Ah, I see, thanks for explaining.
If clueso and clueless had a baby, it’d be named… So clueless?
Your names made me think you were responding to yourself! Major double take. Lol.
That happened with me once but with IDENTICAL player names with battle tags only ONE number apart! Even TastySoup thought maybe I was trolling but I wasn’t! That episode was archived in the old forums.
I know this is a slight derailing of my own topic but I’m just adding in some fun after dmkt’s comment!
Mar 19, 2014I used to be pretty active on the forums. This was during beta and when the game first came out. I’m still holding a grudge, so I’m not sure how long I’ll be around.
Liar liar pants on fire…hmmm…just had an idea for a new item…
Iria’s Flaming Khakis…pair them with Andy’s helm and Firewalkers
JK man - that was a hilarious read, especially the guys talking about having 222k sheet DPS running T6.
You quoted the wrong Iria lol. That particular quote was from Iria#1341, NOT me! I never said “not sure how long I’ll be around”, but for sure the one who said that has not appeared again in the forums!
Also, I never played the beta but I did play a lot since the game came out.
where’s the :facepalm: emoji at???
patch 2.6.6 has me confused. I am not sure how the changes to the game going forward will affect my choices in how I gear each of my characters. I do like playing all classes and have played some different specs in each class.
My biggest concern is how it will affect the DH’s UE Multishot build. Will I need Captain Crimson after the patch to be able to push the highest possible GRs.
How will Legacy of Dreams affect things. Will that gem cause me to change things up where I don’t use sets at all but use the Legacy of Dreams to push the higher tiered GRs. There is so much that I just don’t know and I am not sure what to do. That means I might actually have to change my plans a little for the next season.
Sure I will make a seasonal character on day one of the season and do the challenge rift for that week of the season’s start the same way that I have been doing for all other seasons that I have played. But I might wait to actually play the season until after I have figured out what I want to do as far as gearing all of my characters and which class and build would be the speed build that I would use.
Yes, probably. The synergy of having higher damage mitigation from CC with massive RCR, having a shield with the gizzard gem, and the new Squirt’s necklace is very good.
Not much. DH doesn’t use LoN builds for the most part and the best one is Rapid Fire. However, as I stated in another thread, adding in the new gem will require dropping a critically important gem: Trapped, Stricken, or Pain (all 3 of these are very important). Thus, the LoN/LoD RF build will be less potent (you might try Natalya’s RF instead).
So there’s a thread in general trying to ascertain if Captain’s bonuses are additive or multiplicative and as a result I’m wondering if these made sense (regardless of add/mult) for UE…
Topaz in helm with Leorics cubed vs diamond/gunes (no cindercoat needed now)?
I mentioned in that thread that in d3planner adding Captain Crunch more than doubled my NS toon’s toughness and about tripled it with topaz/leoric’s
SoJ / Unity (with Unity on follower) vs F&R
I know the maths about SoJ disc vs F&R…but if you ran no-gen (add SS or MFD) then F&R useless…Unity splitting half of that highly mitigated damage (plus helping with that stray spear/dart if running with Squirt’s)…
Or is CoE the replacement? CoE/SoJ? CoE/Unity? Elusive still needed viable?
I was gonna post this as a new topic to get my numbers up but makes sense to get this thread back near the top…
You can currently run no gen MS right now on live, it’s a matter of what you’ll have to give up in order to do so and whether it’ll be worth it. CC3 will make it easier to achieve no doubt, but it’ll still require a bit to accomplish (you’ll still need cindercoat).
One thing is for sure is that it won’t make F&R useless. A 125% multiplier + 50% more toughness (wraps) for shooting a generator once is very good, considering the bracer slot sucks for UE and replacing generator with another skill is “decent” at best when weighing the options.
F&R combinations are still slightly stronger than EW’s, especially if you apply “just enough” resource management stats to do a 14:1 ratio. Also remember you can’t run both squirts and CC3 with EW. If you choose to use CoE with EW, then you’re back to being stuck to 4 second cycles while being “weak” for 12 seconds, in which at that point there’s no reason to go a no-gen route.
This isn’t to say that EW won’t be good next patch. It’ll definitely be better than it currently is with multiple ways to build, but so will F&R. The challenge still remains the same, which is being able to keep up EW’s bonus on UE, a set that generally requires the player to be mobile.
Thanks DiE…i only meant useless if going sans generator (I think Leviathan mentioned that in his vid?)…definitely don’t want to be in the CoE cycle as it’s just not my bag.
