Unable to equip Primordial Ashes-upgraded item

I reforged my helm and now it won’t equip, giving me the error message of “You cannot equip more than one of this item.” I clearly do not have another helm equipped and this behavior persists through a system reset.



Yes, but you have another Primordial upgraded item equipped.

You can only equip one Primordial-upgraded item at a time.

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How incredibly stupid. What’s the point of this feature if it can only be used once? How disappointing.


I crafted 3 Primal items and I can equip all three. On the same Character. (On 3 different builds).

And that doesn’t include players who create Alternates.  

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I also am having this issue, After upgrading a legendary Belt of Transcendence to a primal ancient i’m no longer able to equip this belt, message says ‘you cannot equip more than one of this item’ NOTE: If i remove my weapon which is a primal ancient i can then equip the belt. At present I have two primal items equipped and the belt would be the third. Im presuming its a bug !!!


You can only equip one crafted Primal Ancient item.

Of course, you can equip as many Primal Ancient items you find or loot… the restriction only applies to crafted (in the cube, with the “Curiosity of Lorath Nahr” recipe) Primal Ancient items.

See the Patch Notes

We have also added a Primal Item recipe to Kanai’s Cube, allowing you to upgrade any non-crafted legendary item to a Primal Item for 100 Primordial Ashes. Only one upgraded Primal Item may be worn at a time


So, you tacked your post on to a 3 month old thread that already had the answer.
Did you read the thread before posting?


Unbelievable. Not reading the patch notes which would’ve had the answer too is already bad enough, not reading the thread also containing the answer before posting is a whole another level of incompetence.



Especially when the answer is in the first two answers… It’s not like reading a thread with more than 100 answers before having the correct answer.

But be careful, we could be called trolls, puppets, elitists or whatever.


I sometimes think the title of this forum should be changed to: “Bug, or more likely user error, report”?
Not that I don’t make mistakes myself.

I wonder if people just do a Google or Bing search, find a related topic and only read the first post.


They must have come here to complain, not to find a solution. That is the only way it makes any sense to post about having the same problem, but not take a minute to see if there is a solution.

The difference is motive. Someone who was looking for a solution would read the thread before posting.

That’s highly likely. Many times when typing in a problem in the search field, the first item listed is these forum pages.

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