UE Multishot in 2.6.6

A good Squirts appears as hard to get as a good TP. I spent 400 bounty mats trying for a trifecta cold without any luck. I did get a couple low end fires in that session, but nothing worth writing home about. But RNGeezus enjoys withholding shiny jewelry from me, I don’t yet have an ancient trifecta Cold TP.

I got a primal perfect one from the bloodshard goat in town first trye :confused:
Sh*t thing is that I have never seen such an item in Live, sucks that I got it on PTR.

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Are you saying you are using Boar companion with UE set on PTR? Not sure how you justify that but I had 0 problems with toughness in 120… I even used magefist in cube.

I’m not as high in paragon and I have been a Boar user for a very long time. I also haven’t tried the PTR but if I feel tanky enough after the Squirt’s debuff gets fixed I may switch the piggy for the doggy.

I switched to wolf given more up time. Crimsons toughness buff is pretty massive.

I’ve also messed around with gizzard as 3rd gem in 120’s and was able to maintain near 100% up time on squirts. I removed any vit from paragon and added all rez in places i didn’t have it before (had hatred regen on chest). My gizzard is only rank 110, and it felt smooth to play with.

I didn’t realize how much small tick/poke damage I took even with all of the stepping and gizzard really showcased how strong squirts is given high up time of all buffs. RG only took 2 minutes no stricken.

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Gizzard is pretty nice, i was sitting at 450k shield when i tested on Sader, but you really have to be distant to keep the shield up.

I sent you a PM on bnet.

Just want to clarify that I tested inferior FIRE variant of UE build to be able to compare results to previous clears. Physical is stronger.

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Of course. As long as one is able to consistently hit more than 14 mobs at a time throughout a given rift, physical will always be stronger at that point and beyond unless elite packs are at the front of a tightly packed group of weakened trash (almost never happens).

No buffs or changes outside of the skill itself or mob density will ever change that, much like buffing the 6pc bonus of UE and SOJ.

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Here is a new PTR D3 planner build which should be fairly optimal with a few notes:


Note 1: The build includes vitality in places so that it isn’t 100% reliant on the gizzard shield, if you run around with 100k life, the instant the shield pops you’re dead and the shield doesn’t have a display indicating how low it is (unless your mouse over it).

Note 2: Adding life per second directly on the armor doesn’t help much. Even a max roll of about 7k life per second equates to a 14k buff to the shield. It is better to have more mitigation than shield since the gizzard itself is going to provide about 75% of it anyways.

Note 3: You can use Pride’s Fall instead of Visage of Gunes in the cube for better resource management but you lose a little damage reduction (30% vs 50%).

Note 4: While CDR buffs damage, it has heavy diminishing returns (+8% CDR equates to about +3-4% DPS) so it isn’t recommended to replace other affixes in certain places (unless you use Wolf instead). Extra RCR does not suffer from diminishing returns: every +8% RCR multiplies toughness by about 1.087x.

Note 5: I used paragon 2000 and rank 120 gems for everything as a baseline of where dedicated (but not extreme) players can expect to be near the end of a season.

Edit: I guess I can’t include links in my posts yet, trust level nonsense lol.

Looks a lot like the one I saw DiE using :slight_smile: last night

I don’t have a Gizzard to test, but played with Captain Crunch pieces and man it seemed crazy - my globes never seemed to go down and I didn’t feel like I was going to get one-shot all the time. Could be because I left Cinder cubed but also had EF instead of Dawn. I didn’t run with Squirts since I’m thinking you need the shield from Gizzard to offset it?

Also, why Single Out over Steady Aim?

Noticed both you and DiE opted for the belt/pants vs belt/boots - is this just preference or does it matter?

There is a thread in the old forum about that.
Basic idea is that usually the elites remain - so you profit from singled out a lot, as trash isn’t the problem.

It also helps with the boss - especially if you don’t use stricken and go pretty high.

Squirts takes 12 seconds to get up to full power after getting hit, so it’s very important to avoid damage and there are a lot of little attacks that can sneak by sometimes. The gizzard is very very good for this.

As Kindergarten said, there have been studies on this. Without Stricken, this is a very good passive for the boss.

It’s just preference since both can get roughly the same affixes with sockets for pants and secondary skill (e.g. Multishot) for boots. DiEoxidE probably transmogs the pants anyways into Mr. Yan.


I think I’ve been lucky to be able to slot both (via HFA)…I do remember the Ambush vs Single Out threads from DiE (et al)…but never considered SO vs SA!

Duh. :rofl:

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lol, I will be this is 100% true.

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I’ll be in game later if you want to go over a bit more details in clan chat. I chose belt/pants because my boots are primal, and pants are generally easier to roll for the stats you want vs boots outside of LPK.


I will try to jump on tonight - i got your whisper last night but realized I didn’t create seasonal ptr copy…worst case will catch up before this launches.

Makes sense…I finally got my first UE primal set piece (in season) and it was a helm with life% and CA damage :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream: goes perfectly with the primal DML that rolled no disc/no cdr/no ms and with vit/impale damage.

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Are you sure Multishot % is still best in slot stat? On helms and boots there’s not much else but on quivers you could roll Area Damage or something. The reason I say this is that currently Captain Crimson’s gives additive skill damage, which makes other sources worse as a stat.

Also, Pride’s Fall doesn’t currently work with Captain Crimson’s set in any way. It can’t even be snapshotted the way other conditional modifiers like Akkhan’s and the Triune seasonal buff RCR circles can be, it just never gives any damage reduction.

All of this is subject to change if they change how these things work before they launch patch 2.6.6, but right now this is how they work.

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Are you sure with this? Why should RCR not have diminishing returns when CDR has?

Are you saying that the damage increase you get from CDR is based on the effective CDR while the increase in defense you gain from RCR is based on the total RCR, so in other words before the various sources of RCR get multiplied together?

It’s not that RCR has no diminishing returns and CDR does. It’s that Damage Reduction is also a reduction effect so multiplicative diminishing returns from RCR is still powerful, whereas the damage bonus you get from CDR is additional damage so getting multiplicative diminishing returns makes it quickly fall off.

Put another way, the damage reduction from RCR makes your damage taken asymptotically approach zero, a very strong effect. Whereas the damage bonus from CDR makes your additional skill damage asymptotically approach 100%, which is cool but at best a 2x multiplier (and it won’t get near that).