Unable to join a game

Unable to join a game Join game button not highlighted cannot join any game not receiving invites

Are you muted at all? There is a bug where a muted player is being perceived as a banned player… What does it say when you honer over the join game button?


You are experiencing the join bug which has been with D3 since the September maintenance patch which was a Bnet Services update that rendered the entire D3 party system broken.

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only a party leader can join

Shivan, there are two social issues right now.

  1. After a Maint cycle a couple months ago there have been issues with player detection as seasonal/non seasonal, and other grouping issues. Players CAN make a solo game though. That is being tracked by Blizz on the General forums. Last blue post this week S-19 Group Join Bug - #84 by Matthew_Cederquist

  2. Starting in Oct players who were Muted in Blizzard games can’t make a game at all. The button says only party leader can make one, but that is not actually true. At first they thought it was connection related, but realized later it was indeed Silenced players. This is being tracked in a thread on the TS forum. The last Blue reply to that was this week Start Game Greyed Out - Unable to join game, only available to party leader - #295 by Drakuloth

Are you silenced in any Blizzard games? If so that is what is going on.

We had a brief issue yesterday with similar symptoms that was unrelated to either bug, but that cleared up in about 45 mins.

This has nothing to do with my game play.
A day after the login fiasco, all is well and I can make solo games.

Believe me I know more about these issues than you MissCheetah:
I play every day Season only and I know you rarely play the game and you are not in party of 4.

You intellectually are aware of things bug related.
You don’t know the bug through experience.

D3 is broken until the party system is brought back properly.

Blizzard is all about party play over solo play.

How did we get to this sad, sad place where it is impossible at times to join games in my clan?

Every attempted bug fix made and delivered just creates another bizarre game play experience for all of us current players.

In the beginning with this join bug, the Diablo Team was not able to reproduce this issue (which is beyond ridiculous.)

Hundreds of us had to voice our sincere horror at not being able to join friends and clan mates games in order to get Diablo Team to even begin to understand there was a game breaking issue here.

There are those of us that really see some serious problems with Diablo Team/Bnet Services Team, in that they had no idea their maintenance code would break party play in D3.

For this to happen and be an issue going on for over four months with no fix in sight.