any luck here? I heard someone say your clock needs to be synced to fix it, but resetting and restarting did nothing to help after that.

Now I’m wondering if I’m locked out until past the date change I used, which I didn’t think to remember.

Same issue. I was able to claim the first one, but then later when I did it for altar progression it bugged, said it was claimed, but never appeared in my seasonal account. It was claimable on my nonseason characters, but not seasonal. I know for a fact that I completed it on my seasonal. The fact that it’s required for altar progression, and is bugged for a lot of people, yet Blizz is offering zero support is disgusting and this probably just ended my season. I refuse to wait another week for progression that might not even happen due to bugs.

D3 on consoles is ridiculously bug-ridden, especially now with the Altar. There hasn’t been a blue post in this forum in over a year.

On the Switch console here. Tried everything this thread has to offer with no luck. With the fact that the cache is needed for the Alter means that I will not be able to progress anymore. This is just sad.

Platform: Switch. Finished the challenge rift for past two weeks - still no rewards. Yes I did complete it on time. I have the pictures to prove it. Yes I did talk to the lady afterwards. Yes I did check my mail. Now I need a cache for altar - dude it will really suck to work this hard on the season and not get the rewards.

Update: now 3 weeks.

I just experienced this today 3/13 for the xbox

I have now done two challenge different rifts for a seasonal character (only one character on account) (character created before challenge rifts). I waited until i got to the cache step on altar on purpose and now I am stuck because I have not received now two rewards and have to wait a week to even ATTEMPT to get another. Hard console reset. time check. created new characters. different difficulties and acts. And now I am just hard stuck at the altar for a week minimum.

System Settings > System > Date and Time > Synchronise Clock via Internet