Both skills, and monster aggro need a radius if they implement ultrawide like they did in the Technical Alpha. No one should have a disadvantage, but rather have everyone on the same playing field with same radius on skills, and monster aggro.
To solve the problem all skills need a radius of how far they work. For instance the main one, Teleport on Sorc with ultrawide would still be the same maximum distance that is allowed in og D2. If it takes 10 Teleport clicks to get to the Star in Chaos Sanctuary from River of Flame Waypoint in og D2, then it would take the same 10 Teleport clicks to get to the Star in Chaos Sanctuary from River of Flame Waypoint in the highest ultrawide settings in D2: R. This is probably the only win-win situation for ultrawide users and game mechanics of PvP, PvE, and PvM!
And what with skills like multishot which have massive range but dont require lock? Are you really planning to nerf bowazon among all chars?
Lets increase aggro range then - sure lets do that so players stuck with 16:9 will get Dolls charging at them out of nowhere.
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