Also, with Squirt’s I wasn’t thinking EW - I was thinking Squirt’s/SoJ/Unity to be even more tanky…
Pretty sure I’ll end up playing UE/CC/F&R and then Squirt’s or HFA (probably as I like having the extra passive)…
It’s gonna be fun though!
I’m going to try running Cloak of Deception with Squirt’s in lieu of Gizzard so I can keep Gogok of Swiftness. I’m interested in comparing the difference in Squirt’s uptime between the Gizzard and the Cloak.
“Enemy missiles sometimes pass through you harmlessly.”
How much is “sometimes” and is “sometimes” + Gogok’s dodge chance enough to make a noticeable difference.
I’m not sure what the proc chance is on the cloak. Also, I don’t even know if it has an internal cooldown like the blackfeather cloak (you can blame me for that cloak getting a cooldown lol). The Cloak of Deception’s unreliability was the reason it wasn’t competitive in PVP (and hence why I didn’t bother testing it).
On the side, it would be interesting to note what constitutes a missile since I think only things affected by Slow Time might be “missiles”. Thus, this cloak would be worthless against most elites and ranged enemies such as ghosts.
I’m going to record some runs tonight with and without the Cloak of Deception and watch them to see if i can observe any appreciable difference . I’ll also do some testing to see what does and dosen’t constitute an enemy projectile, specifically as regards elite and RG attacks.
A few years back Hepcat saw a dodge chance from the cloak at around 50%. Speaking as a hardcore player, I hope you see the same (or higher).
Just finished playing around with the Cloak of Deception and based on my short observations it’s close to a 50% chance (I let some Bogan Trappers shoot poison darts at me and sometime only one would pass through and sometimes all three would).
Some brief observations on it’s effectiveness. I ran a 100 with the Cloak was hit a total of 13 times during the 7 minutes it took to run the GR with the cloak saving me 3 of the times. Factoring in the seconds of downtime saved, the Cloak would have increased my DPS for the GR by roughly 8.6%*. One proc did come in at a clutch time during an elite fight and would have allowed me to get double damage on the pack (Reflect damage passed through me at least once). It works well enough, but it’s tough to give up the solid damage from Magefist or Hexing Pants.
I also ran with Gizzard some and it certainly is good, though you really need a decent shield for the absorb to work it’s magic. I ran a 100 and immediately noticed an improvement with the Gizzard shield absorbing a total of 5 attacks, which would have increased my DPS by roughly 15%*.
The down side of the Gizzard gem, Captain Crunch, and Squirt’s is the lost Attack Speed from Witching Hour and/or Gogok. This leads me to believe that an IAS Yang’s will be sought after more than ever. An IAS roll on a ring slot will work in a pinch, but it’s best to get it on the bow.
*I summed the seconds of downtime saved by each item and divided it by the total seconds in the run (e.g. 60seconds/400seconds=0.15). This represents the percentage of the GR that I wouldn’t have had the max 100% buff from Squirt’s due to not have an item. These numbers are pretty rough as there are other variables to consider such as ramp up time and kill speed on elites etc. For example, when not running Gizzard, I received quite a few unavoidable attacks right at the outset of an elite encounter (e.g. T-Storm and Desecrator). Therefore, Gizzard will usually come to the rescue when you need it most.
P.S. Gogok’s dodge saved me once or twice. It just wasn’t working for me tonight.
P.P.S. Bola - Freezing Strike is also very effective at reducing the number of incoming attacks.
I was wondering about the FASTEST bounty Setup, (SC)
I have been toying with different setups, and the one I have tried and love a lot is with Echoing Fury.
Cubed EF, Pride Fall, and RoRG.
Equipped SOJ, and OROTZ.
Add Warz armguards, with UE6/CC3. Move FAST, 3.0+ APS. What are your thoughts? Maybe wear RoRG, and Cube OROTZ? Put Averice with Hoarder gem MUCH faster Move Speed. Does Movement Speed ever cap?
It is fun, and nearly the fastest thing I have played in Bounties. Next to a LoN WoL Monk with a Channeling Pylon.
Probably fastest setup is one that uses Lianna’s Wings to get 100% bonus from Smoke Screen 67% of time (in addition to all other movement bonuses).
I don’t think Captain Crimson is particularly good for torment farming because I’d rather use Sage for more DBs since it has a belt now.